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S h o u l d , o u g h t t o

Модальные глаголы should и ought to имеют только одну временную форму настоящего времени.

Между этими глаголами нет большой разницы. Очень часто они взаимозаменяемы. Глагол ought to сильнее по значению, чем глагол should, он выражает моральный долг, обязанность. Глагол should выражает целесообразность действия и часто переводится “следует”.

Ought to является единственным модальным глаголом, после которого употребляется инфинитив смыслового глагола с частицей to.

Значения модальных глаголов should, ought to

  1. Моральный долг, обязанность.

Eg.: A man ought to (should) help his parents when they become old.

Человек должен помогать своим родителям, когда они


  1. Совет, пожелание.

Eg.: You ought to (should) be more careful.

Тебе следует быть внимательнее.

  1. Предположение, что действие происходит или ожидание, что действие совершится в будущем.

Eg.: The shop should (ought to) be open now.

Магазин должен быть сейчас открыт.

The shop should (ought to) open soon.

Магазин должен скоро открыться.

  1. Сожаление, упрек.

    1. Если упрек относится к настоящему времени, после модального глагола используется простой или продолженный инфинитив.

Eg.: You should be careful.

Тебе следует быть осторожным.

You shouldn’t be sitting here.

Тебе не следует здесь сидеть.

    1. Если упрек относится к прошлому, используется перфектный инфинитив.

Eg.: You should have done it (but didn’t).

Тебе следовало сделать это (но ты не сделал).


Упр. 30. Прочитайте предложения, определите значения глаголов should, ought to. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I think you should stay here, it’s too late. 2. Let’s consult Dr. Baker, he should be a good specialist in the branch of medicine. 3. Why should I help him? He could have done it himself yesterday. 4. You ought to be polite with Mrs. White even if you don’t like her. 5. You shouldn’t worry about such silly things. 6. John should have come in time, it’s time to leave for the picnic. 7. Jerry should speak the first at the meeting. 8. The train should come in a minute. 9. You should have warned me about it beforehand. 10. He ought not to go there alone.

Упр. 31. Прочитайте предложения, вставляя shouldилиshouldn’t. Переведите, обращая внимание на значения модальных глаголов.

1. You … argue with your father, you … obey him. 2. Mothers … look after their children. 3. What are you doing here? You … be in bed. It’s too late. 4. That hat doesn’t suit you. You … buy another one. 5. There are too many accidents, you … be more careful. 6. The teacher has told us that we … write the meaning of the new words from the text. 7. Tom was often late, and the teacher told him that he … wake up earlier. 8. She told her children that they … always say “Please” and “Thank you”. 9. His eyes are weak, he … read without glasses.

Упр. 32. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I should (send) him a birthday card, but I forgot it. 2. He didn’t mean to be rude; you shouldn’t (be) angry with him yesterday. 3. It’s three o’clock and I feel hungry. I should (eat) more for the lunch. 4. The little boy was playing with his father typewriter and broke it. Father shouldn’t (allow) him to play with it. 5. It’s too dark in the room. You shouldn’t (read) here. 6. I was very tired last summer and I should (take) a holiday, but there was so much work to do. 7. When he went into the room he found it icy cold; he shouldn’t (leave) the window open. 8. The workmen are so slow: the job should (finish) a week ago. 9. They are showing a very interesting movie; you should (switch on) TV. 10. You shouldn’t (go) yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught a cold. 11. You should (cross) the street by the subway. 12. He should (check) that his brakes were working properly, but he didn’t. 13. Why have you let her go alone? It is too dark outside. You should (go) with her. 14. Where is he? He should (be) here an hour ago. 15. Don’t be so impatient; we should (wait) a little.

Упр. 33. Заполните пропуски глаголами must,shouldилиoughtto. Употребите нужную форму инфинитива. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Your question surprised me, you … (know) it. 2. Children … (obey) their parents. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I … (tell) you the truth. 4. Why … I (know) where he is? 5. Let’s tell him all as it is. He … (understand). 6. You … (apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt. 7. You … (not eat) so much bread. You will gain weight, which is not good for your heart. 8. She … (not speak) about such things in the child’s presence. Now you see the results. 9. I … (know) the result beforehand. 10. She … (win) the competition: she is so happy.

Упр. 34. Заполните пропуски глаголами mustилиshould. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. a) You … have spoken to him already. I see you know everything.

b) You … have spoken to him of the matter. Why keep him in the dark?

  1. a) They … have studied the subject more thoroughly. They will regret it later on.

b) They … have studied the subject thoroughly. They answered every question.

  1. a) You … have ignored the traffic regulations. That’s why you are fined.

b) You … have followed the traffic regulations. Then you wouldn’t have been fined.

  1. a) He … have forgotten to send them a telegram.

b) He … have remembered to send them a telegram.

  1. a) I … have taken his glasses. I cannot see anything through them.

b) I … have taken opera glasses. I don’t see anything on the stage.

Упр. 35. Вставьте shouldилиhadtoс нужной формой инфинитива в скобках. Переведите на русский язык.

1. We … (call) on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we … (attend) an extra meeting. 2. I … (not tell) him the news, he was so much upset. But really I … (do) so, for the circumstances demanded it. 3. You … (see) her dance! You have missed a lot. I … (take) you to the concert. 4. It was a very hard work, but we … (do) it. 5. She … (not let) it pass like that, she … (explain) it to him that he was wrong. 6. Although it was unpleasant to her, she … (tell) him that he was wrong.

Упр. 36. Переведите на английский язык

1. Тебе не следовало так с ней разговаривать. 2. Нам не следует торопиться, а то мы сделаем ошибку. 3. Этого и следовало ожидать. 4. Вам надо держать себя в руках. 5. Ты должен был бы вспомнить это сразу. 6. С какой стати я буду делать это?

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