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Мидова В. О., Минасян Е. Т. (Final 15.01.2014).doc
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Case Study «Company Language»


English is the key to success and we must all improve.’ These were the words of the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), brought in two years ago to turn PC Corporation around. PC Corporation, a manufacturer of personal computers, had a brief spell of success in the eighties, but only just survived into the nineties. Two years ago, it was bought by the international giant, IT Corporation. A new senior management team was brought in and they introduced new management practices with a major emphasis on internationalization.

The message about learning English has not been well received throughout PC Corporation in Rotaronga. Many people feel that the language is moving into too many areas. Rotarongan youth seem to be very influenced by British and American culture, and young people use English words for special effect. This growing domination of English has led some politicians to suggest (in private) that the Rotarongan language can only be preserved by limiting the introduction of new words from English.

The CEO’s words have received a mixed response at PC Corporation. The meeting has been called for the management committee to discuss what to do about the CEO’s recommendation.


  1. The role of English in the business world

  2. Cultural implications

  3. SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis at PC Corporation

  4. Training aspects

Notes to the agenda

  1. The Managing Director will present the corporate view.

  2. The Human Resources Director will present some local views.

  3. The Marketing Manager will present the SWOT analysis.

  4. The Training Manager will outline plans for training.

  5. The Workers’ Representative will present the views from the shop-floor.

  6. The Admin (Administration) Manager will outline the current dilemma about documentation.

  7. The meeting will take a decision about the future role of English in the company and any necessary steps to implement that decision.

Brainstorming Cultural Blunders

Present the case, express your point and disclose the cultural mistake.

  1. A US telephone company tried to market its products and services to Latinos by showing a commercial in which a Latino wife tells her husband to call a friend, telling her they would be late for dinner.

What was the mistake?

  1. Proctor & Gamble used a television commercial in Japan that was popular in Europe. The ad showed a woman bathing, her husband entering the bathroom and touching her.

Why did the Japanese consider this ad a failure?

  1. Mountain Bell Company tried to promote its telephone and services to Saudi Arabia. Its ad portrayed an executive talking on the phone with his feet propped up on the desk, showing the soles of his shoes.

What was wrong with the ad?

  1. A Japanese manager in an American company was told to give critical feedback to a subordinate during a performance evaluation. Japanese use high context language and are uncomfortable giving direct feedback. It took the manager five tries before he could be direct enough to discuss the poor performance.

What did the Japanese manager do wrongly?

  1. An American business person refused an offer of a cup of coffee from a Saudi businessman.

What misbehavior did he do?

  1. Pepsi-Cola lost it dominant market share to Coke in South East Asia when Pepsi changed the color of its vending machines and coolers from deep "Regal" blue to light "Ice" blue.

What was wrong with light blue color?


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