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What is a computer?

Generally, a computer is any device that can perform numerical calculations – even an adding machine, an abacus, or a slide rule. Nowadays, however, the term usually refers to an electronic device that can automatically perform a series of tasks according to a precise set of instructions.

The basic job of computers is processing of information. For this reason, computers can be characterized as devices, which accept information in the form of instructions (called a program) and characters (called data), perform mathematical and logical operations on the information, and then produce results of these operations. The data is raw material while information is organized, processed and useful for decision-making. Computer is used to convert data into information.

The “brains” of today's computers are integrated circuits (ICs), sometimes called microchips, or simply chips. Each of these tiny silicon wafers can contain hundreds of millions of microscopic electronic components designed for many specific operations. Some chips make up a computer's central processing unit, which controls the computer's overall operation; some are math coprocessors that can perform millions of mathematical operations per second; and others are memory chips that can each store billions of characters of information at a time. There are also circuits, which can make decisions. The kinds of decisions, which computer can make, are not of the type: "Who will win the war between two countries?" or "Who is the richest person in the world?" Unfortunately, the computer can decide only three things, namely1: Is one number less than another is? Are two numbers equal? and, Is one number greater than another is?

A computer can perform great numbers of arithmetic-logical operations without becoming tired2. This ''mechanical brain'' can find the solution to a problem much faster than a human being can… But a computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and feed to it the necessary data, i.e3 its capabilities are limited by the minds of human beings. It is a man who is the most important component of the computer system ... so far4.

Notes: 1namely – а именно;

2without becoming tired – без устали;

3i.e. [that is] – то есть;

4so far – пока.


Ex. 24. Search TEXT A for the equivalents of the following phrases:

  1. выполнять численные расчеты;

  2. в соответствии с точным набором команд;

  3. по этой причине;

  4. символы, называемые данными;

  5. выдавать результаты;

  6. принятие решения;

  1. математический сопроцессор;

  2. выполнять миллионы операций в секунду;

  3. хранить миллиарды символов;

  4. находить решение задачи;

  5. возможности ограничены.

Ex. 25. Read three sentences given below and decide which variant (A, B or C) expresses the main idea of the text best of all.

  1. Computers are devices that accept information in the form of instructions.

  2. The brains of modern computers are integrated circuits.

  3. Computers are remarkable devices used for processing and storing the information and for solving problems.

Ex. 26 Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What is a computer?

  2. What is the basic task of a computer?

  3. In what form does a computer accept information?

  4. What is the difference between data and information?

  5. What are the brains of modern computers?

  6. What kinds of integrated circuits are there in the computer?

  7. Can a computer perform only mathematical operations? Are there any other operations a computer can do?

  8. What decisions can computers make?

  9. What are the computer's capabilities limited by?

  10. Do you agree that a human being is the most important component of a computer system? Why?

Ex. 27. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.

  1. The term "compute"' usually refers to a programmer that performs tasks according to a precise set of instructions.

  2. A slide rule and an abacus are electronic devices used to perform numerical calculations.

  3. The basic task of computers is to store information.

  4. Computers accept information in the form of instructions (called a command) and characters (called data), process it and then produce the results.

  5. Computers are used to convert useful data into raw information.

  6. The "brains" of today's computers are memory circuits.

  7. Microchips are huge silicon wafers containing millions of electronic components.

  8. Each memory chip can hold billions of letters of information at a time.

  9. Capabilities of computers are limited by the number of human beings.

  10. The integrated circuit is the most important component of the computer system so far.

Ex. 28. Memorize the following terms.

  1. special-purpose computer – специализированный компьютер

  2. general-purpose computer – универсальный компьютер

  3. personal digital assistant, PDA–персональный цифровой секретарь, карманный ПК

  4. laptop computer – лэптоп, переносной (дорожный) ПК

  5. workstation – рабочая станция

  6. mainframe–мейнфрейм,универсальная многопользовательская ЭВМ

  7. multiuser computer – многопользовательская ЭВМ

  8. local area network, LAN–локальная вычислительная сеть, ЛВС

  9. shared resource system – система с ресурсами коллективного (общего) пользования

  10. processing unit – устройство обработки данных

  11. pointing device–координатно-указательное устройство

  12. liquid-crystal display, LCD–жидкокристаллический дисплей

  13. cathode-ray tube – элeктpoннo-лyчeвaя трубка

Ex. 29. Read and translate TEXT B.