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Самостоятельный причастный оборот

822. Самостоятельный причастный оборот не употребляется в ### (MT-1)

823. В самостоятельном причастном обороте может опускаться причастие

от глагола ### (MT-1)

Cамостоятельный причастный оборот содержится в предложении (МТ-2)

824. а) The techniques of laser application are well known, especially those of CO2 laser.

b) Laser technology has wide application in surgery, CO2 laser being most commonly used.

c) CO2 laser is known to be most commonly used in surgery.

825. a) Cancer of the stomach is more common in men than in women, its incidence highest at ages

of 50 to 60.

b) Cancer of the stomach is more common in men than in women, the highest incidence is noted at ages 50 to 60.

c) Cancer of the stomach is noted to be more common in men than in women, and its incidence is highest at ages 50 to 60.

826. а) The role of hereditary factors is being discussed but this theory has not yet been proved.

b) The scientists are still discussing the role of hereditary factors, the hereditary theory unproved.

с) The hereditary theory is under a permanent discussion, it still remains unproved.

827. а) Intestinal tumors lead to chronic obstruction, it being a usual symptom of cancerous invasion.

b) Intestinal tumors lead to chronic obstruction after usual symptoms of cancerous invasion develop.

с) Intestinal tumors leading to chronic obstruction, first the symptoms of cancerous invasion appear.

828. a) High cholesterol level and chronic stress are known to increase the risk of developing diseases.

b) The risk of developing the disease is high, high cholesterol level and stress aggravating

the process.

c) High cholesterol level and stress are the factors aggravating the disease.

829. a) The maximum treatment distance is restricted: the best results are obtained 5-15 mm from

the lesion.

b) The treatment distance is restricted to maximum: 5-15 mm from the lesion.

c) The maximum treatment distance is restricted, the best results being obtained 5-15 mm

from the lesion.

830. a) As the classes were over most of the students went home.

b) The classes finished, most of the students went home.

c) When the classes are finished most of the students go home.

831. a) After the man had developed peritonitis, the operation became urgent.

b) The man having developed peritonitis, the operation became urgent.

c) In men developing peritonitis the operation is urgent.

832. a) A 10-year plan being adopted, the British NHS is still suffering a lot of problems.

b) The British NHS is still suffering a lot of problems in spite of a 10-year plan of its developing.

c) Though a 10-year plan was adopted the British NHS is still suffering a lot of problems.

833. a) Aspirin has been used over 100 years now, its medical powers being still surprising.

b) Aspirin used over 100 years still surprises by its medical powers.

c) Aspirin still surprises by its medical powers though it has already been used for 100 years.

834. a) When new râles appear in the lungs the patient’s condition usually becomes worse.

b) The patient’s condition became worse after some new râles had appeared in the left lung.

c) New râles had appeared in the lungs, his condition becoming worse.

835. a) The classical symptoms of appendicitis are nausea, vomiting and pain beginning in

the umbilical region.

b) The classical symptoms of appendicitis are pain, nausea and vomiting, the pain beginning

in the umbilical region.

c) The pain in the umbilical region, the classical symptom of appendicitis, is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

836. a) Malignant hypertension may cause the damage to kidney blood vessels often resulting

in cerebral hemorrhage.

b) Cerebral hemorrhage often follows kidney vessel damage caused by malignant hypertension.

c) Malignant hypertension causes serious damage to kidney blood vessels, this being followed

by cerebral hemorrhage.

837. a) Acute necrotizing encephalitis was diagnosed because histology showed grey and white matter.

b) When histology shows grey and white matter acute necrotizing encephalitis is usually suspected.

c) Histological examination having showed grey and white matter, acute necrotizing encephalitis was diagnosed.

838. a) The main symptom of angina pectoris is the chest pain which is generally described as a feeling of suffocation.

b) The chest pain generally described as a feeling of suffocation may be a symptom

of angina pectoris.

c) The chief symptom of angina pectoris is the chest pain, it being generally described as

a feeling of suffocation.

