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Mezina_METODIChKA_AUTO (1).doc
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B. Brakes

Read and translate the text with the help of the vocabulary given.

brake shoe – тормозная колодка

drum brake – тормозной барабан

friction –трение, фрикция

shoe linings – накладки колодок

antilock braking system - противоблокировочная тормозная система

hand-operated brake – ручной тормоз

Brakes enable the driver to slow or stop the moving vehicle. The first automobile brakes were much like those on horse-drawn wagons. By pulling a lever, the driver pressed a block of wood, leather, or metal, known as the shoe, against the wheel rims. With sufficient pressure, friction between the wheel and the brake shoe caused the vehicle to slow down or stop.

A brake system with shoes that pressed against the inside of a drum fitted to the wheel, called drum brakes, appeared in 1903. Since the drum and wheel rotate together, friction applied by the shoes inside the drum slowed or stopped the

wheel. Cotton and leather shoe coverings, or linings, were replaced by asbestos after 1908, greatly extending the life of the brake mechanism. Hydraulically assisted braking was introduced in the 1920s.

An antilock braking system (ABS) uses a computer, sensors, and a hydraulic pump to stop the automobile’s forward motion without locking the wheels and putting the vehicle into a skid. Introduced in the 1980s, ABS helps the driver maintain better control over the car during emergency stops and while braking on slippery surfaces.

Automobiles are also equipped with a hand-operated brake used for emergencies and to securely park the car, especially on uneven terrain. Pulling on a lever or pushing down on a foot pedal sets the brake.

Study the meanings of the word skid and try to use the word combinations in your own sentences.

Skid n 1.скольжение, скользящее движение

а) юз, занос (автомобиля) I slammed the brakes on and went into a skid. — Я ударил по тормозам, и машину начало заносить.

б) боковое скольжение

1) А) заносить (об автомобиле) It was raining hard, and the car skidded badly. — Шел сильный дождь, и машину сильно заносило.

Syn: side-slip 2.

б) проезжать (на автомобиле) повороты на большой скорости с заносом

2) Предотвращать движение (колес) с помощью тормозного башмака.

Revision tasks.

Fill in the gap with the necessary information using the texts from Unit 5.

  1. A brake system with shoes that pressed against the inside of__________, called drum brakes, appeared in 1903.

  2. A driver controls the automobile’s ______by keeping the wheels pointed in the desired direction, and by stopping or slowing the _______at which the wheels rotate.

  3. An antilock braking system (ABS) uses a______, sensors, and a ________to stop the automobile’s forward motion.

  4. Depending on the steering mechanism, gears or other devices convert the rotating motion of the ________into a horizontal force that turns the wheels.

  5. ___________assisted braking was introduced in the 1920s.

Explain the work of the steering- and braking- systems.