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Контрольное задание № 4

Чтобы правильно выполнить задание 4, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка:

Сложные формы инфинитива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive). Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям: объектный инфинитивный оборот, субъектный инфинитивный оборот.

Причастия (Participle I, II). Независимый (самостоятельный) причастный оборот.

Условные предложения.


1. Millions of Russian people are recorded to have taken part in elections

Отмечают, что миллионы россиян приняли участие в выборах.

2. We want the new car to be produced by February

Мы хотим, чтобы новый автомобиль был выпущен к февралю.

3. The device to be bought must be checked beforehand

Прибор, который нужно купить, следует предварительно проверить.


1. Countries wishing to cooperate with us will always find the necessary understanding

Страны, желающие сотрудничать с нами, всегда найдут должное понимание.

2. Having visited Paris the participants of the conference went to London.

Посетив Париж, участники конференции поехали в Лондон.

3. New technological processes having been developed, new types of equipment have been installed in the shop

Когда были разработаны новые технологические процессы, в цехе было установлено новое оборудование.


1. If the installation is put into

operation in time, the economic effect will be greater.

Если установка будет пущена вовремя, экономический эффект возрастет.

2. If the system had been perfected,

we should have applied it for new calculations.

Если бы система была усовершенствована, мы бы применили ёё для новых расчетов.

3. It would be impossible to build spaceships without using new materials and alloys.

Было бы невозможно построить корабли без применения новых материалов и сплавов.



I. Переведите письменно следующие предложения с субъектным и объектным инфинитивными оборотами.

1. The discovery shows the atomic nucleus to be a vast source of energy.

2. This school is considered to be the best in the town.

3. These materials were said to be carefully tested in the Institute's laboratory.

II. Переведите письменно предложения с независимым и зависимым причастными оборотами.

1. Having developed speed of 90 km, he got into an automobile accident.

2. He works at a plant producing new machinery.

3. The goods having been loaded, the dockers left the port.

III. Переведите письменно условные предложения.

1. If the scientists found the ways to predict earthquakes, it would be possible to evacuate people from the dangerous regions.

2. If you approach the town from the west, you will see a tall Stack of chemical works.

3. If they had met with such difficulties before, they would have known what to do now.

IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст.


1. Chomolungma is known to be the highest point of land in the world. Since die end of the nineteenth Century many attempts had been made to conquer it. But it was only in 1953 that two members of the British expedition headed by Colonel J. Hunt succeeded in reaching the top.

2. The first men to have done so were Hillary and Tenzing. Before this successful climb, there had been ten other expeditions whose aim was to examine the mountain and to find а route.

3. Naturally, climbing at a great height can hardly be considered easy. However, it is neither snow nor ice, that are the greatest enemies. One of the serious difficulties that the climber meets with is a shortage of oxygen in the air, not to mention the climate to which one has to adapt oneself.

4. In early March 1953 the expedition arrived at the Capital of Nepal from which Chomolungma is 150 miles away. As there were no good roads, the journey had to be made on foot. A large number of porters were needed to саrrу the expedition's supplies and equipment.

5. To secure a safe ascent a number of camps and bases were set up all along the way to the top.

6. The climbers were reported to have been Walking up for sixteen days when at last they saw Chomolungma in front of them. But to reach the summit they had to pass a river of ice moving slowly along the valley. This was a regular wall of broken ice almost inaccessible for climbing.

7. Being too tired to continue their way the courageous mountaineers stopped and set up the last camp so that the next morning they could complete their ascent. It was at this place that Hillary and Tenzing especially felt the thinness of the air. So during the night they were said to have been helped by a little oxygen which restored their strength.

8. At dawn they started off notwithstanding pain, tiredness and great cold. Higher and higher the two men climbed, roped together Each step forward needed a great effort of body and mind. They were seen to be moving step by step towards the glittering peak. Slow but sure. Sure of success in harnessing nature. At midday they stood on the summit of the great mountain. It was a victory won by hard effort of man and science.

Слова и пояснения к тексту

Chomolungma – Джомолунгма

not to mention the climate – не говоря уже о климате

ascent – восхождение

notwithstanding – Несмотря на

slow but sure – медленно, но уверенно

V. Перечитайте первый абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос:

Who were the first men to succeed in reaching the top of Chomolungma?



I. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения с субъектным и объектным инфинитивными оборотами.

1. She considers mу friend to be the best teacher at our school.

2. The Moscow underground is said to be the finest in the world.

3. These methods are supposed to be widely used in the near future.

II. Переведите письменно предложения с независимым и зависимым причастными оборотами

1. They stayed at home refusing to go with us.

2. A site for the bridge having been chosen, the work began.

3. The engineer carrying out the research was invited to take part in the conference.

III. Переведите письменно условные предложения

1. You will get good results if you apply this method of calculation.

2. If he had known the subject better, he wouldn't have failed in his exam.

3. It would be impossible to operate the motor properly without good knowledge of its design.

IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст.


1. The purpose of automobile repair is to recover and maintain the serviceability of automotive fleet, to correct troubles and remove faults or defects that occurred in actual service or were detected in the course of routine maintenance inspection

2. The repair work involves the replacement of faulty or worn-out units, assemblies, and parts by their serviceable counterparts taken from-repair parts stock, and also the necessary dismantling, assembly, adjustment, fitting, machining, welding, electrical-engineering and other operations.

3. The system of maintenance and repair adopted for automotive fleet in this country is considered to very effective. It includes scheduled preventive maintenance and major units assembly replacement.

4. Repairs are done when the need arises as a result of some trouble or fault and also according to a maintenance plan, at definite intervals in terms of kilometers operated or running hours (preventive maintenance).

5. It is recommended that the preventive maintenance system should primarily be applied to town- and intercity service: buses, taxi-cabs, ambulances, fire-fighter trucks, and gasoline trucks, which must meet fairly stringent requirements as to the read safety and failure-frее performance. This system should also be used where automobiles operate under similar conditions and so it is easy to establish the time between repairs of individual units and parts with a view to preventing en-route troubles and the associated down time.

6. The scheduled preventive maintenance and repair system provides for a timely removal of the causes of incipient troubles and cuts down the consumption of the sparе parts and the scope of repair work. With this system, use can be made of advanced methods of reconditioning harts, and the time out due to the repairs can be decreased, which makes it possible to improve the efficiency of automotive fleet.

Слова и пояснения к тексту


part – деталь

stock – запас

as to – что касается

en-route – по дороге, в пути

downtime – простой (автомобиля)

incipient – начальный, начинающийся

to recondition – восстанавливать

time-out – перерыв

V.Прочитайте еще раз последний абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос

What cuts down the consumption of the spare parts and the scope of repair work?



I. Переведите письменно следующие предложения с субъектным и объектным инфинитивными оборотами:

1. Many types of engines are reported to have been produced at the plant during the last decade.

2. We want this automobile to be repaired in time.

3. This experiment happened to be very important for our understanding of the phenomenon.

II. Переведите письменно предложения с независимым и зависимым причастными оборотами:

1. The data mentioned in this report were soon published.

2. Having refused to continue this research the scientist was quite right.

3. The population of the city increasing, the authorities have to pay more attention to water supply.

III. Переведите письменно условные предложения:

1. If the workers had been more careful they wouldn' t break the new machine-tool.

2. If the driver knew the reason of the trouble he would repair the engine himself.

3. It would be impossible to supply them with all the necessary equipment without our institute's help.

IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст.


1. Australian scientists have announced the discovery of a new type of polywater - а substance which as American scientist has claimed could destroy all life on earth. Two Sydney physicists, J. Middlehurst and L. R. Fisher, announced that they discovered the new type of polywater by accident.

2. Ten times as viscous as normal water and about 40 per cent heavier, polywater was discovered in 1962 by a Russian scientist.

3. Polywater has the same chemical composition as ordinary water but its properties are entirely different. Its molecules are linked in a long chain changing its physical properties readily, like plastic.

4. Russian researchers in 1962 said it kept its properties to about 1,000° F. and well below freezing point.

5. Despite widespread scepticism that such a man-made substance really existed, laboratories in the United States and England repotted they had prepared small samples of the substance.

6. This led to a warning from Dr. Frank Donahoe, s of Wilkes College, that polywater could destroy all life on earth. He claimed that if it got loose and combined with normal water, the earth would become a hot, dead world like Venus.

