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Exercise 4

Choose the correct alternative.

a. There are a lot/a lot of more students studying English this year.

b. How much did we make yesterday? $2000? - No, much less/ a few less than that.

с You've had enough food already and you can't have any/ some more.

d.There are much more/ many more people giving up smoking these days.

e. Newspapers have many less/ much less freedom than you think.

f. Lots more/ lots of more young people are passing their driving test first time.

g. I'll help myself to some more/ any more of these vegetables.

h. Have what you like. There are plenty more/ much more where these come from.

i. There's been a lot less/ many less interest in this idea than we expected.

j. We've had no less/ no fewer than forty applicants for this job.

k. We need many more/ much more of this material, but it is hard to get.

1. Do you want any more? - Yes, hardly any more/ a lot more, please.

m. I've got much more/ many more experience in business than you think.

Exercise 5

Put in any, enough, few, hardly any, many, no, plenty of, some or very little.

Excuses! excuses!

You may be trying to buy a pair of shoes and there are too 1………..… in your

size and you can't choose, or there are too 2 ……………. Shop assistants are

good at inventing excuses. A few days ago I was trying to buy 3…………..

birthday cards for three five-year-old children. There were4 ……………….

cards for children, but5 for five-year-olds. “Five is a very popular

age this year’ the assistant said. 'We can't get6 ……… cards for this age- group.”

Then I went to a Do It Yourself shop and tried to buy some orange

paint. There was 7 … paint in the shop, but in the end I found8 …………

Then I asked for two small paint brushes. "We don't have9 …………."

the shop assistant explained. There's 10 ………….. demand for them. No one ever

asks for 11 “Yes, they do!” I exclaimed.”I'm asking for12 ………..now!”

Exercise 6

Choose the correct variant. Put a circle round the correct words in brackets.


How (many/ much) lists is your name on? There must be (plenty/ plenty of) lists of names in every part of the world and they must be used to send information to (millions/ millions of) people. The (number/ amount) of letters ordinary people receive these days has greatly increased. (A lot/ A lot of) the people I know object to receiving unwanted letters. (Much/ Many) of the mail we receive goes straight into the waste-paper basket. That's why (most/ the most) people refer to it as 'junk mail'. It would be better for all of us if we received (much/ many) less junk mail and, as a result, saved (many/ much) more trees from destruction. (A lot/ A lot of) trees must be wasted each year to produce mountains of junk mail. Recently, I received a very welcome (bit/ bit of) junk mail. It was a leaflet urging me not to waste paper and to return junk mail to the sender. 'If we all do this.' the leaflet said, 'we will reduce the (number/ number of) trees being destroyed'. I agreed with every word they said, but why did they have to send me four copies of the leaflet?

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