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Сравнительные конструкции





с союзом


такой же … как

так же … как

в утвердительных предложениях

Riga is as nice as Tallinn. (Рига такая же красивая как Таллинн).

с союзом


не такой же … как

не так же … как

в отрицательных предложениях

This film is not so interesting as the one. (Этот фильм не такой интересный, как тот).

с союзом


чем (может опускаться)

после сравнительной степени

He plays the piano better than his friend. (Он играет на пианино лучше, чем его друг).

the (bigger) …

the (bigger)

чем … тем

the + прилагатель-ное (наречие) в сравнительной сте-пени … + другое прилагательное/на-речие в сравни-тельной степени

The more we study the more we know. (Чем больше мы учимся, тем больше мы знаем).




His book is not so interesting as hers.

He speaks as fast as his mother does.

Его книга не такая интересная, как ее.

Он говорит так же быстро, как его мать.



This room is smaller than that one.

This is a more interesting book.

He speaks faster than you do.

Could you explain it more clearly?

Эта комната меньше той.

Это более интересная книга.

Он говорит быстрее вас.

Не могли бы вы объяснить это пояснее?



He is the tallest in our group.

This book is the most interesting I have ever read.

He knows it best of all.

Он самый высокий в нашей группе.

Эта книга самая интересная из всех, которые я когда-либо читал.

Он знает это лучше всех.




His elder brother is two years older than he is.

They went still farther, the fartherst end of the forest.

We expect further information tomorrow.

Его старший брат на 2 года старше, чем он.

Они пошли еще дальше, в самый дальний конец леса.

Мы ожидаем дальнейшую информацию завтра.

Much, still

средство заполнения сравнительной конструкции

Today I feel much better than yesterday.

The second book is much more interesting than the first and the third is more interesting.

Сегодня я чувствую себя гораздо лучше, чем вчера.

Вторая книга гораздо интереснее первой, а третья еще интереснее.

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Назовите сравнительную и превосходную степени от данных прилагательных и наречий:

strong, old, hot, large, important, fast, beautiful, long, tall, small, soon, well, great, famous, fast, little, interesting, badly, short

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках, в сравнительную или превосходную степень в зависимости от смысла предложения.

1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2. Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 4. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 5. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 6. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town. 7. She speaks Italian (good) than English. 8. Spanish is (easy) than German. 9. Chinese is (difficult) than English. 10. This is the (great) idea.

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Поставьте прилагательные в превосходную степень.

1. Mary is a pretty girl. 2. She has beautiful eyes. 3. It is a little house. 4. John is a good student. 5. It is a far corner in the park.

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Назовите положительную степень выделенных прилагательных. Предложения переведите.

1. My friend is taller than. 2. Shakespeare is more famous than any other English poet. 3. Name the largest city in the world. 4. Who is the greatest living artist? 5. May is hotter here than any other month.

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Употребите данные прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени.

  1. strong

  2. late

  3. old

  4. important

  5. short

  6. sharp

  7. beautiful

  8. warm

  9. large

  10. tall

Mike is … than Nick.

I have not heard … news.

He is … than his sister.

This work is … than that work.

February is … month of the year.

My knife is … than yours.

The Moscow underground is … in the world.

It is usually … in May than in April.

Moscow is … city in our country.

He is the … of the three.

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Употребите прилагательные и наречия, степени сравнения которых образуются от другого корня:

good (хороший) - better, the best; bad (плохой) - worse, the worst; little (маленький) - less, the least; much, many (много) -more, the most

1. Today we have (меньше) spare time than yesterday. 2. My (лучший) friend lives in Vladivostock. 3. This is, the (самая) interesting story in tills book. 4. Who is the (самый хороший) boy in the class? 5. She knows English grammar (лучше) than her friend. 6. He is one of (лучших) speakers in the group. 7. I put (больше) sugar in my tea than you. 8. My son knows English (хуже) than yours. 9. Nick is (самый лучший) friend I have. 10. My husband has (больше) spare time than I.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Поставьте наречия, данные в скобках, в сравнительную степень.

1. She plays the piano (well). 2. He runs (fast). 3. She speaks English (badly). 4. You don’t walk (quickly). 5. He works (carefully). 6. She acts (wisely). 7. We try (hard). 8. Try to study (much). 9. We went (far). 10. Speak (loud).

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Вместо точек поставьте прилагательное или наречие в нужной степени сравнения.

1. February is ... month of the year (short). 2. The Moscow underground is ... in the world (beautiful). 3. He is ... than I (tall). 4. This work is ... than that work (good). 5. She is... than her sister (old). 6. The ... port in Great Britain is London (large). 7. It is usually ... in May than in April (warm). 8. He translates into English ... than his friend (slowly). 9. He gets up ... than his parents (early). 10. She is the ... girl in her group (pretty). 11. He writes ... of all his classmates (quickly). 12. I swam ... than my brother (much). 13. Nina sings ... than Ann (well). 14. She passed her exams ... of her group (successfully). 15. My ... friend lives in the Far East (good).

ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Скажите по-английски.

1. наиболее важный (important) 2. самый плохой (bad) 3. наименее интересный (interesting) 4. более внимательный (attentive) 5. менее точный (exact) 6. лучше (well) 7. хуже (badly) 8. дальше (far) 9. самый умный (clever) 10. менее важный (important)

ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по образцу. Обратите внимание на степени сравнения.


  • Is this wall as high as the building? (Эта стена такая же высокая, как и здание?)

  • No, it isn’t. The building is higher than the wall. (Нет. Здание выше, чем стена.)

1. Is your old flat as comfortable as your new one? 2. Is the Azov Sea as large as the Black Sea? 3. Is the Moskva river as long as the Volga? 4. Is basket-ball as popular as football? 5. Is this book as interesting as that one?

ЗАДАНИЕ 11. Ответьте на следующие вопросы согласно образцу.

Образец 1

  • Do you think it’s as warm today as it was yesterday? (Вы думаете, что сегодня также тепло, как и вчера?)

  • No, it isn’t. The building is higher than the wall. (Нет. Здание выше, чем стена.)

Образец 2

  • Do you think Moscow metro is as beautiful as Kiev metro (Вы думаете, что московское метро такое же красивое, как киевское метро?)

  • I think Moscow metro is much more beautiful than Kiev metro. (Я думаю, что московское метро намного красивее, чем киевское метро)

1. Do you think your book is as difficult as mine? 2. Do you think the weather will be as cold tomorrow as it was yesterday? 3. Do you think room 14 is as large as room 15? 4. Do you think the new film is as interesting as the old one? 5. Do you think this text was as long as that one?

ЗАДАНИЕ 12. Заполните пропуски союзами “as ... as ..., not so ... as ...”.

1. Today the wind is (не такой) strong (как) yesterday. 2. It is (также) hot (как) it was yesterday. 3. My coat is (не такое) warm (как) yours. 4. He is (такой же) strong (как) his brother. 5. He has made (столько же) mistakes (как и) I. 6. He is (не такой) old, (как) he looks like. 7. This street is (такая же) wide (как и) the next one. 8. Today we have written (не такой) difficult dictation (как) yesterday. 9. The bedroom is (такая же) wide (как и) living-room. 10. Volley-ball is (не такой) popular (как) tennis. 11. Ann goes to the cinema (так же) often (как и) you do. 12. (Чем больше) I know him, (тем больше) I like him. 13. (Чем дальше) we went, (тем уже) the streets were.

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