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English вопросы к экзамену 1 курс 2 семестр

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1. What members may families include? Parents and children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins.

2. Did British and American mothers work 50 years ago? Did your grandmothers work? No, they, didn't

3. What is common for the members of the extended American family?

To live far away

4. Where do most American elderly people live? Where do your grandparents live?

In their own homes or old people homes

5. In what country do children learn to be independent?

In the USA

6. Why are villages in Britain considered to be pleasant places to live?

They are quieter and less polluted

7. Where can British people have more privacy - in a rented house or their own house?

Own house

8. What is the most expensive type of houses in Britain? A detached house

9. Where does your family live? In a detached or semi-detached house, bungalow or block of flats?

10. What is your hobby?

11. What are the 2 very British hobbies?

Bird watching and trainspotting

12. Name typical British indoor sports?

Squash, badminton, snooker

13. Give the examples of outdoor sports.

14. Do you do or play any sports? What are they?

15. What is your leisure activity?

16. What meals does your family usually have?

17. Why may English be called «world language»?

It is spoken in every continent and in 3 main oceans

18. What has made the English language so popular globally?

Its adaptability.

19. What does the knowledge of English give you?

Better job, career, keeping up-to date with world developments

20. How many parts does the UK consist of? Name them.

4: England, Scotland. Wales, Northern Ireland

21. How is the flag of the UK called?

Union Jack

22. How many crosses are there on the Union Jack?


23. What is the capital of Wales?


24. What is the capital of Scotland? Edinburgh

25. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? Belfast

26. What is the capital of England? London

27. What is the national emblem of England? Red rose

28. Name the main sightseeings of London?

29. What is London Underground called? Tube

30. Where does the Queen live in London? Buckingham Palace

31. What is the London City? Its business centre

32. How many official holidays are there in England?


33. When is the English official national holiday?

There is no such

34. What countries does the USA border on?

Canada, Mexico

35. How many states are separated from the main territory of the USA? What are they?

2: Alaska, Hawaii

36. What is the capital of the US? Where is it situated?

Washington D.C. on the Potomac River

37. To what state does the US capital belong?

Tо no state

38. What does letters D.C. written after Washington mean?

District of Columbia

39. What is the seat of the US Government?


40. What is the White House?

The house where the US President lives and works

41. Who was the 1ts US President?

George Washington

42. What city is sometimes called «Big Apple»? N.Y.

43. By whom was NY founded?

By the Dutch

44. Why does the tablet in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty has the date «July 4»?

It is the date of the Independence Day

45. Who presented the Statue of Liberty to the US? France

46. What is the US flag called?

«Stars and stripes»

47. Why does the US flag have 13 stripes?

There were 13 first states of the Union

48. How many stars does US flag have? Why?

50. One star is for each state

49. What is the biggest US national holiday? When is it?

Independence Day, Only 4

50.When and where were the first recorded ancient Olympic Games held?

In Olympia, in 776 ВС

51. Who stopped the ancient O.G.? Why and when?

Emperor Theodosius, he disapproved Greek gods and festivals. In AD 393

52. When and where were the 1st modern O.G. held?

In 1896, in Athens

53. Who was the initiator of the modern O.G.?

French Baron de Coubertin

54. What is the Olympic Symbol? What does it represent?

5 Olympic Rings represent the unit of 5 inhabited continents

55. What is the Olympic Motto?

Citius, Altius, Fortius- «swifter, Higher, Stronger»

56. Where is the Olympic Flame lit?

In Olympia, Greece

57. What arc the official languages of the Olympic Movement?

French. English

58. What are the Olympic ceremonies?

Opening and closing ceremonies lighting of the Olympic Flame, the Olympic Flag hoistening

59. What are the higher education degrees in Russia?

Bakalavr's Degree and Magist's Degree

60. What are the scientific degrees in Russia?

Candidate Nauk, Doctor Nauk

61. When was our University founded? In 1969

62. What was it called then?

Kuban State Institute of Physical Education

63. Name some of the faculties of the University?

64. What faculty do you study at?

65.What sports facilities are there at our University?

12 sports halls, 2 swimming pools, large room for basketball, volleyball and handball, a football pitch, a shooting gallery, a rowing and sailing base.

66. Name some sports that our students practice.

67. What can the graduates of your faculty work as?

As coaches, referees, physiotherapists in tourist business, etc

68. Where can our students deepen their knowledge of a foreign language?

As the Centre of language training

69. What foreign languages do our students learn?

English, German, French

70. What sports titles have our graduates won?

Champions of Russia, the Soviet Union, Europe, World and Olympic Games

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