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Comprehension questions

What have you found out about Andrey from the text? Answer the questions. If you

don’t know the answer, make a suggestion, saying “I think…, perhaps…, may be…”

1. What is his full name?

2. When is his birthday?

3. How old is he?

4. What school did he finish?

5. What’s his native city?

6. What faculty does he study at?

7. What is his favourite pastime?

8. What kind of books does he prefer to read?

9. Who is his favourite writer?

10. What sports does he play?

11 What dreams does he have?

12 Has he ever been abroad?

13. In what way has his life changed now?

14. What kind of person is Andrey?

II. Vocabulary practice exercises

1. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

студент-первокурсник, естестественно-научный факультет, любимое

времяпровождение, различные области техники, проводить время “в ком-

пьютере”, “бродить” по Интернету, в поисках информации, переписываться

с кем-либо, увлекательный опыт, свободное время, научная фантастика,

важная часть жизни, участвовать в спортивных соревнованиях, спортив-

ные сооружения, хорошо оборудованный спортзал, совершенствовать


английский язык, идти в ногу с изменениями в …, проводить время с


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

family name, full name, be enrolled in the university, spare time, surf the

Net, independent person, exciting experience, favourite activity, develop one’s

mind, way of thinking, be fond of reading, participate in sporting events, devel-

opments in technology, keep up with changes in technology, be abroad, do

something for pleasure, waste time.

3. Substitute the underlined words with their synonyms.

1. My friend’s surname is Petrov.

2. He is a freshman.

3. He has been enrolled into the University this year.

4. His hobbies are fishing and computer games.

5. He spends much time online, browsing the Net.

6. He has less free time now than he had at school.

7. Reading helps to develop one’s way of thinking.

8. He has taken part in a number of sport competitions this year.

9. There are many buildings and places for playing sport on the campus.

10. He wants to remain level with the changes in technology.

11. He likes to spend time with his friends.

4. Insert prepositions, where necessary.

1 She was born … the 16th … August 1988.

2. My friend studies … Far Eastern State Transportation University.

3. … school she got interested …physics and mathematics.

4. She’s entered … the University this summer.

5. She spends a lot of time …front of the computer.

6. She likes to search … new information … the Internet.

7. She’s fond … sewing, knitting and cooking.

8. She’s talented … making things … hand.

9. She’s more … a spectator when it comes to sport.

10. Her brother prefers to play … football.

11. It’s important for an engineer to keep … with the changes going on in


12. She’d like to travel all … the world.

13. She enjoys staying … home … her free time.

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