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3)height – высота;

4)width – ширина;

5)high – высокий;

5)wide – широкий.

2. Read and translate the text.

Hanging Gardens

In 90 km from Baghdad there lie the ruins of Babylon, the richest and the biggest city in the Middle East. The Hanging Gardens are connected with the name of the legendary

Assyrian Queen Semiramide but it hasn’t been proved yet. The

Hanging Gardens were created later by the order of the king Nebuchadnezzar for his favourite wife Amitis from the place of Midie. The Hanging Gardens were planted on the terraces resting on the pylons and vaults. The height of the each “floor” was about 28 meters. Each terrace was covered with the thick layer of the fertile black soil.

They say that Alexander the Great spent his last days in those famous gardens in 323 B.C. The Gardens were ruined by the waters of Euphrates.


1) layer – слой, пласт;


2)fertile – плодородный;

3)soil – почва, земля;

4)vault – свод;

5)ruin – разрушать.

3. Read and translate the text.

Artemis Temple

Ephesus, on the West Coast of the Asia Minor, had reached great fame, richness and popularity by the 6th century

B.C. The protector of the city was Zeus’s daughter Artemis.

This goddess was considered to be the supreme and in her honor the Temple was erected in 530 B.C. The construction was going for about 120 years.

When the white-marble wonder was accomplished – it was something unbelievably beautiful.

In 356 B.C. the Temple of Artemis was destroyed (set on fire by Herostratus), but later on the citizens restored the beauty. Nevertheless little by little the bogs on which the Temple was standing and the Gothic tribes made their ill affair.


1)erect – сооружать, воздвигать;

2)bog – болото;


3)restore – реставрировать;

4)accomplish – завершать;

5)consider – считать, рассматривать.

4. Read and translate the text.

Zeus Statue

The ancient Greek town of Olympia was the place of the high worship of the supreme god Zeus.

The Statue of Zeus in his temple belongs to the Seven Wonders of the World. The master of the wonder was Phidius. He is well-known all over the world. The sculpture was executed in the 5th century B.C. It was made of gold, wood, ivory and precious stones. The coat, the hair and the beard of Zeus were made of pure gold. In one hand Zeus was holding the statue of Nicka (winged goddess of Victory), in the other hand – the king’s scepter with the eagle on the top. The statue was almost alive and dynamic – a real masterpiece. The wonder of the world was destroyed during the fire in the palace of the Constantinople Emperor Theodosius II in the 5th century A.D.


1) worship – культ, поклонение;


2)execute – выполнять, доводить до конца;

3)winged – крылатый;

4)masterpiece – шедевр;

5)destroy – разрушать, уничтожать;

6)all over the world – во всем мире;

7)belong to – принадлежать кому-то.

5. Read and translate the text.

The Tomb of Mausoleum

The Tomb of Mausoleum in Asia Minor (since that time the word “mausoleum” has come into life as the name for the funerary monuments erected in honor of the outstanding persons), belongs to the seven wonders of the world. The Tomb of Mausoleum was made in the 4th century B.C. and they say that the great master Scopias took part in that wonderful creation. The Tomb is featured by the massive simplicity, unique architectural devices, fine geometry and surprisingly beautiful general sight. The three-staged structure reached the height of about 50 meters. The Tomb had been standing and producing a really great impression for 19 centuries as the monument of architecture and as the sign of devotion of

Artemisia (Mausoleum’ s wife) to her husband and her king.



1)in honor of – в честь кого-то;

2)outstanding – выдающийся;

3)feature – черта, особенность;

4)device – приспособление, механизм, устройство;

5)sight – вид (внешний);

6)reach – достигать, доезжать;

7)sign – знак.

6. Read and translate the text.

The Colossus of Rhodes

In the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea in eighteen km from the Asia Minor peninsular there lies a small island Rhodes, the center of the Aegean culture.

