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date. In that case, the best system administrator strategy is to tidy indiscriminately at threshold.

For large times (when system resources are becoming or have become scarce), then the situation looks different. In this case one finds that

max min πrc = min max πrc = πq .



In other words, the quota solution determines the outcome of the game for any user strategy. As already commented, this might be considered cheating or poor use of resources, at the very least. If one eliminates quotas from the game, then the results for small times hold also at large times.

8.10 Monitoring

Having set policy and implemented it to some degree, it is important to verify the success of this programme by measuring the state of the system. Various monitoring tools exist for this purpose, depending upon the level at which we wish to evaluate the system:

Machine performance level

Abstract policy level.

While these two levels are never unrelated, they pose somewhat different questions. A very interesting idea which might be used both in fault diagnosis and security intrusion detection is the idea of anomaly detection. In anomaly detection we are looking for anything abnormal. That could come from abnormal traffic, patterns of kernel activity, or changes in the statistical profiles of usage. An anomaly can be responded to as a punishable offence, or as a correctable transgression that leads to regulation of behavior, depending on its nature and the policy of the system

administrator (see figure 8.15).

Automated self-regulation in host management has been discussed in refs. [41, 42, 44, 48], as well as adaptive behavior [274] and network intrusion detection [102, 156]. In their insightful paper [159], Hoogenboom and Lepreau anticipated the need for monitoring time series data with feedback regulation in order to adjust policy automatically. Today much effort is aimed at detecting anomalies for security related intrusion detection rather than for general maintenance, or capacity planning. This has focused attention on mainly short-term changes; however, long-term changes can also be of interest in connection with maintenance of host state and its adaptability to changing demand.

SNMP tools such as MRTG, RRDtool and Cricket specialize in collecting data from SNMP devices like routers and switches. Cfengine’s environment daemon adopts a less deterministic approach to anomaly detection over longer time scales, that can be used to trigger automated policy countermeasures [50]. For many, monitoring means feeding a graphical representation of the system to a human in order to provide an executive summary of its state.

































































Time (hrs)

Figure 8.15: An average summary of system activity over the course of a week, as generated by cfengine’s environment daemon.

8.11 System performance tuning

When is a fault not a fault? When it is an inefficiency. Sooner or later, user perception of system performance passes a threshold. Beyond that threshold we deem the performance of a computer to be unacceptably slow and we become irritated. Long before that happens, the system itself recognizes the symptoms of a lack of resources and takes action to try to counter the problem, but not always in the way we would like.

Efficiency and users’ perception of efficiency are usually two separate things. The host operating system itself can be timesharing perfectly and performing real work at a break-neck pace, while one user sits and waits for minutes for something as simple as a window to refresh. For anyone who has been in this situation, it is painfully obvious that system performance is a highly subjective issue. If we aim to please one type of user, another will be disappointed. To extract maximal performance from a host, we must focus on specific issues and make particular compromises. Note that the system itself is already well adjusted to share resources: that is what a kernel is designed to do. The point of performance tuning is that what is good for one task is not necessarily good for another. Generic kernel configurations try to walk the line of being adequate for everyone, and in doing so they are not great at doing any of them in particular. The only way we can truly achieve maximal performance is to specialize. Ideally, we would have one host per task and optimize each host for that one task. Of course this is a



huge waste of resources, which is why multitasking operating systems exist. The inevitability of sharing resources between many tasks is to strike compromise. This is the paradox of multitasking.

Whole books have been written on the subject of performance tuning, so we shall hardly be able to explore all of the avenues of the topic in a brief account. See for instance refs. [159, 97, 200, 307, 16, 318, 293, 266]. Our modest aim in this book is, as usual, to extract the essence of the topic, pointing fingers at the key performance bottlenecks. If we are to tune a system, we need to identify what it is we wish to optimize, i.e. what is most important to us. We cannot make everything optimal, so we must pick out a few things which are most important to us, and work on those.

