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Active vocabulary Unit 8

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Active vocabulary list Unit 8

Unit 8.1

  1. bully v. smb=pick on smb 8.1

  2. continuous assessment 8.1

  3. curriculum (pl. curricula) – программа (general) 8.1; syllabus – general curriculum applied to a calendar (the history/​English/​maths syllabus) 8.4, be on the curriculum/ syllabus

  4. do (a) coursework (project) on a topic 8.1 write a term paper on a topic (Am.Sch.System)

  5. do homework/an assignment/a course/a subject/an exam do your best 8.1

  6. comprehensive school (Br.Sch.System) - общеобразовательная

  7. exam: pass/fail=flunk/sit, resit an exam (Br.E.) take, retake an exam 8.1 ace an exam – сдать с блеском (Am.Sch.System)

  8. fail/flunk smb

  9. grade n.=mark get a (good/excellent) grade/ (high, low) mark in a subject 8.1(Am.Sch.System)

  10. degree n. – звание, учёная степень; диплом get a degree in a subject

  11. get a good result (in smth), do well in/on an exam

  12. get a place at a university 8.1 syn. be accepted by/admitted to a university (Am.Sch.System)

  13. go to=attend school/college/university/a seminar syn. study at school/college/university 8.1

  14. graduate [‘~ eit] from a college/a university 8.1, a graduate [‘~it]

  15. hand in an essay/an assignment 8.1

  16. higher education 8.1

  17. leave primary school 8.1

  18. leave secondary school (Br.E)=graduate from high school(Am/Australian English) 8.1

  19. make (more) progress (academically) 8.1

  20. mistake/error make a mistake/error 8.1

  21. nursery school=kindergarten 8.1≈day care centre (Am.Sch.System)

  22. pass a course ant. fail a course 8.1

  23. primary(Br.E)/elementary (Am.E.)/secondary(Br.E.)/ middle, junior high, high (Am.E.) school 8.1

  24. public/independent school (Br.E.)=private school (Am.E.) (Br.Sch.System) public school = state school (Am.E.)

  25. revise a subject – повторять материал по опр. предмету 8.1 revise for an exam 8.1 ≈ cram for an exam (Am.Sch.System)

  26. single-sex school (for boys/ for girls) ant. mixed/coeducational school 8.1

  27. statistics 8.1

  28. study a subject/a language – изучать 8.1 (learn a subject/a language – учить) study for a test/ an exam = prepare/get ready for/revise for a test/ an exam 8.1

  29. take/retake a course 8.1

  30. truancy 8.1 play truant (Br.E.) = cut classes, play hooky (Am.Sch.System)

Unit 8.2

  1. academic n. someone who teaches or does research at a college or university The meeting was chaired by a leading Japanese academic.

academician member of an academy

  1. approach n. to smth

  2. criticise smb/smth

  3. easy-going

  4. encourage*** v. – to provide conditions that help something to happen Children are encouraged to repeat activities ant. discourage 8.3 encouragement n. (WB, ex.1)

  5. environment

  6. formal ant. informal 8.2

  7. friendly ant. unfriendly 8.2

  8. headteacher* (WB Reading)=headmaster – a teacher who is in charge of a school. The American word is principal.

  9. method

  10. pace

  11. punctual ant. late

  12. rather than ***– а не Children should be given positive encouragement rather than criticized

  13. strict

  14. thesis=dissertation

  15. unique

  16. vacation n.

  17. well prepared ant. unprepared

Institutions of Higher Learning in the US

  1. admit v. – признавать, принимать; admission – вход, прием, допущение

  2. alumnus, alumna, alumni – выпускник, выпускницы, выпускники

  3. amount (syn. quantity, number) – количество

  4. auditor [‘ɔ:dɪtə] – вольный слушатель

  5. be likely/unlikely to do smth – вероятно/маловероятно, что кто-то сделает что-то

  6. conduct v. (a course, research)=carry out

  7. considerable (syn. large, great, huge) – огромный, значительный

  8. correspond v. (to smth) – соответствовать чему-то

  9. correspondence adj. - заочный

  10. dean n.– декан

  11. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior (about high school and university students)

  12. liberal arts – расширенный курс общеобразовательных предметов, изучаемых в бакалавриате

