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41 Lesson 7


  1. Повторение причастий 1 и П.

  2. Повторение -ing форм.

  3. Условные предложения (союзы if, unless, provided).

  4. Значения should.

  5. Значения because, because of.

  6. Значения before, after.

Задание на дом № 1

I. Проработайте в разделе "Грамматика и словообразование" §11.

II. Из данных слов выделите прилагательные и причастия с отрицательными приставками и суффиксами и дайте их русские эквиваленты (устно):

unimportant, improper, useless, unimproved, unpopular, hardiness, uniform, impossible, internode, uninherited, careless, include, inactive, underground, undesirable, fruitless, unfavourable, undeveloped.

Ш. Переведите предложения, содержащие условные прида­точные (устно):

  1. 1. If we grow legumes, the soil fertility will be higher. 2. Corn will grow better if there is much nitrogen in the soil. 3. If the seed is of high quality, we shall obtain a higher yield;

  2. 1. If we grew legumes, the soil fertility would be higher. 2. Corn would grow better if there were more nitrogen in the soil. 3. If the seed had been of good quality, we should have obtained a higher yield.

IY. Найдите в следующих предложениях причастия и опреде­лите их функцию. Переведите предложения (устно):

  1. 1. Using the new method of harvesting, they obtained higher yield of sugar beets. 2. The collective farms using the new method of harvesting obtain higher yield of sugar beets. 3. Our collective farm is harvesting sugar beets now. 4. The growing period of barley is shorter than that of other cereals, this crop producing good yield when it is sown in late May. 5. Rye being drought-resistant, any soil can be used for this crop.

  2. 1. Most wheat varieties cultivated produce high yields of good quality grain. 2. Wheat varieties cultivated in our country have been


developed by our plant breeders. 3. Two wheat varieties are cultivated on the farm "Zarya";

с) 1. Having stored up nutrients in the first season, root crops are able to grow and produce seed in the second season. 2. Being anchored by roots, plants can withstand the adverse effects of rain and wind. 3. Having been sown in a well-prepared soil, wheat developed well and produced high-quality seed. 4. All farm crops have certain desirable characteristics, the highest yields being obtained from those best adap­ted to the conditions of growing. 5. Soil fertility having been increased, the farmer could obtain a higher yield of potatoes.

V. Найдите в следующих предложениях форму с суффиксом -ing, которой в русском языке соответствует существительное. Переведите Предложения (устно):

1. Conducting water and plant nutrients is the main function of the stem. 2. Conducting water and plant nutrients, the stem performs a very important function for the life of a plant. 3. Improving crop plants was done in the past by selecting superior types. 4. Improving farm crops, plant breeders use three general methods. 5. The yield of potato­es was reduced due to our having planted tubers into too cold soil. 6. Corn requiring much nitrogen, the soil should be well supplied with this element.

VT. В тексте A:

1) найдите причастия и объясните их функции;

  1. укажите ing- формы, соответствующие в русском языке су­ществительному;

  2. найдите условные предложения, в которых при переводе следует употребить частицу "бы" (4-й и 6-й абзацы).

VII. Переведите текст А (устно). Отработайте чтение текста в лаборатории (лабораторная работа № 1).

Text А

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