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Фенстер_Translation practice_2005г - копия.doc
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(A) An Imaginary Tour

Architects can now "'walk" clients through a new building long before the foundation is even poured - thanks to new computer-aided design programs. Clients have the opportunity to make changes and to see the results almost instantly. Want three windows rather than two? Wonder what the room would look if the door was a little to the left? How would the room "feel" if the walls were brick rather than wood? Today it's no problem.

The process of building a model of a room on a computer has several stages. First the architect sets the objects in space and defines their characteristics, such as shape or surface finish. Then a perspective on the room is chosen so the computer can orient the view it will create. What can and cannot be seen must be calculated, as well as the angle, color, and intensity of light. The result can either be viewed on a computer screen. printed, or put directly onto a color slide. The program can also let people "walk" through famous buildings on the other side of the world.

(b) Laptop Theft

As computers become more popular, so does computer crime. And now that laptop computers have shrunk in size, swiping a computer has become even easier. Laptops have been stolen from people like the chairman of Compaq Computer Corporation. Ben Rosen, and even from General Norman Schwarzkopf! The real danger for many corporations is not so much the loss of the equipment, as annoying as that is. but the loss of valuable - perhaps irreplaceable - information. Thieves can earn $10,000 per laptop, provided it belongs to the correct corporate or

government official. Companies do, of course, have ways of protecting themselves from such crime. Methods range from the computer equivalent of locking a bicycle up with a chain, to elaborate procedures to ensure a stolen laptop cannot be connected to the corporate database.

Задание 20. Письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на порядок слов в переведенных предложениях.

Getting into the Swing

Experiments designed to study running mostly take an external view of the mechanics. Biologists at Northeastern University have peered directly at running muscles by measuring blood flow in the legs of the helmeted guinea fowl Numida mekagris. Researchers previously suggested that during running virtually all energy fueling the muscles went to generating force when the foot is on the ground (the stance phase). Now they find that bringing the legs forward (the swing phase) consumes roughly a quarter of the energy used by the hind limbs. Because running birds are the second-best bipedal sprinters after humans, the investigators say their research should provide valuable clues to understanding human locomotion, with potential benefits to rehabilitative medicine. Their report appears in the January 2 Science.

Ш Задание 21. Прочитайте текст. Объясните употребление неопределенного, определенного и нулевого артиклей. Переведите текст Обратите особое внимание на перевод заголовка и последнего абзаца.

Staying Power

People have pondered the power of nails since the Roman days.

But only in the past 100 years have nails come into widespread use in

homes and furniture. For centuries, blacksmiths made nails one at a time, at considerable expense, by drawing a short rod of red-hot iron, hammering one end to a point and pounding the other end to a head. By

the late 1700s nailsmiths had devised hand-operated machines that

could cut nails from flat iron sheets. By the 1880s steam-powered



  1. The theatre houses 200 seats.

  2. The last decade of the 20* century in Russia saw great economic and political changes.

  3. This may have a different explanation.

  4. This dress made her almost unrecognizable.

  5. It destroyed our agreement.

  6. He will have troubles.

machines sped up the process and "cut nails" became less expensive; however, their strength was still variable.

That changed in the early 1900s. when steel became both flexible and very strong. Machines cut nails and formed the tip and head in one step from a long spool of steel wire. That process allows manufacturers to craft many types of nail points and shanks that improve performance.

Simple friction against a nail shank holds two pieces of wood together and prevents the nail from loosening as vibrations and changes in

temperature and humidity expand and contract the wood's fibers.

The same manufacturing techniques and holding traits apply to staples,

which are essentially two nails joined by a crossbar. To help a nail stay

put, manufacturers may etch micropits into what appears to be a

smooth shank or add rings or barbs, all to better grip the fibers. Certain coatings, such as resin, may increase friction, too. although others may not. "Different manufacturers make different claims, but little scientific research has been done on coatings." says Ron Wolfe, a research engineer at the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory in Madison. Wis., which tests the properties of nails.

Most people take nails for granted, but their simple yet powerful physics make them vital tools. English poet George Herbert reminded his contemporaries of their worth in his early 1600s work Jacula Prudentum

(first three lines that follow), extended by other, unknown enthusiasts

(final two lines): "For want of о nail the shoe is lost / For want of я shoe the horse is lost / For want of a horse the rider is lost / For w ant of a rider the battle is lost / For want of a battle the kingdom is lost."

ponder - размышлять staple - скоба

pound /'paund/ - колотить, вбивать crossbar - поперечина

spool - катушка etch - травить, вытравливать

shank - стержень barb - заусенец

Ш Грамматические трансформации при переводе Грамматические замены

Подлежащее английского предложения превращается в объект или обстоятельство в русском предложении

Часто используют преобразования, в которых подлежащее английского предложения в переводе становится обстоятельством или объектом действия. Сравните английские предложения и их перевод:

  1. В театре имеются 200 мест.

