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4. On the knoll seven

d) in the other hand – the

meters high dressed with

king’s scepter with the eagle on


the top.



5. Zeus’s daughter

e) but it hasn’t been

Artemis was considered to be

proved yet.

the supreme and in her honor




6. The Pharos of

f) made by the first

Alexandria struck imagination

named architect Imhotep in the

of everybody, who was lucky

3rd millennium B.C.

to see it,




7. The Tomb is featured

g) as the monument of

by the massive simplicity,

architecture and as the sign of

unique architectural devices,

devotion of Artemisia to her


husband and her king.



8. In one hand Zeus was

h) the palace of the

holding the statue of Nicka

Constantinople Emperor

(winged goddess of Victory),

Theodosius II in the 5th century





9. In 356 B.C. the

i) by the height, beauty

Temple of Artemis was

and the engineering solution of

destroyed (set on fire by

the problem of light reflection.





10. The Tomb had been

j) there stood the figure

standing and producing a

of the youth made of gold.

really great impression for 19







12. Add suffixes and make a) adjectives, b) verbs. Translate them.

a)–ary: element, fragment, legent, revolution, parliament;

-ar: column, module, line, circle, tube; -ory: regulate, illusion, advise;

-an: Rome, urb, Assyria, Corbusier, basilica;

b)–ify: beauty, class, glory, fort, simple, intense.

13. Write a written translation.

1.Одним из самых грандиозных сооружений был Александрийский маяк, построенный на острове Фарос Состратом из Книда в 283 г. до н.э. Он состоял из трех ярусов, первый был квадратный в плане, стены ориентированы по сторонам света. Второй ярус был восьмигранным, по направлению восьми главных ветров. Третий ярус увенчивал купол, на котором стояла восьмиметровая статуя Посейдона. Огонь 120-метрового маяка был виден на расстоянии 60 км.

2.Одним из семи чудес света в древности была признана статуя Зевса для храма в Олимпии высотой 18 метров. Она выполнена из золота и слоновой кости. Зевс держал на правой руке, опиравшейся на ручку трона, Нику,


левая его рука опиралась на жезл, на верхушке которого сидел орел. Вокруг каждой ножки трона танцевало по четыре Ники, передние ножки завершались сфинксами, на перекладине между ножками было изображено восемь видов олимпийских состязаний.

14. Translate into Russian without dictionary.

The Tomb of Mausoleum was rectangular in plan, with base dimention of about 40m (120ft) by 30 m (100ft). Overlying the foundation there was a stepped podium which sides were decorated with statues. The burial chamber and the sarcophagus of white alabaster decorated with gold were located on the podium and surrounded by Ionic columns. The colonnade supported a pyramid roof which wes in turn decorated with statues, A statue of chariot pulled by horses adorned the top of the tomb.

The total height of the Mausoleum was 45 m (140ft). This was broken down into 20m (60ft) for the stepped podium, 12m (38ft) for the colonnade, 7m (22ft) for the pyramid, and 6m (20ft) for the chariot statue at the top.

The beauty of the Mausoleum was not only in the structure itself, but in the decorations and statues that adorned the outside at different levels on the podium and the roof. these were tens of life-size as well as under and over life-size free-


standing statues of people, lions, horses and other animals. The statues were carved by four Greek sculptors: Bryaxis, Leochares, Scopas and Timotheus, each responsible for one side. As the statues were of people ans animals, the Mausoleum holds a special place in history as it was not dedicated to the gods of Ancient Greece.

15. Make and act the dialogue using the following questions.

1.Have you heard about the Seven Wonders of the


2.What are they?

3.What do you know about ...?

4.What monument would you like to see if you lived in the past?

16. Tell about the Seven Wonders of the World.



Greek Architecture

1. Read and translate the text.

Architectural ideas also spread from Egypt, across the Mediterranean, to Crete and Greece. Around 1300 B.C., the Greek hill towns of Tiryns and Mycenae were strong and primitive, built of craggy rocks. But by the 5th century B.C., great writers and philosophers were working in Athens and great artists and sculptors were decorating the city. Architecture was beautiful and elegant. Architects still used the same simple structures, of flat beams supported on columns, as the Egyptian did, but had learned to design them with perfect refinement.