7. British scientists discounted Dr. Donahoe's warning and said that only a few millionths of a cubic centimeter of polywater existed and all evidence pointed against it being dangerous.

8. The original type of polywater was formed by condensing vapor inside extremely fine capillary tubes of silica (silicon dioxide), the hydrogen atoms in the water linking with oxygen atoms on the surface of the silica

9. The Australian researchers discovered their polywater called fluorite polywater white studying water in food at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Division of food preservation.

10. The condensed water vapor between two flat plates of fluorite and hydrogen atoms linked with atoms in the fluorite.

Слова и пояснения к тексту

by accident – случайно, нечаянно

scepticism – скептицизм, сомнение

fluorite – фторид

V. Перечитайте еще раз первый абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: In what way are molecules of polywater linked?


Для правильного выполнения контрольного задания №5 необходимо повторить следующие разделы курса:

Грамматические функции глаголов should, would.

Обороты с инфинитивом и причастием, равнозначным придаточным предложениям.

Различные значения слов as, because, because of, due to, for, since, both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor



1. I have done the work as it was required.

Я сделал работу, как это требовалось.

2. As there were many new words in the text I used a dictionary.

Так как в тексте было много новых слов, я пользовался словарем.

3. As to (as for) the computer it can handle enormous quantity of data per second.

Что касается компьютера, то он может в секунду обработать огромное число данных.

4. Electricity is a source of light as well as of heat.

Электричество – это источник света, а также тепла.

Because, because of

1. We use these films because they possess superior properties.

Мы используем эти пленки, так как они обладают превосходными свойствами.

2. The engineers prefer electronic devices because of their reliability.

Инженеры предпочитают электронные приборы вследствие их надежности.

Due to

.Plastics are in wide use due to their light weight

Пластики находят широкое применение благодаря их легкому весу.


1. For а long time wood was being applied for housing construction.

В течение долгого времени дерево использовалось для строительства домов.

2. We could not translate this text for it contained unknown terms.

Мы не смогли перевести этот текст, так как он содержал неизвестные термины.


1. Man used wood for construction since ancient times.

С древних времен человек использовал дерево для строительства.

2. Since the experiment was finished the students left the lab.

Так как эксперимент был закончен, студенты ушли из лаборатории.


1. Electronics helps us to study both the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.

Электроника помогает нам изучить как атомное ядро, так и элементарные частицы.

Either... or

1. Motors run or either direct or alternating current.

Моторы работают или на постоянном или на переменном токе.

Neither ... nor

I. There is neither oil nor coal in this

В этом районе нет ни нефти, ни угля.



I. Перепишите и переведите письменно предложения; обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should и would.

1. The supplies should be shipped to the Antarctic expedition in summer.

2. Without filling stations it would be impossible to make long journeys by car.

3. If there were no atomic ice-breakers there would be no possibility to reach the North Pole.

II. Перепишите и переведете письменно предложения с инфинитивными и причастными оборотами.

1. They spoke about the work to be done in the near future.

2. Rubber is known to have been brought from America.

3. Mendeleyev formulated the Periodic law of elements, the table of elements having his nаmе.

1. Scientists proved the new fuel to be very efficient.

2. Unless well heated the engine must not be started.

III. Перепишите и переведите письменно предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов.

1. The problems of water supply in this town are as important as those of heating

2. Microscope is quite necessary for this work.

3. This material will be used both in space apparatus and in underwater devices.

IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст.


1. The first microscope which can be used below the surface of the sea has been devised by scientists at the California University at Santa Barbara. They plan to use it to study marine organisms in their natural environment, and hope that this will prove useful in their work on commercial cultivation of marine life, and in observing the effects of pollution on sea plants and creatures.

2. Dr. M. Neushul, Dr. А С. Charters and Mr. B. Coon designed the microscope, which was built by Mr. N. Lammer at the University's Marine Laboratory. The new system is а development of the conventional dipping cone microscope, which is designed to operate under the surface of water, so that aquatic life can be studied in the laboratory. The microscope itself is almost entirely enclosed in a transparent plastic box. Controls, operated through watertight apertures, as in some underwater cameras, and a battery housed separately to supply power for the microscope light, complete the system.