System performance tuning is a complex subject, in which no part of the system is sacrosanct. Although it is quite easy to pin-point general performance problems, it is harder to make general recommendations to fix these. Most details are unique to each operating system. A few generic pointers can nonetheless offer the greatest and most obvious gains, while the tweaking of system-dependent parameters will put the icing on the cake.

In order to identify a problem, we must first measure the performance. Again there are the two issues: user perception of performance (interactive response time) and system throughput and we have to choose the criterion we wish to meet. When the system is running slowly, it is natural to look at what resources are being tested, i.e.

What processes are running

How much available memory the system has

Whether disks are being used excessively

Whether the network is being used heavily

What software dependencies the system has (e.g. DNS, NFS).

The last point is easy to overlook. If we make one host dependent on another then the dependant host will always be limited by the host on which it depends. This is particularly true of file-servers (e.g. NFS, DFS, Netware distributed filesystems) and of the DNS service.

Principle 48 (Symptoms and cause). Always try to fix problems at the root, rather than patching symptoms.

8.11.1Resources and dependencies

Since all resources are scheduled by processes, it is natural to check the process table first and then look at resource usage. On Windows, one has the process manager and performance monitor for this. On Unix-like systems, we check the process listing with ps aux, if a BSD compatible ps command exists, or ps -efl if the system is derived from System V. If the system has both, or a BSD compatible output mode, as in Solaris and Digital Unix (OSF1), for instance, then the BSD



style output is recommended. This provides more useful information and orders the processes so that the heaviest process comes at the top. This saves time. Another useful Unix tool is top. A BSD process listing looks like this:

host% ps aux | more


















Jun 15 55:38









O 15:39:54


ps aux








O 15:39:54











Jun 15

3:13 /bin/fingerd












This one was taken on a quiet system, with no load. The columns show the user ID of the process, the process ID, an indication of the amount of CPU time used in executing the program (the percentage scale can be taken with a pinch of salt, since it means different things for different kernels), and an indication of the amount of memory allocated. The SZ post is the size of the process in total (code plus data plus stack), while RSS is the resident size, or how much of the program code is actually resident in RAM, as opposed to being paged out, or never even loaded. TIME shows the amount of CPU time accumulated by the process, while START indicates the amount of clock time which has elapsed since the process started. Problem processes are usually identified by:

%CPU is large. A CPU-intensive process, or a process which has gone into an endless loop. TIME is large. A program which has been CPU intensive, or which has been stuck in a loop for a long period.

%MEM is large. SZ is large. A large and steadily growing value can indicate a memory leak.

One thing we notice is that the ps command itself uses quite a lot of resources. If the system is low on resources, running constant process monitoring is an expensive intrusion.

Unix-like systems also tell us about memory performance through the virtual memory statistics, e.g. the vmstat command. This command gives a different output on each operating system, but summarizes the amount of free memory as well as paging performance etc. It can be used to get an idea of whether or not the system is paging a lot (a sign that memory is low). Another way of seeing this is to examine the amount of swap space which is in use:


List virtual memory usage




lsps -a


swapinfo -t -a -m

Digital Unix/OSF1

swapon -s

Solaris 1 or SunOS 3/4

pstat -s

Solaris 2 or SunOS 5

swap -l




Performance manager





Excessive network traffic is also a cause of impaired performance. We should try to eliminate unnecessary network traffic whenever possible. Before any complex analysis of network resources is undertaken, we can make sure that we have covered the basics:

Make sure that there is a DNS server on each large subnet to avoid sending unnecessary queries through a router. (On small subnets this would be overkill.)

Make sure that the nameservers themselves use the loopback address as the primary nameserver on Unix-like hosts, so that we do not cause collisions by having the nameserver talk to itself on the public network.

Try to avoid distributed file accesses on a different subnet. This loads the router. If possible, file-servers and clients should be on the same subnet.

