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America in close-up.doc
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6. Comprehension Survey

A Discussion of American Beliefs and Values —Section 1

Let us find out how the value systems of Andrew, Mark, and Mike differ. Have a look at the statements below and decide who holds which view.




1. By spreading the gospel of success, the media greatly influence the American value system.


2. People who fail are not accepted by society.



3. Society considers happiness to be as important as material success.


4. Happiness is not a question of money.


5. The yuppie's philosophy revives the traditional value of success.



8. Cloze Summary

A Discussion of American Beliefs and Values—Section 3

This paragraph summarizes part 3 of the discussion. Find the missing words.

The participants agree that the notion of being "& is a ik that a great number of their fellow students "& to. They consider this value so important that they give up their "& and adopt the habits of "& and "& prescribed by their peers. A minority of students "& this peer pressure and prefer more "& relationships which they "& higher than a large circle of so-called friends. To those young people who have developed their own "& it is more important to be W for their independent TwT than to be well-liked as a reward for their ■& They unanimously "£r that respect is the most important "& in human relationships.

9. Summary

A Discussion of American Beliefs and Values—Section 4

Summarize how the following aspects are related to the ideal of "equal opportunity":




money family social background

10. Discussion

7. Comprehension questions

A Discussion of American Beliefs and Values —Section 2

  1. How does Mike think the Vietnam War affected America as a "nation of winners"?

  2. Shannon thinks that, "winning is different things to different people." What examples does she give to support her opinion? What does "winning" mean to her?

  3. How does Andrew view the concept of cooperation and rivalry in society?

To what extent can the values discussed by these four young Americans also be found in your country? What is your personal attitude towards them?


11. Structural Analysis

Put Out No Flags

Let us examine how the author structures his argument in this article.

  1. Matthew Rothschild makes two comparisons to defend the thesis that patriotism is harmful. He then develops his argument by drawing consequences from these comparisons. Find the comparisons in the text and show how they are used as a basis of his further argumentation.

  2. He then raises two objections to his thesis but immediately refutes each of them. What are the objections he mentions and how does he refute them?

  3. Why does he mention the names of four "modern rulers"?

  4. The author supports his argument with a quotation which he further illustrates by examples of patriotism in contemporary America. To what extent is the average American exposed to sentiments and symbols of patriotism?

  5. What is the conclusion the author finally draws?

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