3. It is even possible to take microphotographs using this equipment, and, as Dr. Neushul points out, "there is really no substitute for direct observation of plants and animals in their natural habitat". The research which will be aided by the new microscope is as interesting as the tool itself. The university scientists have developed a programme to explore the commercial potential of cultivated seaweed to the point where they are planting their own seaweeds in one of the world's first "marine farms".

4. Even the largest of marine plants begin life as microscopically small spores. So a new window has been opened on the reproduction and growth of these plants, during the critical early stages of their development.

5. It is known that sewage and industrial pollution cause drastic, large-scale changes in the life near to the seabed but the detailed nature of these changes саn be revealed only microscopically. If the effects of pollution are to be counteracted, and assuming that waste continues to be discharged untreated into the sea, then the underwater microscope will undoubtedly play a large part in determining what action must be taken.

Слова и пояснения к тексту

dipping – погружаемый

соnе – конусообразный

controls – регуляторы, ручки настройки

aperture – отверстие

seaweed – морская водоросль

V. Прочитайте еще раз последний абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Why will the underwater microscope play a large part?



I. Перепишите и переведите письменно предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should и would.

  1. 1. Mention should be made that a submarine of this design can cross the Arctic under water.

  2. 2. Without the powerful spaceships it would be impossible to supply our cosmic station with all the necessary equipment

  3. 3. If they had applied this method of calculation the results would have been much better.

II. Переведите письменно предложения с инфинитивными и причастными оборотами

1. X-ray techniques is widely used for diagnostic purposes in medicine and automobile and airplane industries; this techniques readily revealing flaws and cracks inside the metal.

2. Wood was perhaps the first material to be used by man for building purposes.

3. The young economist using all the advantages of the new method helped to improve the results of the firm's work.

III. Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов.

1. As to these new houses they have more facilities.

2. Neither coal nor wood can produce the desirable quantity of energy.

3. Frederic Joliot-Curie is known all over the world both as a scientist and as a leader of the progressive movement.

IV. Переведите письменно текст


1. Professor Cecil Frank Powell is known to be one of the most famous British physicists. In the late 1940s a very interesting and even dramatic Situation had taken shape in high-energy and cosmic rays physics. Earlier, in the thirties, H. Yukava, a Japanese physicist, had forecast the existence of particles with a mass intermediary between that of the nucleus of the atom of hydrogen - the proton - and the electron. These particles, called mesons, make the substance stable. But later on it was learned that the newly-discovered particles were extremely "passive" and could not be the forces that operate in the atomic nuclei.

2. Powell solved this paradox brilliantly. Studying cosmic rays by means of nuclear photoemulsion which he had perfected, he discovered one more elementary particle which was called the pi-meson and the pi-meson is really the basis of nuclear force.

3. This discovery won him die Nobel Prize in 1950. It was a very important discovery for physics. It was found that there is a whole system of elementary particles m nature which is similar, to a certain extent, to Mendeleyev's periodic table.

4. Professor Powell's school has already done and is still doing much to study the properties of high-energy particles. C.F. Powell was widely known for his progressive views and social and political activities.

5. He was President of the World Federation of Scientific Workers for several years, he also was a member of the World Council of Peace, and one of the leading men in the Pugwash movement. He was a frequent visitor to this country, he was known to many Russian scientists not only from his works, but from personal meetings, too. Many Russian researchers have visited him at his home in Bristol. In 1968 Professor Powell received the medal named after the famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.

Слова и пояснения к тексту

meson – мезон

Pugwash movement – Пагоушеское движение (движение борцов за мир)

V. Прочитайте еще раз последний абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос:

What medal did C.F. Powell receive?



I. Переведите письменно предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should и would.

1 The new instrument is to use the properties of the laser beam to prevent bleeding.

2. If we used an underwater microscope we should open a new window into the sea world.

3. Sliding bearings should be used to reduce friction and to соре with gyroscopic forces in heavy seas.

II. Переведите письменно предложения с инфинитивными и причастными оборотами

1. The plant built in the 19th Century needs reconstruction.

2. Moscow underground is supposed to be the best in the world.

3. Liquid lubricants evaporating in vacuum, scientists developed solid lubricants for space engineering.

III. Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов

1. The more I work at the problem the more I Iike it.

2. As you apply old method, you are not able to complete this research.

3. For a long time they couldn't resume their exploration.

IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст:


1.The Natural Environment Research Council in London has defined subjects for Antarctic exploration which it says should be intensified.