If we are running X-windows, make sure that each workstation has its DISPLAY variable set to :0.0 rather than hostname:0.0, to avoid sending data out onto the network, only to come back to the same host.

Some operating systems have nice graphical tools for viewing network statistics, while others have only netstat, with its varying options. Collision statistics can be seen with netstat -i for Unix-like OSs or netstat /S on Windows. DNS efficiency is an important consideration, since all hosts are more or less completely reliant on this service.

Measuring performance reliably, in a scientifically stringent fashion is a difficult problem (see chapter 13), but adequate measurements can be made, for the purpose of improving efficiency, using the process tables and virtual memory statistics. If we see frantic activity in the virtual memory system, it means that we are suffering from a lack of resources, or that some process has run amok.

Once a problem is identified, we need a strategy for solving it. Performance tuning can involve everything from changing hardware to tweaking software.

Optimizing choice of hardware

Optimizing chosen hardware

Optimizing kernel behavior

Optimizing software configurations

(Optimizing service availability).

Hardware has physical limitations. For instance, the heads of a hard-disk can only be in one place at a time. If we want to share a hard-disk between two processes, the heads have to be moved around between two regions of the disk, back and forth. Moving the read heads over the disk platter is the slowest operation in disk access and perhaps the computer as a whole, and unfortunately something we can do nothing about. It is a fundamental limitation. Moreover, to get the data from disk into RAM, it is necessary to interrupt processes and involve the kernel.



Time spent executing kernel code is time not spent on executing user code, and so it is a performance burden. Resource sharing is about balancing overheads. We must look for the sources of overheads and try to minimize them, or mitigate their effects by cunning.


The fundamental principle of any performance analysis is:

Principle 49 (Weakest link). The performance of any system is limited by the weakest link amongst its components. System optimization should begin with the source. If performance is weak at the source, nothing which follows can make it better.

Obviously, any effect which is introduced after the source will only reduce the performance in a chain of data handling. A later component cannot ‘suck’ the data out of the source faster than the source wants to deliver it. This tells us that the logical place to begin is with the system hardware. A corollary to this principle follows from a straightforward observation about hardware. As Scotty said, we cannot change the laws of physics:

Corollary to principle (Performance). A system is limited by its slowest moving parts. Resources with slowly moving parts, like disks, CD-ROMs and tapes, transfer data slowly and delay the system. Resources which work purely with electronics, like RAM memory and CPU calculation, are quick. However, electronic motion/communication over long distances takes much longer than communication over short distances (internally within a host) because of impedances and switching.

Already, these principles tell us that RAM is one of the best investments we can make. Why? In order to avoid mechanical devices like disks as much as possible, we store things in RAM; in order to avoid sending unnecessary traffic over networks, we cache data in RAM. Hence RAM is the primary workhorse of any computer system. After we have exhausted the possibilities of RAM usage, we can go on to look at disk and network infrastructure.

Disks: When assigning partitions to new disks, it pays to use the fastest disks for the data which are accessed most often, e.g. for user home directories. To improve disk performance, we can do two things. One is to buy faster disks and the other is to use parallelism to overcome the time it takes for physical motions to be executed. The mechanical problem which is inherent in disk drives is that the heads which read and write data have to move as a unit. If we need to collect two files concurrently which lie spread all over the disk, this has to be done serially. Disk striping is a technique whereby filesystems are spread over several disks. By spreading files over several disks, we have several sets of disk heads which can seek independently of one another, and work in parallel. This does not necessarily increase the transfer rate, but it does lower seek times, and thus performance improvement can approach as much as N times with N disks. RAID technologies employ striping techniques and are widely available commercially. GNU/Linux also has RAID support.



Spreading disks and files across multiple disk controllers will also increase parallelism.

