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Е.А. Панкратова Let me introduce myself.doc
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62. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the infinitive.

1. The Bachelor degree course must (include) four academic years. 2. The first-year students are (take) courses in general subjects. 3. Our students can (learn) English or German. 4. In the first year they will be able (study) special subjects. 5. During the studies at the Institute students were (do) some research work. 6. Any student will be allowed (participate) in the scientific conference. 7. In the final year students must (write) a degree paper. 8. At the end of each term students are (have) an examination period. 9. Some student will have (pay) for their studies. 10. Students can (get) a basic or increased stipend. 11. We must (be) in time for classes. 12. During a long break students were able (have) dinner. 13. He could (deliver) good lectures. 14. They had (rent) an apartment. 15. Students can (stay) at the hostel.

63. Say the following in English using modal verbs or their equivalents.

1. Студенты должны учиться. 2. Вы можете идти в институтскую библиотеку. 3. Я могу заплатить за учебу. 4. Мы должны будем изучать специальные предметы. 5. Он должен заплатить за первый курс. 6. Им следует посещать лекции. 7. Мы должны сдавать экзамены. 8. Она может сделать домашнюю работу. 9. Вы сможете сдавать экзамены. 10. Мы можем получить хорошее образование. 11. Они должны были снимать квартиру. 12. Мы сможем пообедать в столовой института. 13. Нам разрешили сдать экзамен завтра. 14. Студенты должны будут сдавать экзамены по четырем предметам. 15. Вам следует приходить во время на занятия.

64. Let’s speak about last events. Put the regular verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple.

1. I (live) in Vladimir three years ago. 2. He (work) at the plant last year. 3. She (finish) school in 2000. 4. They (graduate) from the University two years ago. 5. You (enter) the Institute last year. 6. We (pay) for our studies last month. 7. My grandparents (live) in Murom many years ago. 8. His son (miss) classes last week. 9. Her daughter (attend) all lectures last month. 10. Their aunt (write) a degree paper last year. 11. Your uncle (graduate) from the Institute in 1987. 12. Our cousin (finish) school five years ago. 13. His niece (pay) for studies yesterday. 14. Her nephew (take) courses in general and special subjects in the first year. 15. My husband (work) in the firm many years ago.

65. Put the irregular verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple.

1. I (go, went, gone) to school last year. 2. His wife (take, took, taken) exams last month. 3. Their children (learn, learnt, learnt) some law subjects in the first year. 4. They (have, had, had) an examination period after the first term. 5. We (do, did, done) research work in the sixth year. 6. My brother (become, became, become) a lawyer two years ago. 7. His sister (get, got, got) a good education at the institute. 8. It (be, was/were, been) difficult for him to study special subjects. 9. There (be, was/were, been) many students in our group last year. 10. Her daughter (do, did, done) her homework yesterday. 11. She (be, was/were, been) born in 1983. 12. We (have, had, had) two lectures and a seminar yesterday. 13. They (go, went, gone) to the library. 14. Her husband (be, was/were, been) fond of collecting computer games in childhood. 15. We (get, got, got) married ten years ago.