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4. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group. Explain your choice. Start your sentences with the phrases:

I’m sure…, In my opinion…, It’s evident that …, It’s true that…, I believe …

1) legislative, executive, supreme, judicial

2) city, centre, town, capital

3) treeless, independent, important, unimportant

4) manifest, longest, biggest, oldest

5) plain, mountain, community, river

6) state, peninsula, country, region

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the independence of Ukraine declared?

  2. Where is Ukraine situated?

  3. What is the territory of Ukraine?

  4. What is the population of Ukraine?

  5. What is the capital of Ukraine?

  6. What are the biggest cities in Ukraine?

  7. How many rivers are there in Ukraine?

  8. What mountains are there in Ukraine? Where are they situated?

  9. Is the legislative power in Ukraine represented by Parliament or by President?

10) Who is the head of the Cabinet of Ministers?

  1. Read and translate the following quotations. Say if you agree or disagree with them. Explain why.

  1. Almost everything that is great has been done by youth. (B. Disraeli)

  2. No nation was ever ruined by trade. (B. Franklin)

  3. Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. (A. Einstein)

  4. You can never have a revolution in order to establish democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution. (G. Chesterton)

  5. Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered. (Aristotle)

  6. The execution of the laws is more important than the making them. (T. Jefferson)

  1. Read and translate the following proverbs and sayings. Give their Ukrainian equivalents. Try to memorize them.

  1. East or west, home is best.

  2. There is no place like home.

  3. What belongs to everybody belongs to nobody.

  4. Sweep before your own door, and we’ll have a clean city.

  5. United we stand, divided we fall.

  6. Fear the Greeks bringing the gifts.

8. Make a report on the topic “Ukraine”. Focus on Grammar

  1. Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative form.

Example: Ukraine became an independent state in 1991.

Did Ukraine become an independent state in 1991?

Ukraine didn’t become an independent state in 1991.

  1. The word “Ukraine” originally meant “Borderland”.

  2. Kyiv became the capital of Kyivan Rus in the 9th century.

  3. The capital of modern Ukraine started to rise on the Dnieper hills.

  4. The Dnieper gave food and water to the old settlement.

  5. The river flooded the city every year.

  6. Kyiv grew larger and larger.

  7. The city attracted many people.

  8. Yaroslav the Wise ordered many beautiful churches to be built.

  9. Bohdan Khmelnitsky played an important part in Ukrainian history.

10) Victor Vasnetsov painted many icons and frescoes for Volodymyr Cathedral.

  1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into Past Simple (consult the table of irregular verbs using the appendix).

  1. The Dnieper (to help) in the city’s trade and development, but sometimes it also (to destroy) crops and (to take away) people’s lives.

  2. Rich people (to settle) on the hills while common people (to live) in the lower part of the city, which later (to develop) into a busy trading district.

  3. The Golden Gates (to be) the entrance to the city in ancient times.

  4. The first monks (to settle) in the caves on the left bank of the Dnieper and (to give) the beginning of Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. It (to be) an outstanding cultural centre where many famous people (to live) and (to work).

  5. The first president of Ukraine (to be) Leonid Kravchuk. In 1994 people (to elect) a new president, Leonid Kuchma.

  6. The Verhovna Rada (to adopt) the Constitution of Ukraine on June, 28, 1996.

  7. Before his death Yaroslav the Wise (to divide) the country between his sons and grandsons.

  8. The trident (to be) a mark of authority and a mystic symbol of several ethnic groups which (to inhabit) Ukrainian territory.

  9. The famous Ukrainian philosopher Hryhory Skovoroda (to visit) Sumy several times.

10) Bohdan Khmelnitsky (to head) the Ukrainian war of independence.

  1. Read and translate the sentences. Put special questions to them beginning with the words What?(Who?) and When?

Example 1: Donetsk was founded in 1869.

What city was founded in 1869?

When was Donetsk founded?

Example 2: The river Kharkiv appeared on the Russian maps in 1627.

What appeared on the Russian maps in 1627?

When did the river Kharkiv appear on the Russian maps?

    1. Ukraine got its own anthem in 1949.

    2. The new constitution of Ukraine was adopted in 1996.

    3. The independence of Ukraine was declared in 1991.

    4. In 1999 Poltava celebrated its 1100th birthday.

    5. As a town Lviv was first mentioned in 1256.

    6. Dniepropetrovsk was founded in 1776.

    7. In 1772 Halychina became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

    8. The Lviv University was opened in 1784.

    9. In 1653 the Zemsky Sobor adopted a decision to reunite Russia and Ukraine.

10) Taras Sevchenko published his first book of poems “Kobzar” in 1840.