Network: To improve network performance, we need fast interfaces. All interfaces, whether they be Ethernet or some other technology, vary in quality and speed. This is particularly true in the PC world, where the number of competing products is huge. Network interfaces should not be trusted to give the performance they advertise. Some interfaces which are sold as 100Mbits/sec, Fast Ethernet, manage little more than 40Mbits/sec. Some network interfaces have intelligent behavior and try to detect the best available transmission rate. For instance, newer Sun machines use the hme fast Ethernet interface. This has the ability to detect the best transmission protocol for the line a host is connected to. The best transmission type is 100Mbits/sec, full duplex (simultaneous send and receive), but the interface will switch down to 10Mbits/sec, half duplex (send or receive, one direction at a time) if it detects a problem. This can have a huge performance effect. One problem with auto-detection is that, if both ends of the connection have auto-detection, it can become an unpredictable matter which speed we end up with. Sometimes it helps to try setting the rate explicitly, assuming that the network hardware supports that rate. There are other optimizations also, for TCP/IP tuning, which we shall return to below. Refs. [295, 312] are excellent references on this topic.

The sharing of resources between many users and processes is what networking is about. The competition for resources between several tasks leads to another performance issue.

Principle 50 (Contention/competition). When two processes compete for a resource, performance can be dramatically reduced as the processes fight over the right to use the resource. This is called contention. The benefits of sharing have to be weighed against the pitfalls.

Contention could almost be called a strategy, in some situations, since there exist technologies for avoiding contention altogether. For example, Ethernet technology allows contention to take place, whereas Token Ring technology avoids it. We shall not go into the arguments for and against contention. Suffice it to say that many widely used technologies experience this problem.

Ethernet collisions: Ethernet communication is like a television panel of politicians: many parties shouting at random, without waiting for others to finish. The Ethernet cable is a shared bus. When a host wishes to communicate with another host, it simply tries. If another host happens to be using the bus at that time, there is a collision and the host must try again at random until it is heard. This method naturally leads to contention for bandwidth. The system works quite well when traffic is low, but as the number of hosts competing for bandwidth increases, the probability of a collision increases in step. Contention can only be reduced by reducing the amount of traffic on the network segment. The illusion of many collisions can also be caused by



incorrect wiring, or incorrectly terminated cable, which leads to reflections. If collision rates are high, a wiring check might also be in order.

Disk thrashing: Thrashing2 is a problem which occurs because of the slowness of disk head movements, compared with the speed of kernel time-sharing algorithms. If two processes attempt to take control of a resource simultaneously, the kernel and its device drivers attempt to minimize the motion of the heads by queuing requested blocks in a special order. The algorithms really try to make the disks traverse the disk platter uniformly, but the requests do not always come in a predictable or congenial order. The result is that the disk heads can be forced back and forth across the disk, driven by different processes and slowing the system to a virtual standstill. The time for disk heads to move is an eternity to the kernel, some hundreds of times slower than context switching times.

An even worse situation can arise with the virtual memory system. If a host begins paging to disk because it is low on memory, then there can be simultaneous contention both for memory and for disk. Imagine, for instance, that there are many processes, each loading files into memory, when there is no free RAM. In order to use RAM, some has to be freed by paging to disk; but the disk is already busy seeking files. In order to load a file, memory has to be freed, but memory can’t be freed until the disk is free to page, this drags the heads to another partition, then back again ... and so on. This nightmare brings the system to a virtual standstill as it fights both over free RAM and disk head placement. The system spends more time juggling its resources than it does performing real work, i.e. the overhead to work ratio blows up. The only cure for thrashing is to increase memory, or reduce the number of processes contending for resources.

A final point to mention in connection with disks is to do with standards. Disk transfer rates are limited by the protocols and hardware of the disk interfaces. This applies to the interfaces in the computer and to the interfaces in the disks. Most serious performance systems will use SCSI disks, for their speed (see section 2.2). However, there are many versions of the SCSI disk design. If we mix version numbers, the faster disks will be delayed by the slower disks while the bus is busy, i.e. the average transfer rate is limited by the weakest link or the slowest disk. If one needs to support legacy disks together with new disks, then it pays to collect like disks with a special host for each type, or alternatively buy a second disk controller rather than to mix disks on the same controller.

