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Module 2. Movies. Tv.

1. Read texts a-l and match each genre with its description. Compare your answers with a partner.

romance western horror action science fiction comedy

adventure animated cartoon musical thriller

A It’s is a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience’s primal fears. Films of this genre often feature scenes that startle the viewer, and the macabre and the supernatural are frequent themes. They often deal with the viewer’s nightmares, hidden fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Plots within this genre often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world. Prevalent elements include ghosts, aliens, vampires, werewolves, curses, satanism, demons, torture, vicious animals, monsters, zombies, cannibals, and serial killers.

B It’s a film genre that involves suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements. Films of this genre heavily stimulate the viewer’s moods giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and/or terror. They tend to be adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced. Literary devices such as red herrings, plot twists and cliffhangers are used extensively. Such films keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats. The protagonist in these films is set against a problem – an escape, a mission, or a mystery.

C It’s a film genre involving the plot which is set in the American West that embodies the spirit, the struggle and the demise of the new frontier. Films of this genre commonly feature protagonists as cowboys, gunslingers, and bounty hunters, often depicted as semi-nomadic wanderers who wear Stetson hats, bandannas, spurs, and buckskins, use revolvers or rifles as everyday tools of survival, and ride between dusty towns and cattle ranches on trusty steeds.

D It’s a film genre where one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenetic chases. Films of this genre tend to feature a resourceful character struggling against incredible odds, which may involve life-threatening situations, an evil villain, and/or being pursued, with victory achieved at the end after difficult physical efforts and violence. Story and character development are generally secondary to explosions, fist fights, gunplay and car chases.

E It’s a film genre which tells love stories that focus on passion, emotion, and the affectionate involvement of the main characters and the journey that their love takes through courtship or marriage. Films of this genre make the love story or the search for love the main plot focus. Occasionally, lovers face obstacles such as finances, physical illness, various forms of discrimination, psychological restraints or family that threaten to break their union of love. As in all romantic relationships, tensions of day-to-day life, temptations (or infidelity), and differences in compatibility enter into their plots. Films often explore the essential themes of love at first sight, young with older love, unrequited love, obsessive love, sentimental love, spiritual love, forbidden love, sexual and passionate love, sacrificial love, explosive and destructive love, and tragic love. They serve as great escapes and fantasies for viewers, especially if the two people finally overcome their difficulties, declare their love, and experience life “happily ever after”, implied by a reunion and final kiss.

F It’s a film genre that uses speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception, and time travel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, cyborgs, interstellar space travel or other technologies.

G It’s a film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing. The songs usually advance the plot or develop the film’s characters, though in some cases they serve merely as elaborate breaks in the storyline.

H It’s a film genre that displays and explores exotic locations in an energetic way. Main plot elements include quests for lost continents, a jungle and/or desert settings, characters going on a treasure hunts and heroic journeys for the unknown. Films of this genre are mostly set in a period background and may include adapted stories of historical or fictional adventure heroes within the historical context. Kings, battles, rebellion or piracy are commonly seen in such films.

K It’s a film genre in which the main emphasis is on humour. These films are designed to elicit laughter from the audience. They are generally light-hearted dramas and are made to amuse and entertain the audiences. This genre often humorously exaggerates situations, ways of speaking, or the action and characters. Films in this style traditionally have a happy ending.

L It’s a film featuring some kind of story or plot (even if it is a very short one), which is made using drawings. It is for children featuring anthropomorphized animals, superheroes and the adventures of child protagonists.

b) Which type of the film can be

• sad? • exciting? • violent? • funny? • scary? • romantic? • spectacular?• amusing? • shocking? • boring? • humorous? • moving? • thrilling? • terrifying? • depressing?