2. It has prepared a report emphasizing the importance of the Antarctic as the best natural scientific laboratory in existence. Fundamental physical, chemical and biological changes of global importance сan be observed without interference with the multiplicity of interacting factors which occur elsewhere, the report says.

3. The ice sheet includes nine-tenths of the earth's ice and snow. In conjunction with the surrounding sea ice, the processes by which energy transfer takes place between the seas end atmosphere or by ocean currents profoundly affect the heat balance and the climate of the rest of the world.

4. Studies of the atmosphere and ionosphere are of great importance for weather forecasting and radio communications. The ice sheet contains an unaltered record of substances precipitated over thousands of years. They are the only uncontaminated samples from the atmosphere over this period, the purest long-term record of terrestrial material circulating in the atmosphere, and the most easily interpreted record of the amount of extraterrestrial material falling on the Earth.

5. A programme of snow sampling at a series of points along а 600- mile line directed Inland from the coast, it is hoped, could provide a record of impurities from the sea These can be separated from the impurities of atmosphere origin.

6. The Antarctic is also thought to be a potential source of protein. This region is rich in shrimp-like organisms, which now multiply by an estimated 50 million tones a year. These are a rich protein source. Suggestions that they could be harvested are being taken seriously fey scientists who have seen other fish stocks diminish.

7. The report defends the outlay for research on long-term projects. The work is carried out under the British Antarctic Survey.

Слова и пояснения к тексту:

sampling – отбор образцов

shrimp – креветка

to harvest – собирать урожай

outlay –расходы

V. Прочитайте еще раз 3-й и 2-й абзацы текста и ответьте на вопрос: What is considered to be the best natural scientific laboratory?



I .Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст


1. The tram, discarded by many British cities before and after the war, may be heading for comeback.

2. Newcastle Passenger Transport Executive has commissioned a study of the feasibility of Converting the 20-mile north Tyneside loop railway into an electric light train оr tramway system.

3. The advantages of the tram are the following: it is considerably cheaper than the conventional railway, quieter, free from exhaust fumes, and able to provide a more frequent service with more stops. Renewed interest is being shown in both Europe and America, where existing systems are being extended and new up-to-date vehicles are coming into service.

4. Dr. Tony Ridley, director-general of the transport executive, said: "we are aware of the considerable amount of work that is being done in the development of such systems in various parts of the world, particularly in Western Europe.

5. "It is envisaged that such a railway would offer advantages not easily attainable with other transport systems. Having relatively small electrically powered stock, it would be silent in operation and devoid of fumes. It would therefore be more acceptable environmentally than the present railway.

6. By offering additional stops and a more frequent service, coupled with high performance, it could combine the attractiveness of a semi-express bus service with the operational advantages of a guided railway system."

Слова и пояснения к тексту:

to discard – выбрасывать (за ненадобностью)

feasibility – возможность, выполнимость, осуществимость loop – ветка (железнодорожная, трамвайная)

attainable – достижимый

stock – двигатель

devoid of – свободный от

II. Ответьте на вопрос:

What are the advantages of the tram?



1. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.


l. An unidentified radio signal that may be a clue to the chemical processes that are taking place in space has been discovered by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Kitt Peak, Arizona.

2. 0ne of the scientists, Dr. L. E. Snyder, reported to the International Astronomical Union meeting in Brighton that there is every reason to believe that the signals are coming from a chemical compound being formed in the clouds of dust in space.

3. Six different types of chemical have been detected in space by their radio emission.

4. In some cases the molecules are present to the extent of only one molecule in a cubic meter, but the clouds are so large that the total number of molecules is significant.

5. Astronomers have been surprised at the range of molecules that have turned up in these observations. Molecules of water, ammonia, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, for example, have been found, recognized by their characteristic radio emissions. One question of course, is how these comparatively complex molecules are formed in the dark clouds.

6. Оnе possibility discussed at the meeting is that individual atoms come together to make molecules on the surfaces of the grain of dust composing the clouds. The dust grains are suspected to consist of graphite or, possibly, a silicate material.

7. The new radio signal has been detected in four regions of space. The signal was being recorded at the Kitt Peak Observatory. Dr. Snyder said he is fairly convinced that the signal is due to radio emission from a molecule, but so far nobody knows what type of molecule is responsible.