839. a) Oral organic nitrates dilating the arteries, the angina pain is controlled within some minutes.

b) As organic nitrates dilate the arteries the angina pains may be controlled within some minutes.

c) Oral organic nitrates dilating the arteries may control the angina pains within some minutes.

840. a) The soft tissue being easily divided by the laser beam, amputations take less time.

b) Amputations usually take less time when laser is applied.

c) As soft tissue is easily divided by the laser beam it is often used in amputations.

Соответствие между английскими и русскими предложениями (MT-2)

841. 1) Recovery often depends on the proper treatment, the patient’s immune status being of great importance.

2) The patient’s immune status and the proper treatment are of great importance for uneventful recovery.

a) Иммунный статус пациента и правильное лечение имеют большое значение для выздоровления без осложнений.

b) Выздоровление часто зависит от правильного лечения, но иммунный статус пациента также имеет большое значение.

842. 1) The severity of jaundice having increased, a considerably elevated amount of bilirubin

was found in the blood.

2) In jaundice the amount of blood bilirubin is usually considerably increased.

a) При желтухе количество билирубина в крови обычно значительно повышено.

b) Т.к.интенсивность желтухи увеличилась, в крови обнаружили значительно повышенное содержание билирубина.

843. 1) When the level of sugar in the body sharply increases diabetes can develop.

2) The level of sugar in the blood being increased, diabetes was developing.

a) Когда сахар в крови резко повышается, может развиться диабет.

b) Т.к. уровень сахара в крови был повышен, развивался диабет.

844. 1) Severe tenderness being felt in the abdomen, the doctor suspected acute cholecystitis.

2) In severe tenderness in the abdomen the doctor can suspect acute cholecystitis.

a) При сильной болезненности в животе врач может подозревать острый холецистит.

b) Поскольку в животе ощущалась сильная болезненность, врач заподозрил острый холецистит.

845. 1) The patient’s blood pressure falling, the nurse called in the doctor.

2) If the patient’s blood pressure begins falling the nurse must call in the doctor.

a) Если давление пациента начинает падать, то медсестра должна вызывать врача.

b) Т.к. давление пациента падало, медсестра вызвала врача.

846. 1) New foci of inflammation having appeared, the temperature took an irregular course.

2) New foci of inflammation appear and the temperature takes an irregular course.

a) Новые очаги воспаления появляются, и температура принимает нерегулярное течение.

b) После того как появились новые очаги воспаления, температура приняла нерегулярное течение.

847. 1) In worse condition a course of chemotherapy is usually given.

2) His condition having become worse, he was given a course of chemotherapy.

a) При более плохом состоянии обычно дают химиотерапию.

b) Поскольку его состояние ухудшилось, ему начали курс химиотерапии

848. 1) Her condition became poor after two days of therapy.

2) A proper course of therapy being given for two days, her condition remained poor.

a) После двух дней консервативного лечения ее состояние ухудшилось.

b) Хотя соответствующий курс лечения проводили в течение двух дней,

ее состояние оставалось тяжелым.

849. 1) In men suffering periodic mental overstrain severe headaches often develop.

2) The man suffering the periods of mental overstrain, severe headaches develop.

a) Т.к. мужчина испытывает периоды умственного перенапряжения, у него развиваются сильные головные боли.

b) У людей, испытывающих периоды умственного перенапряжения, развиваются сильные головные боли.

850. 1) Antibiotics having been given for three days, severe tenderness persisted.

2) If severe tenderness persists for three days antibiotics are given.

a) Если болезненность не проходит, то обычно вводят антибиотики.

b) Хотя антибиотики водили уже в течение трех дней, сильная болезненность сохранялась.

851. 1) The severity of jaundice increases when the amount of blood bilirubin increases.

2) The amount of bilirubin increasing, severe jaundice developed.

a) Поскольку количество билирубина увеличилось, развилась сильная желтуха.

b) Интенсивность желтухи усиливается, когда количество билирубина в крови повышается.