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Theml_H.,_Diem_H.,_Haferlach_T._Цветной атлас по гематологии(Thieme,2004)(208s).pdf
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Abnormalities of the White Cell Series

62 Abnormalities of the White Cell Series

A very old-fashioned, intuitive way of classifying CBCs is to divide them into those in which round to oval (mononuclear) cells predominate and those in which segmented (polynuclear) cells predominate. However, this old method does allow the relevant differential diagnosis to be inferred from a cursory screening of a slide.

Differential Diagnostic Notes

Differential diagnosis when round to oval cells predominate

Reactive lymphocytoses and monocytoses, pp. 67f., 89

Lymphatic system diseases (lymphomas, lymphocytic leukemia), p. 70

Acute leukemias, including episodes of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), p. 96ff.

Low counts of cells with segmented nuclei (agranulocytosis– aplastic anemia–myelodysplasia), pp. 86, 106, 148

Differential diagnosis when segmented cells predominate

Reactive processes, p. 112ff.

Chronic myeloid leukemia, p. 114ff.

Osteomyelosclerosis, p. 122

Polycythemia vera, p. 162ff.