8.11.3Software tuning and kernel configuration

It is true that software is constrained by the hardware on which it runs, but it is equally true that hardware can only follow the instructions it has received from software. If software asks hardware to be inefficient, hardware will be inefficient. Software introduces many inefficiencies of its own. Hardware and software tuning are inextricably intertwined.

2For non-native English speakers, note the difference between thrash and trash. Thrashing refers to a beating, or the futile fight for survival, e.g. when drowning.



Software performance tuning is a more complex problem than hardware performance tuning, simply because the options we have for tuning software depend on what the software is, how it is written and whether or not the designer made it easy for us to tune its performance. Some software is designed to be stable rather than efficient. Efficiency is not a fundamental requirement; there are other priorities, such as simplicity and robustness.

In software the potential number of variables is much greater than in hardware tuning. Some software systems can be tuned individually. For instance, highavailability server software such as WWW servers and SMTP (E-mail) servers can be tuned to handle traffic optimally for heavy loads. See, for instance, tips on tuning sendmail [62, 185], and other general tuning tips [307, 200, 303].

More often than not, performance tuning is related to the availability or sharing of system resources. This requires tuning the system kernel. The most configurable piece of software on the system is the kernel. All Unix-like systems kernel parameters can be altered and tuned. The most elegant approach to this is taken by Unix SVR4, and Solaris. Here, many kernel parameters can be set at run time using the kernel module configuration command ndd. Others can be configured in a single file /etc/system. The parameters in this file can be set with a reboot of the kernel, using the reconfigure flag

reboot -- -r

For instance, on a heavily loaded system which allows many users to run external logins, terminals, or X-terminal software, we need to increase many of the default system parameters. The maxusers parameter (actually in most Unix-like systems) is used as a guide to estimating the size of many tables and limits on resources. Its default value is based on the amount of available RAM, so one should be careful about changing its value in Solaris, though other OSs are less intelligent. Solaris also has a separate parameter pt cnt for extending the number of virtual terminals (pty’s). It is possible to run out if many users are logged in to the same host simultaneously. Many graphics-intensive programs use shared memory in large blocks. The default limit for shared memory segments is only a megabyte, so it can be increased to optimize for intensive graphics use, but should not be increased on heavily loaded file-servers, where memory for caching is more important. The file /etc/system, then looks like this:

set maxusers=100

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x10000000 set pt_cnt=128

After a reboot, these parameters will be set. Some caution is needed in editing this file. If it is non-existent or unparsable, the host will not be able to boot (a questionable design feature). The ndd command in Solaris can be chosen to optimize its over-safe defaults set on TCP/IP connections.

For busy servers which handle many TCP connections, the time it takes an operating system to open and close connections is important. There is a limit on the number of available connections and open sockets (see chapter 9); if finished socket connections are not purged quickly from the kernel tables, new connections cannot be opened in their place. On non-tuned hosts, used




can hang around for five minutes or longer on a Solaris host. On

a heavily loaded server, this is unacceptable. The close time on sockets can be shortened to half a minute so as to allow newer sockets to be opened sooner (though note that this contravenes RFC 793). The parameters can be set when the system boots, or patched at any later time. The times are measured in milliseconds. See refs. [312, 295] for excellent discussions of these values.

/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval 900000 /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 30000

Prior to Solaris 2.7 (SunOS 5.7) the latter line would have read:

/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_close_wait_interval 30000

which illustrates the futility of documenting these fickle parameters in a static medium like a book. Note that setting these parameters to ultra-short values could cause file transmissions to be terminated incorrectly. This might lead to corruption of data. On a web server, this is a nuisance for the client, but it is not mission-critical data. For security, longer close times are desirable, to ensure correct closure of sockets. After setting these values, the network interface needs to be restarted, by taking it down and up with ifconfig. Alternatively, the values can be configured in a startup script which is executed before the interface is brought up at boot time.