  2. В последнее десятилетие 20 века в России произошли большие экономические и политические изменения.

  3. Этому может быть другое объяснение.

  4. Из-за этого платья она изменилась почти до неузнаваемости.

  5. Из-за этого стало недействи­тельным наше соглашение.

  6. У «его будут проблемы.

Задание 22. При переводе следующих предложений преобразуйте подлежащее английского предложения в обстоятельство или объект. Обратите внимание на преобразование глагола.

  1. The past decade has brought about a number of investigations into the physical and chemical properties of these substances.

  2. This year sees Britain's labor and trade union movement confronted with serious political challenges.



  1. The latest newspaper article has quoted wonderful rescue cases of some people.

  2. The company had seventy employees in the main office.

  3. Inflation has triggered off barter, the most primitive form of trade.

  4. These inventors lacked funds and had to sell their company.

  5. Oil has always been the subject of heated debate in Norway.

  6. No doubt the foreign reader finds it amusing and exotic.

  7. Sweden and Japan, the leaders in robotization. had long had lower unemployment levels than other Western countries.

И Номинализация

Еше одним видом переводческих преобразований является номинализация, то есть употребление в переводе, если позволяет контекст, отглагольных существительных вместо глагольных форм, а также определений, выраженных прилагательными в сравнительной степени, причастиями 1 и П. означающими переход в новое состояние (сокращение, уменьшение, увеличение). Такая трансформация приводит к «опредмечиванию действий и процессов».

West-Siberian Steel Corporation is На ЗСМК происходитconstantly developing metals production, постоянное развитие

металлургического производства.

Import is being increased. Продолжается рост импорта.

Continued experiments showed.... Продолжение экспериментов


Задание 23. Переведите предложения, используя прием нохшнализации.

1. In the early republic, it was common that most American women worked at home making soap, candles, shoes and other necessities for their families.

  1. When the industrial revolution came in the 19lh century, some worked for pay at home, using the machines and textiles supplied by merchants to produce clothes for the market.

  2. Thereafter (впоследствии), women expanded into sales, domestic service, teaching and other occupations.

  3. Expectations,flowered in the even more prosperous 1950s and 1960s.

  4. Things changed substantially after the ascent of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s.

  5. Increased taxes, reduced production and delayed wages considerably lowered people's living standards.

  6. Growing ecological movement is a sign of the time.

ID Словосочетания с отглагольными существительными часто используются при переводе английских существительных в роли подлежащего. Например:

This transaction will help to Заключение этой сделки поможетsolve a lot of problems. решить многие проблемы.

Задание 24. Переведите предложения, восстановив при существительном в роли подлежащего отглагольное существительное.

1. The government resolution equalizing customs duties on second-hand

imported vehicles will simplify these arrivals.1

  1. Talks on these problems are necessary.

  2. This new keyboard changes the work on the computer.

  3. Such lessons will help students to understand the subject better.

  4. Esperanto as an international language could promote friendship and

understanding among people of the world.

6. Research in that field has hit dead end.

А Задание 25. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий.

1 Импортные поставки




2. формаль­ное подлежа­щее

З.номинализа-ция глагола

4.5. формаль­ное подлежа­щее 6. инверсия

  1. атрибутивная группа

  2. атрибутивная группа

  1. номинилиза-ция глагола

  2. номинилиза-ция глагола

  3. номинилиза-ция глагола

  1. перевод глаго­лом

  2. перевод глаго­лом

(1) System identification has arisen in different areas of application where the system model is unspecified (2) but one wants to predict the system response, to regulate the system, or to simulate the system. (3) To perform system identification requires three steps: structure determination, parameter identification, and model verification. Before solving the parameter identification problem. (4) one would address the problem of identifiability of parameters. Clearly. (5) one would not select a model structure whose parameters cannot be identified. Thus (6) it is the question of parameters identifiability that one considers to be central in the procedures for system identification.

А Задание 26. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий.

At present. Korea's eight regionally-based technoparks (1) put enormous effort into responding to others' expectations that they play their role as regional technology innovation centers (2) with an affinity1 to regional uniqueness. People have come to recognize (3) that Korean technoparks cannot be the same as other existing, successful science parks in other countries. Meanwhile, technoparks in Korea have understood (4) the unique conditions of Korean industry and history and have not hesitated (5) to transform their shapes, differentiating themselves from others. Thus, they are found to be successful in setting up (6) a Regional innovation system and in positioning (7) themselves as regional technology innovation leaders.

1 родство, сходство,тяготение

Л> Задание 27. Письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на порядок слов в предложениях с точки зрения новой (рема) и старой (тема) информации.