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5. Answer the questions:

  1. When was Robert Koch born?

  2. What did Koch discover in 1882?

  3. What did Koch describe in his report made in the Berlin Physiological Society?

  4. Did Koch manage to publish his work?

  5. How was the bacterium renamed?

  6. What Prize did Robert Koch get for his work on tuberculosis?

  7. What was found by Koch's pupils?

  8. What methods did they use?

  9. How old was Robert Koch when he died?

  10. Where did it happen?

6. Match the term and its definition.

cerebrospinal meningitis bubonic plague tetanus typhoid pneumonia

leprosy diphtheria syphilis

  1. - a serious infectious throat disease that makes breathing difficult;

  2. - a serious infectious disease that is caused by dirty food or drink;

  3. - a serious disease of the lungs that makes it difficult for you to breathe;

  4. - a very serious disease, passed on during sexual activity or from parent to child;

  5. - a dangerous epidemic, and endemic, febrile disease, characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, giving rise to severe headaches, tenderness of the back of the neck, paralysis of the ocular muscles, etc

  6. - a very serious infectious disease in which the flesh and nerves arc gradually destroyed;

  7. - a very serious disease spread by rats, that killed large numbers of people in the Middle Ages;

  8. - a serious illness caused by bacteria that enter your body through cuts and wounds and make you muscles, especially your jaw, go stiff.

7.Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

  1. He studied medicine under Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle at the University of Gottingen and graduated…1866.

  2. Working…very limited resources, he became one … the founders of bacteriology, the other major figure being Louis Pasteur.

  3. The bacterium had been previously isolated…Italian anatomist Filippo Pacini … 1854, but his work had been ignored due…the predominance of the miasma theory of disease.

  4. Koch was unaware…Pacini's work and made an independent discovery, and his greater preeminence allowed the discovery to be widely spread…the benefit of others.

  5. In 1884 Koch published his book…cholera.

  6. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel Prize…his work…tuberculosis.

8. Explain the terms

Anatomist, tuberculosis bacilli, theory, benefit, heart-attack, method

The Founder of Virology

Dmitry Iosiphovitch Ivanovsky, a prominent Russian scientist, was born in 1864. In 1888 he graduated from Petersburg University and began to study the physiolog of plants, and microbiology.

When D. I. Ivanovsky was investigating the tobacco mosaic disease (мозаичная болезнь табака) he was able to come to the conclusion that this disease occurred due to a microscopic agent, many times smaller than bacteria.

To prove this phenomenon D. I. Ivanovsky had to make many experiments on various plants. He had to pass the juice of the diseased plant through a fine filter which could catch the smallest bacteria. At that time a little over 70 years ago everybody considered that bacteria were the smallest living organisms. •.But when D.I. Ivanovsky had completed- to pass the juice through a fine filter, he was able to come to conclusion that the living organisms small­er than bacteria existed in the environment, because when he introduced the filtrate of the diseased plants to healthy ones they became infected.

Before D. I. Ivanovsky nobody had been able to prove the existence of viruses. Dmitry Iosiphovitch Ivanovsky was the first scientist who was able to establish the new branch of microbiology — virology.

Exercise 1. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, а затем переведите предложения:

1. (Все) understood well the significance of this problem. 2. (Никто) felt tiredness after a long walk. 3. Can you see (что-нибудь) on the lateral surface of the right lower extremity? 4. Does the pain spread (куда-нибудь) when you breathe in? 5. There is (ничего) new about the pro­cess of inhibition in the report.

Exercise 2. Put the predicates info Past:

1. The infant must move as much as possible for the proper development of the body. 2. In this patient the proper functions of the heart can be impaired due to the grippe. 3. During work one must give rest to the organism (particularly to the brain and the eyes) every hour or half an hour. 4. His constant tiredness may impair his heart.

Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

1. The researcher had to include various significant findings of his observations into the report. 2. At present the surgeon has to extend his investigations to make a proper conclusion. 3. We have to increase the amount of food given to this patient.