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Political parties of the usa

In the United States, there have always been two main political parties. Since the 1860s, these two main parties have been the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The Democrats are also the largest party in theSenate. The Republican Party has the most seats in the House of Representatives.The third largest political party in the U.S. is the Libertarian Party Most Democrats usually agree with the following ideas:Many support a progressive income tax (rich people paying at higher rates than poor people) Many are pro-choice (meaning that they believe women have the right to have an abortion) Many support stem-cell research to cure sickness Many support withdrawing U.S. troops out of Iraq.The Democratic Party's first President was Andrew Jackson who was elected in 1828 and many Presidents such as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter,Bill Clinton and the current President Barack Obama are Democrats. They have 53 out of 100 seats in the U.S. Senate and 189 out of 435 seats in the House of Representatives. Twenty-six out of 50 state governors are also Democrats. The party generally promotes liberalismand is often classed as a centre-left party. Currently, the party has 72 million registered voters across America.Not all Republicans believe in all of the same things, but generally these are the things many Republicans support: Many Republicans believe abortion should be illegal. Many Republicans are against gun control and support the 2nd Amendment. Many Republicans support the death penalty, rather than a life sentence (which sentences people to death if they do big crimes). Many Republicans support the U.S. having a strong military.There are several minor parties in the United States, none of whom have any seats in the Senate or the House of Representatives.Minor American Parties Libertarian Party - A libertarian and liberal party which has around 225,000 registered voters. It promotes a non-interventionist foreign policy and is a supporter of civil liberties. Constitution Party - A conservative party that promotes American nationalism, Paleoconservatism, Christian nationalism and greater attention on the U.S Constitution. Has around 440,000 registered voters.Green Party - A left-wing environmentalist party that promotes social democracy and respect for diversity, peace and non-violence.


Wales is the largest of the peninsula on the western side of Britain. It consists of a complex of worn down mountain ranges representing high. They are called Cambrian Mountains. The highest and most glaciated area occurs in the north, especially around Snowdon (1.085 m) and often the mountains approach close to the sea.The Cambrians largely comprise the upland areas, generally and collectively described as the Welsh Massif. In the south the massif includes an important coal­field, on which an industrial area has grown. It is the most densely populated of 208 m/n inhabiting about one-eight of the area.Two relief divisions may be distinguished in South-Wales;1. A coastal plain which in the south-eastern part around Cardiff becomes up to 16 km wide, and2. The upland areas of the coal-field proper, which rise between 245 and 380 meters. Much of the land of Wales consists of bare rock, it produce not good enough crops. There are barren moorland and rough pasture, with only a few' people to the square kilometers. But this region constitutes the heartland of Wales, for centered upon the massif in the Welsh culture where the traditions and language of a Celtic people are best preserved in the upland areas. Sheep are the basis of the rural economy, and the low-lying parts near the coast and in the valley bottoms dairy farming predominates.

On the coast Cardiff and Newport handled the coal that came down by the valley railway.The number of working miners fell by about two-thirds and the industry lost its position as the leading employer in South Wales.

In general, Wales, which is the national outlying region of GB, faces serious social and economic problems, caused by the depression of its traditional industries. Unemployment remains high and the future of many miners and workers remains very uncertain. The Welsh Intermediate Education Act of 1889 created 95 secondary schools. The Welsh Department for the Board of Education followed in 1907, which gave Wales its first significant educational devolution.  

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