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Lesson 5

5.1 Scan the text below and make up its plan.

My speciality

My name is Vladislav Vladimirovich Ivanov. I'm a student of a master’s course at Siberian Federal University. My major was “Devices and control methods of environment, substances, materials and products”. I received my bachelor's degree with honours at the faculty of computer science and technology. The theme of my research for a master’s degree is “Development of web-based ecological databases and geographic information systems”. My scientific supervisor is Igor Viktorovich Sidorov. He is a candidate of technical sciences and a professor of Geographic Information Systems chair.

My interest to programming started at school. When I was a schoolboy I got interested in computer science. I made up my mind to study programming and took a course of Turbo Pascal. Having studied a year I realized that computer science is really interesting and fascinating activity. And I understood that getting education in the field of computer science would be perspective for me. I also was found of biology and ecology. I took part in various contests in that subjects every year. I decided to choose occupation connected both with computers and nature and realized that a future job as an engineer of geographic information systems will suit me. So, I entered the Krasnoyarsk State Technical University and started education at the faculty of computer science and technology.

When I became an undergraduate student I decided to choose perspective and actual theme for my master’s level thesis. And my theme is “Development of Geographic information systems applications for detecting ring and linear geological structures in space images”. This theme is up-to-date because oil and gas industry of our area are developing in a high tempo. Geographic information systems applications that detect different geological structures in space images are used for prediction of oil and gas deposits and give an ability to reduce cost of geological research.

I have already created a number of image processing programs and published two scientific articles. The title of the first article is “Detection of optical heteregenity zones in space images for prediction of oil and gas deposits”. It was published in the proceedings of the 16th scientific conference of young geographers of Siberia and the Far East. The second article is called “Plotting of terrain sceletone by processing space images with linear local filtration method”. It was published in the proceedings of the all Russia scientific and technical conference “Youth and science: the beginning of the 21st century”.

Some of my programs are already used in a geological organization of our city. This organization intends to offer me a job as a programmer when I get a master’s degree. This organization works with a number of ecological information systems. All of that systems are produced by different companies and work according to different standards. The main part of the data is common for every system, but it can’t be easily transferred between systems due to incompability of data scructures. Now data exchange is implemented manually by PC operators. It’s very complicated and time-consuming process. The main target of my research is to automate this process. I should carry out a number of tasks to achieve my goal.

My research theme is actual because nowadays there is no common standard for development of ecological databases and geographic information systems. The main part of such systems is based on different software and hardware platforms. It makes data exchange and shared data access complicated and ineffective. The aim of my work is to develop a method of exchange and mutual use of ecological data created on different software and hardware platforms. This method should simplify the process of interaction between various ecological information systems and make this process more transparent.

I have already carried out two stages of my work: assembled a server and deployed database management system on it. Now I am working at the problem of

information exchange between users’ information systems and server’s database.

The method, I’m developing, will give an ability to decrease the time, required for information exchange. It will also reduce the volume of routine work and probability of errors. The method could be used by any organization working with ecological information systems. And as far as there are thousands of such organizations in Russia this technology has a chance to become widely-spread and popular.

5.2. Speak on each item of your plan.

5.3. Comment on the student’s research as a whole anddescribe its main stages.

5.4. Choose the characteristics for the student’s personality. Prove your point of view:





dull and boring












5.5.Describe your own speciality and your student’s research. Share your plans for the future research.