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U. 1. Political Education.doc
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Vocabulary practice

1. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions in Text 1.

Изучать политику; право; степень бакалавра; общество; возможности; обзорные курсы по (какому-л. предмету); структура правительств; общая характерная черта; продолжать изучение политики; студент, получающий специализацию по политологии; международные отношения; посещать углублённые курсы по (какому-л. предмету); развивать аналитические и коммуникативные навыки; частные и общественные организации; вопросы политического курса / стратегии; образование, необходимое для получения учёной степени.

2. Revise the material of the Unit and scan the text paying attention to the usage of prepositions and fill in the blanks where necessary.

1) What subjects are you taught …… the University?

2) What are you going to do after you graduate …… the University?

3) What are the minimum entrance requirements …… departments …….. Political science in Russia?

4) He decided to apply ……. University College, Cardiff.

5) Do you know that new entrance requirements ….... political science have been established?

6) What do you think a successful career ….…. politics depends ……. ?

7) After the lectures I discovered an addiction ……….. International Political Economy which I had never felt before.

8) He qualified ………. teaching Political Law.

9) They entered ………. University in 2005.

10) Have you prepared ………. your entrance examinations?

3 . Complete the text with

the words and word combinations

given below.

knowledge, including, law, degree, opportunities, political science, work, international organizations, subject, careers

Many job …..1….. are open to students with a ….2…… degree. A wide variety of policy and administration positions in the provincial and federal civil service - or ……3…… - might suit you.

In addition, policy analysis for nonprofit organizations and interest groups requires the ……4…… of government structures and processes that a political science ……5….. should give you.

Similarly, some graduates take up ……6…… in journalism, where their knowledge of politics is invaluable. Many other political science students ……7….. either for government or in the private sector.

Political science can be matched up as a minor or major .….8….. with many others, ….9.….: business, communications, criminology, economics, geography, history, sociology, and international languages. With a degree in political science, you can take more specialized degrees in journalism, …..10….., or public administration that can open the doors to many different careers.


Read the text about the requirements to the students of political science department in an American university. Compare the assessment techniques with those of your university. Comment on them.


Students will be expected to complete the assigned readings and to participate actively and regularly in class discussions. Students will be examined on the assigned readings, class lectures and discussions, class handouts, and current European affairs by means of a mid-term exam (25%) (March 21) and a self-scheduled final examination (40%). Each student will also be involved in keeping track of developments in one particular European country, and will research and prepare a policy paper of approximately 8-10 pages with bibliography on an appropriate topic concerned with that country (20%) (due, 5:00 PM, April 25). In addition, periodic quizzes may be given (on little or no notice) to encourage students to stay abreast of current European politics and international affairs as they impinge on Europe, and a short essay will be assigned toward the beginning of the term (together 15%). (Grading on late papers will be lowered by one letter grade per day. Computer excuses are not accepted.)

Do you know that…

…In each historic period and in almost every geographic area, we can find someone studying politics and increasing political understanding. For example, Plato analyzed political systems, abstracted their analysis from more literary- and history- oriented studies and applied an approach we would understand as closer to philosophy. Similarly, Aristotle built upon Plato's analysis to include historical empirical evidence in his analysis

…During the rule of Rome, famous historians such as Polybius, Livy and Plutarch documented the rise of the Roman Republic, and the organization and histories of other nations, while statesmen like Julius Caesar, Cicero and others provided us with examples of the politics of the republic and Rome's empire and wars. The study of politics during this age was oriented toward understanding history, understanding methods of governing, and describing the operation of governments.

…During the Middle Ages, the study of politics was widespread in the churches and courts. Most of the political questions surrounding the relationship between church and state were clarified and contested in this period.

…The advent of political science as a university discipline is evidenced by the naming of university departments and chairs with the title of political science arising in the 1860s.


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