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Goes back to – относится к

Settlement – поселение

Peasants – крестьяне

Landowner – помещик

Advantageous location – выгодное местоположение

Kazan Province – Казанская губерния

Grain-trade – хлебная торговля

Power station – электростанция

Lumber mill – лесозавод

Brick mill – кирпичный завод

Ship-repairing plant – судоремонтный завод

Watch plant – часовой завод

Knitting factory – трикотажная фабрика

Hospitable shelter – гостеприимный уголок

The Alley of Heroes – Аллея героев

The Eternal Fire – Вечный огонь

Enterprise – предприятие

By-street – переулок

Agriculture – сельское хозяйство

Because of – из-за

Instead of – вместо

Gradually – постепенно

To surround – окружать

Lake – озеро

Field – поле

Meadow – луг

Imagine you are a guide in your town:

  1. What would you say about the past and the present of your town; the centre of the town; the district you live in; your most favourite place in the town.

  2. What places of interest would you show to your guest?

Topic X Our University

Kazan State Technical University was established in 1932. In 1973 it was named after the prominent Soviet aircraft designer, academician Tupolev. Our University trains engineers and designers for aircraft industry, radio electronics specialists in computers and automatic control system, economists and managers. There are-full-time students and part-time students at the University. At the moment there are nine faculties: aircraft engineering, motor engineering, instrument engineering, radio engineering, engineering cybernetic and computer science, economic, and other faculties.

The student body is about 8000. There are 48 chairs a lot of well-equipped laboratories, a computer centre and a library. There exist a post-graduate course and a preparatory department as well.

The academic year begins in September. It lasts ten months and ends in June. There are two terms in the course of the academic year. The students take examinations twice a year. During the term students attend lectures, carry out laboratory tests and do some practical work. The complete course for students lasts five years. The first-year students take mathematics, physics, chemistry, a foreign language and a number of other subjects. From the second year many students begin independent research work at the students' scientific societies. They win medals and diplomas and publish a lot of scientific papers.

The teaching staff includes over 40 professors and more than 400 lecturers holding Candidates of science degrees.

The students of our University have fine conditions for study and rest. They have all the necessary facilities, equipment and coaching in many kinds of sport. There are seven hostels and the camp on the bank of the Volga river.

The graduates of our University work at big plants, design offices and special research institutions. Many of them take a post-graduate course.


To establish – основывать

To train – готовить, воспитывать

Automatic control system – автоматизированная система управления

Department – отделение, факультет

Aircraft engineering faculty – факультет летательных аппаратов

Motor engineering faculty – факультет двигателей летательных аппаратов

Instrument engineering faculty – факультет приборостроения

Radio engineering faculty – радиотехнический факультет

Engineering cybernetics and computer science faculty – факультет технической кибернетики и информатики

Computer centre – вычислительный центр

Post-graduate course – аспирантура

To carry out (on) – выполнять, проводить

Students’ design office – студенческое конструкторское бюро

Graduate – выпускник

To graduate from – заканчивать (вуз)

Chair – кафедра

Coaching – тренировка

Hostel – общежитие

Equipment – оборудование

Facilities – условия, приспособления, сооружения

Research work – исследовательская работа

Teaching staff – преподавательский состав

Answer the following questions:

  1. When was Kazan Stale Technical University established?

  2. Whom does our University train?

  3. What faculties are there at our University?

  4. When does the academic year begin?

  5. What subjects do students take at the University?

  6. How do students rest?

  7. Where do the graduates of our University work?

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