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Pic.3. Prefabricated buildings consists of entire sections

Many types of building sections can be prefabricated. For example, entire walls may be prefabricated for a wooden-frame house. Huge wooden arches are prefabricated for use as supports in churches, gymnasiums, and other buildings. Concrete beams, floors, roofs and wall panels may be pre-cast for many types of structures.

The factory produced prefabricated components can be classified by size and weight. Small units, such as a concrete block, can be handled by one man; medium size units such as a floor or wall panel can be handled by simple mechanical equipment; large prefabricated units, such as a mobile house, can be handled only by heavy mechanical equipment. Large units are moved by cranes and even helicopters.

The level of industrialization and the need of the building industry in a particular country have been the two primary factors affecting the use of prefabrication. In the former USSR, for instance, most apartment houses built after World War II relied heavily on the use of large prefabricated elements. In Europe, prefabricated elements have been used for apartment houses, although to a much lesser extent than in the USSR. The building industry in the United States has been much more reluctant to accept the advantages of presstresing with prefabrication.

Prefabricated structures are sometimes made by process called modular construction, first used in Japan. Modular construction refers to the use of a standard measurements as the basis for all building materials. The size of the module may vary considerably from country to country. In the United States, the basic module is 10 centimetres. All building parts are designed so that each dimension equals either this measurement or some multiple of it. Such standardization of building parts can allow all parts to fit together with few alterations. Modular parts are also used in buildings that are not prefabricated.


prefabrication – заводское изготовление сборных конструкций

pre-cast –заводского изготовления, блочного сборного типа

apartment houses – многоквартирные дома

modular construction – модульное строительство

Oral Presentation 1.The Main Elemens of a Building

2.Speak about one the elements of a building Краткий грамматический справочник

1. Страдательный залог (the passive voice)

В английском языке глаголы имеют два залога: действительный (the Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive Voice).

В действительном залоге действие совершается подлежащим.

В страдательном залоге подлежащее (лицо или предмет) подвергается воздействию со стороны другого лица или предмета.

Видо-временные формы глагола в страдательном залоге



Present is +Part. II



Past +Part. II



Future be+Part. II


I am often asked about it.

Меня об этом часто спрашивают.

I was asked about it yesterday.

Меня спросили об этом вчера

I shall be asked about it tomorrow.

Меня спросят об этом завтра.



is being+Part. II



being + Part. II


I am being asked about it now.

Меня спрашивают об этом сейчас.

I was being asked about it when you came.

Меня спрашивали об этом, когда вы пришли.



been+Part. II


had been+Part. II


have been+Part. II


I have been asked about it this morning.

Меня спросили об этом сегодня утром.

I had been asked about it before I met you.

Меня спросили об этом до того, как я встретил вас.

I shall have been asked it about it by that time.

Меня уже спросят об этом к тому времени.

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