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At a meeting 4 курс.doc
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Text 3: Minutes of a Meeting

The minutes of a meeting are a written record of the business discussed and transacted at the meeting. Some companies tape record their meetings, and the tapes are transcribed and summarized. Most meetings, however, rely on a single person to record all events and decisions. If that person is you, follow these rules.

  • Read the agenda before the meeting and keep it with you to serve as a guide.

  • Make sure you know the names of all people who might speak. If someone speaks whose name you do not know, find out that person’s name before the meeting adjourns.

  • Sit close to the chairperson so that you are near the center of business.

  • Use outline form or number of headings – whatever is most natural to you. Don’t be afraid to mark up your notes with arrows and underlines if they help you organize your thoughts.

  • Remember that the most important things to record are (1) those items on the agenda, (2) any major decisions or resolutions made by the attendees, and (3) the date and site of any future meeting. Formal resolutions should be recorded word for word.

Soon after the meeting adjourns, transcribe your notes into a first draft. Organize the draft by topic or time sequence, whichever seems more logical. If the draft must be approved by the chairperson or by your supervisor, take it to him or her as soon as possible. Make any changes and complete a final draft. Give it to the chairperson or your supervisor for signing, and distribute the minutes to whoever should receive them. Be sure to include anyone who was absent from the meeting on your distribution list. Keep a copy of the minutes on file, clipped to the agenda and any handouts for that meeting. Samples of minutes appear below.

Minutes of a Meeting of the County Democratic Committee

May 12, 1995 7:30 P. M.

Attending were Dahila Abrams (chairperson), Letitia Adair, Minnie Fin, Gloria Nu, Samuel Powers, Tim Powers, Andrew Quinn, Juanita Rodriguez, Stu Steinmetz, Ju-Lin Tao, and Wendy Watt.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35. Minnie Finn read the minutes from the April 15 meeting, and they were approved unanimously.


Dahila Abrams proposed the seating of Wendy Watt and Tim Powers. Gloria Nu seconded. The members were approved and seated.


Andrew Quinn reported that Route 13 will, as expected, be diverted for three months while the bridge in the village is repaired. A motion was made and seconded to review the plans with the town supervisor.


Juanita Rodriguez proposed that we hold our town caucus to vote on nominees for the judgeship and county board members on Thursday, June 12. Sam Powers reminded the committee to call new voters from their registration lists to invite them to the caucus. Ms. Rodriguez’s suggestion was seconded and approved. The caucus will take place Thursday, June 12 at 8 P. M. in Town Hall.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45. Our next meeting will follow the caucus on June 12.

Minnie Finn, Secretary

Minutes of a Meeting to Discuss Factory Extension,

October 10, 1997 3 P. M.

  1. Minutes of last meeting held on September 26, at 3 P. M., were approved.

  2. The Production Manager reported on his interview with the local Building Inspector, and said that detailed plans of the foundations were required. The architect reported that the plans had been drawn up and sent to the Building Inspector.

  3. The Personnel Manager reported on labor available for the new extension, and suggested a program be put in hand to train workers. It was agreed that a training program be started immediately, and that an estimate of the cost be provided by the Personnel Manager.

  4. The Production Manager reported that the I. D. C. was granted, provided that the Fuel and Paint Stores were placed in a different position to avoid the danger of fire. The architect’s proposal to rebuild the present Managers’ garage as Fuel and Paint Stores was agreed.

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