Suggestion 11. Do not change operating system defaults unless you have good cause, and really know what you are doing. Deviations from expert defaults must be on a case-by-case basis.

Most Unix-like operating systems do not permit run-time configuration. New kernels have to be compiled and the values hard-coded into the kernel. This requires not just a reboot, but a recompilation of the kernel in order to make a change. This is not an optimal way to experiment with parameters. Modularity in kernel design can save us memory, since it means that static code does not have to take up valuable memory space. However, the downside of this is that modules take time to load from disk, on demand. Thus a modular kernel can be slower than a statically compiled kernel. For frequently used hardware, static compilation is a must, since it eliminates the load-time for the module, at the expense of extra memory consumption.

The GNU/Linux system kernel is a modular kernel, which can load drivers for special hardware at run time, in order to remain small in the memory. When we build a kernel, we have the option to compile in modules statically. See section 4.8. Tips for Linux kernel configuration can readily be found by searching the Internet, so we shall not reproduce these tips here, where they would quickly become stale. See, for instance ref. [97].

Windows performance tuning can be undertaken by perusing the multitudinous screens in the graphical performance monitor and editing the values. For once, this useful tool is a standard part of the Windows system.



8.11.4Data efficiency

Efficiency of storage and transmission depends on the configuration parameters used to manage disks and networks, and also on the amount of traffic the devices see. We have already mentioned the problem of contention.

Some filesystem formatting programs on Unix-like systems allow us to reserve a certain percentage of disk space for privileged users. For instance, the default for BSD is to reserve ten percent of the size of a partition for use by privileged processes only. The idea here is to prevent the operating system from choking due to the activities of users. This practice goes back to the early times when disks were small and expensive and partition numbers were limited. Today, these limits are somewhat inappropriate. Ten percent of a gigabyte disk is a huge amount of space, which many users could live happily with for many weeks. If we have partitioned a host so as to separate users from the operating system, then there is no need to reserve space on user disks. Better to let users utilize the existing space until a real problem occurs. Preventative tidying helps to avoid full disks. Whether one regards this as maintenance or performance tuning is a moot point. The effect is to save us time and loss of resource availability. See section 4.4.3 about making filesystems.

Another issue with disk efficiency is the configuration of block sizes. This is a technical issue which one probably does not want to play with too liberally. Briefly, the standard unit of space which is allocated on a filesystem is a block. Blocks are quite large, usually around 8 kilobytes. Even if we allocate a file which is one byte long, it will be stored as a separate unit, in a block by itself, or in a fragment. Fragments are usually around 1 kilobyte. If we have many small files, this can clearly lead to a large wastage of space and it might be prudent to decrease the filesystem block size. If, conversely, we deal with mostly large files, then the block size could be increased to improve transfer efficiency. The filesystem parameters can, in other words, be tuned to balance file size and transfer-rate efficiency. Normally the default settings are a good compromise.

Tuning the network is a complex subject and few operating systems allow us to do it at all. Solaris’ ndd command can be used to configure TCP/IP parameters which can lead to noticeable performance improvements. See the excellent discussion in refs. [312, 68]. As far as software tuning is concerned, we have few options. The time we wait for a service to reply to a query is called the latency. Latency clearly depends on many factors, so it is difficult to pin down, but it is a useful concept since it reflects users’ perceptions of performance. Network performance can degrade for a variety of reasons. Latency can increase as a result of network collisions, making traffic congested, and it can be increased due to server load, making the server slow to respond. Network latencies clearly increase with distance from the server: the more routers, switches and cables a signal has to travel through, the slower it will be. Our options are to reduce traffic congestion, increase server performance, and increase parallelism (if possible) with fail-over servers [139]. Some network services are multi-threaded (using either light or heavyweight processes) and can be configured to spawn more server threads to handle a greater number of simultaneous connections (e.g. nfsd, httpd, cfservd). If traffic congestion is not the problem, then a larger number of servers might help