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labour safety production.doc
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Grammar study: Modal verbs with Infinitive Indefinite Passive

В данном тексте очень много форм глаголов в страдательном залоге. Среди различных временных форм страдательного залога выделяются сочетания глаголов с модальными глаголами: can, must, should. Сочетания модальных глаголов с инфинитивом в форме Indefinite Passive (to be + Participle II) нужно переводить как возможность совершения действия, что должно быть сделано или что следует сделать.

Samples: It’s possible to test a malfunctioning device only if it cannot be turned on accidentally. – Неработающий прибор можно проверять только, если он не может быть случайно включен.

Internal energy storage devices such as capacitors must be discharged. – Устройства, накапливающие энергию, такие как конденсатор, должны быть разряжены.

Equipment should be unplugged before being inspected. – Оборудование следует отключать перед проверкой.


Read the text considering the causes and preventive measures against electric current defeat:

Electrical safety

While electricity is in constant use by the researcher or manufacturer, both within and outside the laboratory or a shop, or an office, significant physical harm or even death may result from its misuse. With direct current, a person can detect a “tingling” feeling at 1 mA and the median «let-go» threshold is 76 mA. Women are more sensitive to the effects of electrical current. Higher currents produce respiratory inhibition, then ventricular fibrillation, and ultimately cardiac arrest.

If an electrical hazard is suspected, the device in question should be disconnected immediately and the cause ascertained by a person competent in such matters. Work on electrical devices should be done only after the power has been shut off in such a manner that it cannot be turned on accidentally. Since malfunctioning equipment may contain shorts, merely turning off the equipment is not sufficient to prevent accidents. Equipment should be unplugged before being inspected. Internal energy storage devices such as capacitors must be discharged.

Relative safety of workplace is provided with rules of electrosecurity and fire-prevention actions. Badly designed or faulty electrical systems can cause fires. Electrical safety must be considered in all electrical work if we are to avoid these problems. Electrical installations must include measures for protection against electric shock which can cause death by heart attack and overcurrents which can cause fires and damage to equipment. Electric installations and devices should be in full serviceability for what it is necessary to check them periodically. All current – carrying parts, able to appear energized as a result of isolation break-down, should be reliably earthed or grounded.

Earth bonding to the building structure and other parts means that these elements will have a similar voltage reducing the magnitude of any electrical shock due to this voltage. Grounding means connecting a wire or other conductor to the earth. This is done by connecting the wire, or equipment to be grounded, to a copper rod that has driven into the ground. The earth is an adequate conductor and current will flow through it.

For protection against electric shock provide a means to switch off any equipment if someone should somehow be trapped by moving parts or receive an electric shock. For large items of machinery this will be an emergency stop button. To simplier equipment it will be a plug and a socket or a local switch, which should be accessible. It is forbidden to fulfill works or tests of the electric equipment and also that of being energized at the absence or malfunction of protective means. The use of the faulty or unchecked electrotool (soldering, welding and others) is forbidden. In premises with the raised danger of defeat by an electric current (current-carrying floors, dusty) works should be carried out with special precautions.

One of protective means is a device which can protect you even if an installation of equipment is not done properly. This is known as a residual current device (RCD) or a ground fault interrupter (GFI). If there is even a small discrepancy it switches off the supply. In addition to protection against electric shock the electrical installation should also be designed so that no part will overheat. Plastic insulation materials and electronic components have a maximum temperature. If their temperature exceeds this level then the life of that component will be reduced and it will fail and cause a short circuit.

Electrical cables and equipment are not 100% efficient. It is prohibited to bunch power cables together because the cables in the middle will overheat. Cables should be laid with the space between them equivalent to the diameter of the adjacent cables. One of the precautions against overheating is - if equipment has ventilation holes then it is necessary to make sure that air circulation through them is not blocked.

It is impossible to tell whether a wire has one volt running through it or 1000 volts, therefore you should treat every electric wire as if it were dangerous. Before approaching any electric wire, first study the whole electric system to see how this particular wire is connected and if possible, measure the voltage and current in the wire with a voltmeter and ammeter. Thus, safety precautions during operation and maintenance, if carefully observed, should prevent accidents.

Exercise 2. Define the functions of Participle II in the sentences:

  1. If an electrical hazard is suspected, the device should be disconnected.

  2. Work on electrical devices should be done only after the power has been shut off.

  3. Relative safety of workplace is provided with rules of elecrosecurity.

  4. Badly designed electrical systems can cause fires.

  5. No current-carrying parts, able to appear energized when they should not be, should be reliably earthed.

  6. Grounding is done by connecting the wire, or equipment to be grounded, to a copper rod that has driven into the ground.

  7. The use of unchecked electrotool is forbidden.

  8. In premises with the raised danger of defeat by an electric current works should be carried out with special precautions.

  9. If the temperature exceeds a maximum level, the life of equipment will be reduced.

  10. Cables should be laid with the space between them.

  11. Safety precautions during operation, if carefully observed, should prevent accidents.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

  1. By working with electricity significant physical harm may result from…

  2. … are more sensitive to the effects of electrical … .

  3. If an electrical hazard is suspected, the device should be… .

  4. The cause of default should be ascertained by a person … .

  5. Equipment should be … before being inspected.

  6. Faulty electrical systems can cause … .

  7. Electrical installations must include measures for protection against … .

  8. Grounding means … .

  9. There should be a means to switch off any equipment in the case of anyone being trapped by… .

  10. For large machinery this will be … , to simplier equipment it will be … .

  11. If the temperature of components exceeds a maximum level, they will fail and cause … .

  12. Electrical cables and equipment are not 100% … .

  13. Safety precautions during maintenance should prevent … .

Exercise 4. Match the words in the left column with those in the right and translate them:

1. physical a) a cause

2. electrical b) harm

3. respiratory c) equipment

4. cardiac d) a device

5. to ascertain e) the supply

6. malfunctioning f) circuit

7. to unplug g) bonding

8. short h) level

9. earth i) inhibition

10. to switch off j) cables

11. to exceed k) current

12. adjacent l) breakdown

13. ventilation m) arrest

14. isolation n) holes

Exercise 5 Translate into English:

  1. Электричество широко используется для различных работ на заводах и в лабораториях.

  2. Различные устройства и оборудование работают с применением электричества.

  3. Неправильное обращение с электричеством может привести к несчастным случаям.

  4. Поражение током может вызвать нарушение (disorder) дыхания и даже остановку сердца.

  5. Если есть подозрения на неисправность оборудования, оно должно быть немедленно отключено.

  6. Устанавливать причину неполадки должен человек разбирающийся в этом деле.

  7. Следует помнить, что даже отключенный прибор сохраняет остатки электричества.

  8. Следует иметь в виду, что неисправные электрические системы могут стать причиной короткого замыкания и пожара.

  9. Системы электроснабжения и приборы должны быть надежно заземлены.

  10. Чтобы избежать поражения током, должна существовать система аварийного отключения электричества.

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