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7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

go (x2) make (x2) take (x2) do have play work earn

1 He won’t want tickets for that play. He   went  to see it last weekend.

2 This CD player doesn’t work so I’m going                     it back to the shop tomorrow.

3 We                     a delicious picnic by the river when it started raining.

4 His business                     so well now, he might take on more staff soon.

5 When she passes her exams, she                     a much better salary.

6 We                     (not) skiing yet this winter.

7 You have to practise for at least six hours every day                     an instrument well.

8 Over fifty television sets                     back to the shop because they were faulty.

9 Tom won’t find it easy                     friends if he talks to them so rudely.

10 She’d soon get promoted in that job if she                     well under pressure.

11 You’ll never learn a foreign language if you                     (not) mistakes.


8 Match 1–6 with a)–f).

1 They didn’t have enough customers   c  

2 I don’t often go dancing           

3 Which films have           

4 She said she didn’t mind           

5 Will you be able           

6 If you didn’t go to bed so late,           

a) lending you her car.

b) you’d sleep better.

c) so they had to close the shop.

d) but I enjoy doing it once in a while.

e) to go out with me this weekend?

f) won an award recently?


9 Underline the correct alternative, a), b) or c).

1 He’s the man            helped me get the job.

a) which b)   that  c) whose

2 People eat too           junk food these days.

a) many b) enough c) much

3 He’s           asked her to go with him.

a) already b) yet c) ever

4 We walked around           garden of his house while we talked.

a) a b) the c) –

5 The schoolchildren           home early because of the bad weather.

a) are sent b) sent c) were sent

6 Sorry I’m late. It was           than I thought.

a) further b) far c) more far

7 When I go to university, I           have my own flat.

a) – b) ’ll c) don’t

8 I can’t imagine           in that hotel – it’s so expensive.

a) staying b) to stay c) stay

9 What           their new house like?

a) does b) ’s c) are

10 They told us they           at nine.

a) ’d come b) comes c) come

11 I don’t know           keys they are.

a) who b) that c) whose


10 Complete the article with one word in each gap.

New mobile 1  phone  technology continues to influence and change our lives. People can now sign up to a new service2               will find their family and friends on a computer map3               their mobiles. However, many people are unhappy about this technology and have made complaints about4               protection of their privacy. The phone companies have replied, saying that users would have5               sign up and agree to be located. They don’t have to sign up to the service if they don’t6               to. And if they do, they can switch7               the service whenever they want. The service will8               popular with parents but their children may9               feel the same. One thing is certain: it’s10               easy and convenient way to answer the11               frequently asked question on a mobile: ‘Where are you?’



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