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Active Vocabulary

inheritance спадковість

hereditary наслідуваний

yeast дріжджі

mold пліснява

genus рід

strain штам

substance речовина

enhance yield прискорити

improvement поліпшення

amino acid амінокислота

mature m (messenger) RNA зріла м (матрична, інформаційна) РНК

target patient цільовий пацієнт

approved for use дозволений для вживання

manufacture виробляти

application застосування

tailor-made зроблений на замовлення, спеціально приготований, фабричний

damage шкода

dimensions розміри

bulk materials обєємний матеріал

mil молоти

protect захищати

Task 1

Match a word with its definition

Biotechnology unit of genetic information.

Genetically modified organism (GMO) the study of effect of the genetic inheritance on the body's response to drugs.

Genetic engineering the use of in vitro tech­niques in the isolation, manipulation, re­ combination, and expression of DNA, and in the development of genetically modified or­ganisms.

Cloning a DNA mol­ecule that, on being replicated in a cell, brings about the replication of other genes inserted into the DNA molecule.

Gene use of genetically engineered organisms to carry out defined chemical processes for industrial application.

In vitro placing organisms under condi­tions where the growth of those with a particular genotype will be favored.

In vivo the study of effect of the genetic inheritance on the body's response to drugs.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) an organism whose genome car­ries a mutation.

Mutant in nature.

Mutation an organism whose genome has been al­tered using genetic engineering.

Selection a heritable change in the base sequence of the nucleic acid in the genome of an organism.

Pharmacogenomics isolation and incorporation of a fragment of DNA into a vector: it can be replicated

Task 2

Find the words in the text to make up word combinations with the derivatives

1. Biotechnology – biotechnologist – biotechnological – biotechnologically.

2. Chemical – chemist – chemical – chemically.

3. Pharmacy – pharmaceutical – pharmacologist – pharmacological – pharmacologically – pharmacology.

Unit 2

Text 1

My future speciality. Power Egineering, Electrical Engineering

I am a second-year student of the National University for Food Technologies. I study at the department of Power Engineering and Energy Management. My future speciality is power engineering. The course of training of energetics engineers takes 5 years of studying. The senior-year students are taught disciplines connected with their future qualification. These disciplines are: thermo-dynamics, electrical engineering, theoretical mechanics, heat-transfer, power equipment, fluid mechanics, technology of metals, theory of machines and mechanisms, boilers, ovens, turbines, electronics, computers, etc.

Future specialist in power engineering should know well how to provide production with energy, steam and how to use energy-saving technologies. They are responsible for incessant work of power equipment, for power supply system, heat and mass transfer processes at food industry enterprises. A contemporary specialist in power engineering should also have a good command of a foreign language to use information in foreign languages from special sources for his future career, to discuss professional problems with his colleagues from foreign countries, etc.

On graduating from the university we’ll be able to work at a heating boiler house, an evaporating or refining unit, a power station, any enterprise of food industry or a research laboratory.

I like my future qualification because it’s very interesting, useful for the national economy development of our country. I think the usage of alternative kinds of energy and fuels in production and transport, introduction of power-saving technologies, new environmental protection approaches, etc. – all these problems are certain to be very topical and prospective for the development of up-to-date energetics.

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