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UNITs 1-2.docx
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Grammar tasks:

3. Rewrite the sentences in Singular.

  1. These are microphones.

This is microphone.

  1. Those classrooms are small.

This classroom is small.

  1. The language laboratories help us to study foreign languages.

The language laboratory help me to study foreign lenguage.

  1. These findings are important.

This finding is important.

  1. Those women are teachers.

This women is teacher.

  1. These phenomena are very important for our experiment.

This phenomenon is very important for our experiment.

4. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, pay attention to the nouns in plural and possessive case of nouns.

  1. The data speak in favor of this theory.

Данные говорят в пользу этой теории.

  1. There are some methods at one’s disposal of reaching this goal.

Мы имеем в своем распоряжении несколько методов для достижения цели.

  1. They attempt to continually enlarge the sphere of the program’s local simplicity.

Они стараются постоянно развивать простую схему местной программы.

  1. According to Locke’s theory sense data are the only source of knowledge.

Следовательно теории Локка, данные - это единственный источник знаний.

  1. Hypothesis is a necessary instrument for a scientific investigation.

Гипотеза является необходимым инструментом для научного открытия.

  1. In spite of some objections this engineer’s design was accepted.

Не принимая во внимание некоторые замечания, дизайн этого инженера был утвержден.

5. Define the tense – forms in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. He is not an extramural student.

        Он не заочник.

  1. The entire operation takes about three seconds.

        Все действия займут около трех секунд.

  1. They made the experiment last year.

        Они провели эксперимент в прошлом году.

  1. His research resulted in a new mechanism of the process.

        Его исследования привели к открытию нового механизма процесса.

  1. They will derive the equation on a statistical basis.

        Они получат уравнение на основе статистических данных.

  1. The application of the method results in the following formula.

        Применение результатов метода в следующей формуле.

6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, pay attention to the pronouns.

  1. It is clear this concentration is too high.

    Очевидно что данная концентрация слишком высока.

  2. It is an urgent problem.

        Это актуальная проблема.

  3. They use our definition to solve the problem.

        Они используют наше определение, для решения проблемы.

  4. He concerned himself with deductive logic.


  5. The reaction is similar to that observed by us.

        Реакция аналогична той которую наблюдали мы.

  6. You may help me by translating these articles.

        Вы можете помочь мне, переводя эти статьи.

Vocabulary tasks:

7. Answer the following questions to the text.

  1. How many universities are there in England?

        In England there are more than thirty universities

  1. What is the oldest university in England?

        The Oxford is the oldest university in England.

  1. How many faculties does a university have?

        The university have more than seven faculties.

  1. Who supervises the students’ studies?

        Tutors supervise the students’ studies.

  1. What students work in close connection with the teaching stuff?

Students work in close connection with the teaching stuff and carry on research, which results in discovery sometimes.

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