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Gauld A.Learning to program (Python)_1.pdf
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The Raw Materials

What will we cover?

What Data is

What Variables are

Data Types and what to do with them

Defining our own data types


In any creative activity we need three basic ingredients: tools, materials and techniques. For example when I paint the tools are my brushes, pencils and palettes. The techniques are things like ‘washes’, wet on wet, blending, spraying etc. Finally the materials are the paints, paper and water. Similarly when I program, my tools are the programming languages, operating systems and hardware. The techniques are the programming constructs that we discussed in the previous section and the material is the data that I manipulate. In this chapter we look at the materials of programming.

This is quite a long section and by its nature you might find it a bit dry, the good news is that you don’t need to read it all at once. The chapter starts off by looking at the most basic data types available, then moves on to how we handle collections of items and finally looks at some more advanced material. It should be possible to drop out of the chapter after the collections material, cover a couple of the following chapters and then come back to this one as we start to use the more advanced bits.


Data is one of those terms that everyone uses but few really understand. My dictionary defines it as:

"facts or figures from which conclusions can be inferred; information"

That's not too much help but at least gives a starting point. Let’s see if we can clarify things by looking at how data is used in programming terms. Data is the “stuff”, the raw information, that your program manipulates. Without data a program cannot perform any useful function. Programs manipulate data in many ways, often depending on the type of the data. Each data type also has a number of operations - things that you can do to it. For example we’ve seen that we can add numbers together. Addition is an operation on the number type of data. Data comes in many types and we’ll look at each of the most common types and the operations available for that type:


Data is stored in the memory of your computer. You can liken this to the big wall full of boxes used in mail rooms to sort the mail. You can put a letter in any box but unless the boxes are labelled with the destination address it’s pretty meaningless. Variables are the labels on the boxes in your computer's memory.

Knowing what data looks like is fine so far as it goes but to manipulate it we need to be able to access it and that’s what variables are used for. In programming terms we can create instances of data types and assign them to variables. A variable is a reference to a specific area somewhere in the computers memory. These areas hold the data. In some computer languages a variable must match the type of data that it points to. Any attempt to assign the wrong type of data to such a variable will cause an error. Some programmers prefer this type of system, known as static typing because it can prevent some subtle bugs which are hard to detect.

In Python a variable takes the type of the data assigned to it. It will keep that type and you will be warned if you try to mix data in strange ways - like trying to add a string to a number. (Recall the example error message? It was an example of just that kind of error.) We can change the type of data that a variable points to by reassigning the variable.