The statue of the God of Sun or Helios (sometimes The King of the Sun) on the island of Rhodes belongs to the Seven Wonders of the World. The statue is mostly known as the Colossus of Rhodes. It was erected in the 3rd century B.C. On the knoll seven meters high dressed with marble there stood the figure of the youth made of gold. The statue itself was about 36 meters high. The life of that wonder was short enough about 50 years, but the fame proved to be very long – for ages! The earthquakes characteristic of Asia Minor destroyed the


Colossus of Rhodes in 224 B.C., but the remains of the wonder are occasionally found in the deep-sea waters.


1)island – остров;

2)culture – культура;

3)cultural – культурный;

4)statue – скульптура;

5)earthquake – землетрясение.

7. Read and translate the text.

The Pharos of Alexandria

Alexander the Great had established the new capital of the Hellenic Egypt in 331 B.C. It was famous Alexandria. Not so far from Alexandria, on the rocky island Pharos in the Nile’s mouth there existed one of the Seven Wonders of the World –

The Pharos of Alexandria (“beacon” in English). Limestone, marble, granite and other durable and beautiful materials were used for that construction. The structure consisted of the three towers, the highest tower played the part of the lantern. It was supplied with the dome on the granite columns and crowned with the statue of the God of the Sea – Poseidon. It was eight meters high. The Pharos of Alexandria struck imagination of


everybody, who was lucky to see it, by the height, beauty and the engineering solution of the problem of light reflection. In the vicinity of 100 miles ships and boats were able to detect the location of the harbor due to the complicated system of mirrors. For 1.500 years the beacon served people and was destroyed by earthquakes and winds.


1)establish – основывать;

2)supply – снабжать;

3)location – местонахождение,

4)complicated – сложный;

5)durable – прочный;

6)lantern – фонарь.

8. Answer the questions.

1.How many pyramids exist now?

2.Who ordered to create the Hanging Gardens and why?

3.What was the height of each storey of the Hanging Gardens?

4.Why did the citizens of Ephesus erect the beautiful


5.Who did the Statue of Zeus?


6.What are the characteristic features of the Tomb of Mausoleum?

7.Where is Rhodes situated?

8.What materials were used for the Pharos of Alexandria?

9.When was the Statue of Zeus destroyed?

10.What is the only remained wonder of the world?

11.What was destroyed in 224 B.C.?

12.Who destroyed the Temple of Artemis?

13.What was the height of the Colossus of Rhodes?

14.When was the Tomb of Mausoleum made?

15.What crowned the Pharos of Alexandria?

9. Find synonyms to the following words in the text and make four sentences with them.

A long way from, happy, miracle, fabulous, execute, famous, produce, sculptor, sight, participate, cupol, link, decision, called, destroy, place, wealth, defender, glory, achieve.

4. Choose the right word.

1. The Hanging Gardens are connected with the name of the ____ Assyrian Queen Semiramide.

a) unknown;




2.The word “mausoleum” has come into life as the name for the ____ monuments erected in honor of the outstanding persons.

a) divine; b) funerary;

c) distinctive.

3.In the Libyan Desert you can see the only ____

wonder of the world – the Egyptian pyramids.




4.Artemis was considered to be the ____ and in her honor the Temple was erected in 530 B.C.

a) supreme; b) superior; c) super.

5.The life of the statue of the God of Sun was ____

enough about 50 years. a) average;

b) short; c) long.

6.The statue of Zeus was made of gold, wood, ivory and

____ stones.





7.Limestone, marble, granite and other ____ and beautiful materials were used for the Pharos of Alexandria.

a) durable; b) flexible;

c) complicated.

8.When the white-marble wonder was accomplished – it was something unbelievably ____.

a) modern; b) brilliant; c) beautiful.

11. Match the beginning of the sentences to their ends using information from the text.


The Hanging Gardens

a) fine geometry and

are connected with the name

surprisingly beautiful general

of the legendary Assyrian


Queen Semiramide






Zeus Statue was

b) ), but later on the

destroyed during the fire in

citizens restored the beauty.





Once there were

c) the Temple was

about 80 pyramids, the oldest

erected in 530 B.C.

one was Zocer’s pyramid






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