  13. number, a certain (given, particular) number – определенное количество

  14. optional (elective) (ant. obligatory, compulsory, required)

  15. preliminary adj. – предварительный

  16. register for/enroll in/sign up to take (a course) – записаться на курс

  17. specialization in smth

  18. specialize v. (syn. major - mainly Am.E) in smth

  19. survey – n. обзор; v. обозревать, делать обзор

  20. undergraduate (student, program, course) – студент бакалавриата

  21. write/defend senior/doctoral thesis [‘θi:sɪs] написать/защитить дипломную работу/кандидатскую диссертацию

Unit 8.3

1. cause*** v. to do smth– вызвать, привести к чему-л.

This caused some students to question the value of higher education.

2. contribute*** to smth – внести вклад в

Many local businesses offered to contribute to the school rebuilding fund.

3. discourage* v. (from smth/doing smth)

4. fee*** (usually plural) money that you pay to a professional person or institution for their work Many doctors have a standard scale of fees. Tuition fees at Stanford have now reached £9,000 a year. charge/pay fees

5. increase*** [inkri:s] n. in smth = rise in smth, increase v. [inkri:s]

ant. drop*** n. in smth drop*** v.

6. intake* n. [singular/uncountable] the number of people accepted by an institution such as a school, university, or company at one time. this year’s intake of students

7. result in smth/doing smth*** syn. cause to do smth, lead to

It resulted in some students questioning the value of higher education.

8. state*** v.утверждать, провозглашать

9. worth*** adj. usually follows the verb ‘to be’ and is always followed by either a noun, pronoun, or number, or by the ‘-ing’ form of a verb The painting is probably worth thousands of pounds. It was a difficult journey, but it was worth it. The film was definitely worth seeing.

10. accelerated course (WB)

11. distance learning=e-learning (WB)

12. fit*** smth to be suitable or right for something We need a name that fits our image. fit one’s needs=meet one’s needs

Unit 8.4

  1. arise*** (arose, arisen)= appear

We can have another meeting if the need arises. not to be mixed up with rise*** (rose, rosen)=increase, move upwards

  1. break down***

  2. dissatisfied* with He was greatly dissatisfied with the standard of lecturing

  3. effort*** n., make an effort to do smth

  4. facilities*** something such as a room or piece of equipment that is provided at a place for people to use, сооружение (sports facilities), оборудование (lab facilities)

  5. handout a piece of paper with information on it given to everyone in a group or a class

  6. lecturer*** n. 1. someone who gives a lecture 2 Br. a teacher at a university or college

  7. outstanding** adj.

  8. spacious adj. that has a lot of space inside it

  9. state-of-the art newest and most advanced, передовой

  10. tutorial a lesson in which a student or a small group of students discusses a subject with a tutor, especially at a university or college. We had a very interesting tutorial on climate change.

  11. well run

  12. well-stocked has plenty of things in it to choose from, хорошо оснащенный

Key Language

There are several ways to deal with this

We have a number of options

The good thing is… the bad thing is

How about (+ing)

Supposing we…

It might be worth (+doing)

Let’s see what other things we can do?

Let’s look at it in another way

What other options do we have?

That’s the best solution

The best way is to…

So, the next thing to do is

What we’ve got to do now is

Unit 8.5

  1. acquire** [ə’kwaiə] v. – gain, receive, obtain (knowledge, information, skills)

  2. clear***, not to be clear about smth If you are not clear about it, don’t hesitate to ask me a question. (Listening)

  3. compared*** with

  4. decade*** [‘dekeid] – a period of 10 years, , especially one beginning with a year that ends in a 0, for example 1990 to 1999

  5. enquire=inquire* to ask someone for information about something inquire about Why don’t you telephone the theatre and inquire about tickets?

  6. internal corporate training learning done in businesses (повышение квалификации без отрыва от работы)

  7. particular***[pə’tikjulə] certain, определенный I was trying to find a particular answer)

  8. postgraduate (mainly Br.) course = graduate** (Am.) a course taken towards receiving an advanced university degree (e.g. an MA or a PhD)

  9. sufficient*** достаточный

  10. technique***[tek’ni(:)k] a method of doing something

  11. lifelong learning studying after education, even after retirement

  12. home schooling children learning from their parents

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