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Stratford – upon – avon

  1. No town of comparable size enjoys such universal popularity as Stratford-upon-Avon, the birth-place of William Shakespeare. Year by year the fame of its long established Shakespeare Festival spreads as increasing numbers of visitors from all parts of the world come to enjoy the plays of the greatest dramatist of all time.

  2. Originating as a river – crossing settlement, Stratford-upon-Avon has served as the market centre of the surrounding countryside since the grant of its market in 1196. Since 1553 Stratford has remained a self- governing borough and today has a basic population of some fifteen thousand people.

  3. Stratford is a town with a character and atmosphere of its own. Apart from the beauty of its river, its streets and buildings preserve many links with its interesting past. Most famous are the properties and gardens associated with Shakespeare and his family.

  4. The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre is the centre of the Shakespeare Festival. The brick-built theatre was erected in 1932 to replace an earlier theatre destroyed by fire. It is without doubt one of the best equipped theatres and its Shakespearean productions attract an international audience.

  5. The House where Shakespeare was born in 1564 and spent his early years is a half-timbered building. It is visited by pilgrims from all over the world. The interior of Shakespeare’s Birthplace contains many features of unusual interest. The poet’s birthroom on the first floor is a fascinating room with a low, uneven ceiling and is furnished after the pattern of a middle-class home such as the Shakespeare family occupied. It is the famous window on which are recorded the signatures of distinguished people who visited the house.

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What is Shakespeare’s house?

  1. It is middle-class home.

  2. It is a half-timbered building.

  3. It is a house with low, uneven ceiling.

Вариант 5

The london underground

  1. The first underground railway system in the world was in London. It was opened in 1863 and ran 4 miles (6,5 kilometers) from the west of London to the City in the east. The first lines were built close to the surface and used steam trains. They then built deeper tunnels and the electric underground railway was opened in 1890. This system was called the Tube, still the most popular name for the London Underground. Some of the tube stations are so deep that they were used as air-raid shelters during the Second World War, when hundreds of families would spend the night in the stations.

  2. One million people commute into central London every day. Sixty percent of these people use the Tube, mainly because the Underground system extends far into the surburbs: the Northern Line, running from north to south, covers 18 miles (28 kilometers); the Piccadilly Line, running from east to west is 47 miles (76 kilometers) long.

  3. Buses in London are not as popular as the Tube because they get stuck in traffic. One of the most popular forms of urban transport in Britain used to be the tram. The most environmentally friendly vehicle is a bicycle. London taxis drive round the centre of the city looking for a customer. Taxis are often called «cab».

  4. Traditional taxi-drivers or cabbies, are proud of the knowledge of London. They have to know every street in the 113 square miles of central London and spend up to four years learning the best routes. To get their licence, they have to pass a series of tests, known as The Knowledge, until they are absolutely accurate in their answers. Because of this long training period, cabbies are often angry that people can drive minicabs without a licence. Minicabs look like normal cars, do not have meters and cannot pick up people in the street: people have to phone for one.

Прочитайте 4-й абзац и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос:

What is the Knowledge?

  1. … the long training period.

  2. … a licence.

  3. … a series of tests.

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Темы для зачёта:

  1. Времена английского глагола. Активный залог.

  2. Present, Past, Future Simple. Случаи употребления, вспомогательные галголы, особенности перевода на русский язык.

  3. Present, Past, Future Continuous. Случаи употребления, вспомогательные галголы, особенности перевода на русский язык, глаголы, которые в Continuous не употребляются.

  4. Present, Past, Future Perfect. Случаи употребления, вспомогательные галголы, особенности перевода на русский язык.

  5. Present, Past, Future Perfect Continuous. Случаи употребления, вспомогательные галголы, особенности перевода на русский язык.

  6. Времена английского глагола. Пассивный залог.

  7. 3 формы неправильных глаголов.

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