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Имя прилагательное. Наречие.

Задание 1. Расположите прилагательные в нужном порядке, согласно порядку их расположения в предложении:

1. an out-of-date metal semiconductive chip

2. a small periodically operated plastic transistor

3. a long electromagnetic controlled wave

4. an old-fashioned cubic n-type semiconductor

5. a total positively-charged direct current

6. an positive current-carrying typical charge

7. a super high frequency range

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях прилагательными и наречиями из правой колонки, употребив их в нужной степени.

This week Mary, my (1) old sister, is going to introduce me to her teacher of singing. Mother thinks that my voice is (2) good but Mary's sounds (3) more expressive. The day appointed is (4) earlier than I expected and I feel rather nervous. I can't forget one of our (5) funny family legends about Mary's similar music experience. She knew much (6) better about proper singing than I do now when a friend had persuaded Mother that her daughter's singing was the (7) most famous in our neighbourhood and she should start training to become a professional at the (8) soonest moment possible. So without any (9) further consideration Mary was taken to the (10) most prestigious school in the city where the little 'genius' was asked to demonstrate her abilities. Had only she chosen anything (11) difficult she could probably have sung it (12) easily. But for a child of five to sing one of the (13) little classic opera pieces where the tempo is going (14) faster and (14) faster before a respectable board of examiners! They say, it was the (15) most simple performance they'd ever seen.

a) early

b) old

c) simple

d) easily

e) difficult

f) fast

g) soon

h) prestigious

i) good

j) well

k) funny

1) far

m) little

n) famous

o) expressive

Задание 3. Выберите из следующих слов прилагательные и наречия и переведите их.



Easy – лекгий

Equal – равный

Traceable – прослеживаемый

Good – хороший

Useful – используемый

Terminal – предельный

Northward – движущийся к северу

Inferior – низший

Bad – плохой

Standard – стандартный

Secondary – вторичный

Alternating – переменный

Negative - отрицательный

Eastwards – в восточном направлении

Well – хорошо

Simply – просто

Задание 4. Cоставьте вопросительные предложения, исходя из предложенной информации: Ask her (him)…

1. Ask her, “Does it offer the lowest part count solution where a linear charger is appropriate?”. 2. Ask him, “Are many graphics programs controlled by a mouse or some other device?”. 3. Ask her, “Is choke input filter a low-pass filter?”.

Задание 5. Составьте вопросительные предложения из приведенных ниже слов и словосочетаний.

1. Do motors convert mechanical energy into electric energy?

2. How much is this circuit of current carrying?

3. When is there no current in a circuit?

4. What is the difference between series and parallel circuits?

Задание 6. Определите, в какой части предложения содержится ошибка.

1. Electronically controlled machines are a fairly recent invention.

2. Today the development of the industrial complex is among the most

important priorities for Russia.

3. Modern computers are coming in enormous variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from the smallest personal computers to the huge ones

4. He has designed the first programmable computer, complete with punched cards for data input.

5. In 1948 the next key element in spreading the practical - and impractical applications of the computer the transistor, came into existence.