8. But the consensus at the meeting seems to be that a molecule made up of some combination of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms is probably responsible. These are the atoms making up the other types of molecule that have been detected in dark clouds.

9.0ne reason why astronomers believe it is important to discover what is happening in the clouds is that they are suspected to be made up of the kind of material from which the solar system was formed. It has also turned out that some indication of the way the clouds are moving can be found by measuring how the wavelengths of the signals are slightly shifted from what is expected for molecules at rest.

Слова и пояснения к текстy

grain – крупица (пыли)

consensus – согласие, единодушие

11. Ответьте на вопрос:

Why is it important to discover what is happening in the dark clouds?



                  1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:


l. Subway networks in Japan have now assumed major importance as one effective means of resolving growing traffic congestion in the large cities. However, the subway has a major shortcoming, especially in the sultry summer: for the heat emitted by the underground coaches in motion adds to the already stuffy atmosphere surrounding the passengers. A subway free of this defect has long been the earnest wish and dream of urban dwellers. Now in answer to this need the Teito Rapid Transit Authority in Tokyo has started to use 130 low heat-generation coaches on the Chiyoda Line. The coaches employ а new electronic control device.

2. The new device adopted for the new-type coach uses a semiconductor called "a thyrister" instead of the conventional resistor. This is designed to provide smooth speed control by intermittently sending an electric current through the main circuit of the electric car and little by little changing the voltage of the current fed to the motor.

3. The new control system has the following advantages. Since electricity is used efficiently, power consumption is low. Heat generation is limited. So the temperature in underground tunnels can be lowered, making a "cool" subway a reality. The smooth control of the electric current flow prevents die racing of wheels and greatly enhances the riding comfort of passengers. Compared with conventional coaches, maintenance is easier and less costly. The adoption of an aluminium body for the subway coach reduces weight, which in turn contributes to cutting power consumption. Those points mark a changeover from the "stuffy" to the "cool subway and thus represent a major step forward in Tokyo's drive to ensure a comfortable ride on its public transport system.

Слова и пояснения к тексту

intermittently – ритмично

sultry – знойный, душный

racing of wheels – "рыскание" колес

to enhance – увеличивать, повышать.

II. Ответьте на вопрос:

What was the main shortcoming of the Tokyo's subway?



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1. Various engineering materials are used in engineering practice. In studying engineering processes we must know the characteristics of engineering materials. It is important to know them because- they affect manufacture and application of materials. The characteristics of a material are its qualities strength, hardness and elasticity. They depend upon the chemical composition and the physical structure of the material.

2. If we take Iead and nickel, for example, .we see that they have a similar crystalline structure, but a different chemical composition. On the band, if we take diamonds end graphite, we find that they have the same chemical composition, but their physical structures are quite different.

3. Physical Properties. Those distinguishing qualities or characteristics, which are used to describe a substance, are referred to as physical properties. A description of the physical behaviour of a material would include such characteristics as specific heat thermal conductivity, coefficient of expansion, colour, strength, and hardness. Those physical properties, which describe the behaviour of materials under mechanical usage, such as strength, hardness, machinability and ductility, are called mechanical properties. These properties are of great interest to the engineer who is called upon to select materials for machines and structures and to determine the sizes of various members.

4. In order to use engineering materials in design, fabrication or construction, knowledge of mechanical properties is necessary. The determination of these properties is made in the laboratory and is conducted under fixed rules of procedure, which govern the act of mechanical testing. A mechanical test is one in which all of the variables affecting a given property are controlled and the property in question is measured wider fixed conditions.

Слова и пояснения к тексту

engineering –техника, технический

strength – прочность, крепость

hardness – твердость

elasticity – упругость

machinability – годность к механической обработке

ductility – ковкость

ductile – ковкий

composition – состав

to be called upon – требовать

member – часть, деталь (машины)

II. Ответьте на вопрос:

What properties are of great interest to the engineer?


Грамматика 2

Морфология 2

Синтаксис 3

1. James Watt, the Scottish inventor, was born in the small port of Greenock on the river Clyde in 1736. His father was a mathematical-instrument maker and also kept a shop for supplying ships with goods for their voyages. 16