They placed a special emphasis on the design of temples, to honor their many gods and goddesses. A Greek temple consisted of a room where there was a statue of the god or goddess. Behind there was another, smaller room called the treasury, and these two rooms made the temple an oblong shape. There was a large porch called a portico all the way across the building at both ends. The whole temple was surrounded by columns, which supported the roof. Temples were built on stone platforms rising up in steps.


Greek temples in Sicily and in the main part of Greece were built in the Doric order, which is plain and sturdy. In the earliest ones the columns were massive, and placed close together; later on they became lighter and more graceful, and were spaced further apart. The most beautiful example is the Parthenon at Athens. This temple, dedicated to Athena the goddess of wisdom, was built on a rocky hill in the center of the city. An “acropolis”, as this high place was called, was the religious center of any Greek city. At the bottom of the hill there was “agora”, or a meeting place, where the commercial and political life of the city went on. The statue of the goddess inside the Parthenon was one of the most famous work of the sculptor Pheidias; it was about 12 meters (39 feet) high, made of gold and ivory, and the eyes were precious stones. The part of the building above the marble pillars (called the entablature) was carved with all kinds of figures taking part in legendary or historical scenes.

In another style of pillar called Ionic, the pillars are thinner than Doric ones, and have capitals carved in a spiral shape. The temple of Diana at the city of Ephesus was built in this style. An ancient writer said it had 100 columns, 36 of them were wonderfully sculptured round the bottom.

Corinthian columns have a much more complicated capital than the other two, with rich carving in the shape of


leaves of the acanthus, a plant which grows in Mediterranean countries.


1)spread – распространяться;

2)craggy – скалистый, отвесный;

3)beam – балка;

4)support – поддерживать;

5)refinement – усовершенствование, изящество;

6)oblong – продолговатый, удлиненный;

7)porch – портик, крытая галерея, веранда;

8)plain – простой;

9)sturdy – крепкий, твердый, сильный;

10)thin – тонкий;

11)bottom – основание, фундамент.

2. Answer the questions.

1.What architecture was in the fifth century?

2.What parts did the Greek temple consist of?

3.What were the temples’ platforms made of?

4.How did the Doric columns change?

5.Where was the Parthenon built?

6.What was “acropolis”? What was “agora”?


7.Who made the statue of the goddess inside the Parthenon?

8.How many columns were there in the temple of Diana?

9.How do the Corinthian columns differ from Doric and Ionic ones?

3. Write English equivalents.

Грек, греческий, акрополь, Афины, пропорция, классически идеальная архитектура, факт, копировались, цивилизация, план, Крин, форма колонн, элементы, типичный, вал, культурный, религиозный, эллинистический, фонтаны, театры, орнаментированный.

4. Translate and classify the following words.

Crypt, gigantic, lintel, slender, silver, passageway, dome, wall, perfect, gateway, palace, granite, heavy, decorate, delicate, fragile.

5. Say if these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Temples were built on a brick platform rising up in the



2.Tiryns and Mycenae were on the hills.

3.The Parthenon was one of the ugliest work of the sculptor Pheidias.

4.Athena was the goddess of wisdom.

5.The statue of Athena was about 12 meters high.

6.The temple of Zeus at the city of Ephesus had 100 columns.

7.Ionic columns have a much more complicated capital than Corinthian columns.

6. Fill in the gaps with right prepositions: above, with, to (2), at, on, in, of, from.

1.The Greek architects placed a special emphasis ____

the design of temples.

2.The Parthenon was dedicated ____ Athena.

3.There was a meeting place ____ the bottom ____ the


4.The entablature was ____ the marble pillars.

5.The capitals were carved ____ a spiral shape.

6.Architectural ideas also spread from Egypt ____ Crete and Greece.

7.The Greek architects designed the simple structure

____ perfect refinement.


7. Classify the following verbs into three groups and make four sentences with them.

Went, be, come, have, fell, began, given, was, go, came, seen, had, fall, gave, were, gone, come, see, had, fallen, given.

8. Choose the right synonyms for the underlined words.

1.The Parthenon was one of the most famous work of the sculptor Pheidias.

2.In 1300 B.C. the Greek architects still used the same simple structures.

3.Later on the columns became lighter and more


4.The Greek architects learned to design buildings with perfect refinement.

5.The Greek hill towns of Tiryns and Mycenae were strong and primitive, built of craggy rocks.

6.They placed a special emphasis on the design of


7.Greek temples in the main part of Greece were built in the Doric order.

Particular, elegant, principal, identical, greatest, ideal, easy, plain.


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