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1курс СТОМ 1уровень без ключа.docx
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  1. doctor

  2. patient

  3. Surgeon

  4. nurse

  5. +chemist

94. Finish the sentence:

To keep the teeth sound is very important for …. .

  1. a medicine

  2. Knowledge

  3. +health

  4. location

  5. chart

95. Complete the sentence:

Stomatology deals with the diseases of the …. .

  1. gastro-intestinal tract

  2. cardiovascular system

  3. respiratory tract

  4. +tooth and jaw bone system

  5. the diseases of the liver and bile ducts

96.Choose the proper word:

A chemical remedy used to destroy bacteria is …. .

  1. surface

  2. temperature

  3. +disinfectant

  4. administration

  5. development

97. Choose the proper word:

The end of the root is called the …. .

  1. +apex

  2. cusp

  3. pulp

  4. chamber

  5. root

98. Choose the proper word:

Baby has …. deciduous teeth.

  1. 30

  2. 32

  3. 28

  4. +20

  5. 31

99. Complete the sentence:

The …. is the part visible in the mouth.

a) neck

b) root

c) +crown

d) dentine

e) pulp

100. Complete the sentence:

The junction of crown and root is called the …. .

  1. +neck

  2. chamber

  3. root

  4. apex

  5. cuspid

101. Complete the sentence:

The …. teeth erupt between 6 to 9 months.

  1. +first

  2. permanent

  3. first molar

  4. cuspids

  5. second molar

102. Complete the sentence:

The most famous Public schools in Great Britain are ………

  1. Bath, Nourish

  2. +Eton, Harrow

  3. Oxford, Cambridge

  4. Nourish, Oxford

  5. Cambridge, Bath

103. Choose the proper word:

The baby has …….. teeth at the age of 2.5 years.

  1. 15

  2. +20

  3. 18

  4. 12

  5. 21

104. Complete the sentence:

The longest river of Great Britain is ………

  1. +the Thames

  2. the Severn

  3. the Mississippi

  4. the Columbia

  5. the Volga

105. Complete the sentence:

The population of Great Britain is ……

  1. over 47 mln.

  2. over 40 mln.

  3. +over 56 mln.

  4. over 8 mln.

  5. over 54 mln.

106. Complete the sentence:

The end of the root is called ……..

  1. neck

  2. apex

  3. crown

  4. +jaw

e) month

107. Complete the sentence:

The eruption of the tooth start at …….

  1. +6 months

  2. 5 months

  3. 9 months

  4. 8 months

  5. 12 months

108. Choose the proper word:

An adult has ….. permanent teeth.

  1. 36

  2. +32

  3. 30

  4. 28

  5. 31