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Education .doc
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III. Assignments

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of school did you go to (state/private/lyceum/gymnasium)?

  2. What subjects did you choose for the Unified State Exam?

  3. What results did you get in the USE?

  4. Why did you choose SSTU of all other universities?

  5. What entrance exams did you take?

  6. What was the most difficult exam for you?

  7. What faculty do you study at?

  8. What is your future speciality?

  9. What year student are you?

  10. What subjects are studied at our university in the first year?

  11. How many classes a day do you usually have?

  12. What must students do at the lectures? What shouldn’t they do at the lectures?

  13. Do you miss lectures?

  14. What is your favourite subject?

  15. Are you good at languages?

  16. What can you say about your timetable?

  17. Are you doing well at the university?

  18. Do you get a grant? How much is it?

  19. Do you live in the hostel?

  20. How long does it take you to prepare your homework?

  21. Do you prefer to work regularly or by fits and starts?

  22. When will your first term be over? How many exams will you take?

  23. What subjects are you to take exams in?

  24. Do you want to graduate from the university with honours?

  25. When will you graduate from the university?

2. Make a short presentation of the educational institution you studied at before entering the university. Include information about:

1) the type of school you studied at;

2) the place where it is situated;

3) the age at which you began to attend it;

4) your favourite subjects;

5) compulsory and optional courses which you were interested in;

6) how many times a week you had your English lessons and what were they like;

7) the Unified State Exams you passed before entering the university;

8) what you liked and what you didn’t like about your school.

3. What do you know about education?

  1. Complete these sentences using who, which or where.

a) A professor is a person ...

b) A secondary school is a school ...

c) A student is a person ...

d) A student grant is money ..

e) A hall of residence is a place ...

f) A diploma is a document ...

b) Prepare your own sentences using the same model.

  1. a) Helena is a girl from Europe who came to Britain to study for a year. She is talking with her new friend Lessie: “It’s so different here!” “What is in your country then?” Jessie asked her. Use the information in the table to continue their conversation. .

The students


lectures in the evening.

courses during the summer.

have to

attend lectures.

do exams every term.

do not

have such long holidays.

live in college.

generally get grants.

Helena: Well, for one thing, we don’t live in college.

Jessie: Don’t you? And do you have to do a lot of exams?

Helena: ...

Jessie: Gosh! And what about holidays?

Helena: ...

Jessie: And is it true that you have courses during the summer?

Helena: ...

Jessie: But you don’t have to attend lectures, do you?

Helena: ...

Jessie: But then you are free in the evenings, aren’t you?

Helena: ...

Jessie: How awful! But I suppose you get good grants?

Helena: ...

  1. Tell about your course of studies.

  1. Read the dialogue on dress code and using it as a model express your own ideas on the topic.

  • Hello, Max! I am very glad to see you.

  • So am I. I am also very glad to see you.

  • Have you heard that our school authorities are planning to introduce the following changes? What do you think of it?’

  • Well, I like changes but I don’t think that a dress-code is the best decision.’

  • Why? A  uniform may look rather stylish.’

  • To begin with, I don’t like the idea of dress-code because I can’t stand wearing the same clothes all the time. When we wear a uniform, we lose our individuality. I’m sure that many students hate the uniform style as well, so a new design won’t make any difference.’

  • I can’t agree with you, I am afraid. When we wear a uniform, you don’t have to think about what to put on. Besides, lots of students are often teased because they don’t wear expensive designer clothes to university. So those students whose parents can’t afford stylish clothes will feel more comfortable.’

  • Perhaps, you are right, but don’t forget about those students for whom it will be a waste of money.’

  1. Self-study tasks.

  1. You are leaving school but you don’t know yet what University you are going to enter. Your sister’s friend is a student of technical university. Ask him about the university and student’s life.

  2. You are a first-year student. Tell about your first impressions of university life (classes, teachers, group, friends, timetable, library, University itself)

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