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ped the research plan. The country of fairy tales, legend and story, a perfect knowledge of the language of heroes and athletes about the peculiarities of relations of pupils, teachers that knowledge by sending them to write-in universities). Some of the materials he collected were sent to the Kazan branch of the Russian geographical society. In 1886 he published the newspaper "Turkestan ualayaty", which began to be published in Tashkent. A.A. Divaev, firstly, considers samples of Kazakh oral literature as necessary for the future generation, for history, and secondly, translates the collected materials into Russian and prints in the Kazakh language, offered to introduce representatives of the Russian and Western peoples with the ancient cultural heritage of the Kazakh people. In 1896, the Society of archeology, history, and ethnography at the Kazan University of Divaev sent a letter and reports on membership in this society.

It is the active members of the society; V.V. Radlov, A.E. Alektorov, G.N. Potanin, V.N. Nalivkin, N.P. Ostroumov was also involved in the collection, to study the heritage of the Turkic peoples.

A.A. Divaev sent to this society rich materials collected by the people, and his research articles about them.

In 1896 22 January A.A. Divaev (Tashkent circle of lovers of archeology) was adopted in 1917 before he runs in a circle without breaking the hands. Divaev later became a member of the society of natural Sciences, anthropology, Ethnography of Moscow University, sending them a lot of materials.

In 1904, with the participation of A.A. Divaev in Tashkent was organized Amateur theater of Muslim intelligentsia. It A.A. Divaev put his play "Masakali love". 1915 in the Newspapers "Kazakh", "Turkestan Vedomosti", "Living antiquity" published articles dedicated to the 25th anniversary of scientific activity A.A. Divaev.

1918 opened Turkestan people's University and invites A.A. Divaev to teaching at the University. Tashkent University became the center of Oriental studies of Soviet Central Asia. Then the Institute of Oriental studies was separated, where outstanding scientists-aca- demicians-Orientalists served. Among them: V.V. Bartold, S.E. Malov, I.I. Zarubin, M.S. Andreev, M.F. Gavrilov, A.A. Semyonov, V.M. Kuhn and others were such prominent scientists.

A.A. Divaev left about 100 scientific works. In 1922-1923 it was founded on the Kazakh batyrs. Almaty in Tashkent published the first


9 volumes. 1924 In Tashkent, the collection of Kazakh folk songs "Tartu", and in 1926 in Kyzyl-Orda was a collection of "Darantiere Tartu". He compared several versions of poems "Alpamys", " Kambar Batyr", three versions of the fairy tale " Bald child", of which the most complete and the most artistic were printed.

In 1920 divaeva expedition along Zhetysu and Syrdarya rivers have brought huge material. Among them are legends, riddles, proverbs, and poems of aitys.

Among the heritage collected by A.A. Divaev, there is a Dastan "Manas" in 8 volumes. He says that the epic Dastan "Manas", as the longest, encyclopedic passage, glorifies the life of the Kyrgyz people. In this work they say that the Kazakh batyrs as Orak-Mamay, Er Kosay, meet in Zhyr, and aul koralas is a witness of the cultural relations of the mixed Kazakh-Kyrgyz people.

A.A. Divaev also expresses his opinion about the history of the word "Kazakh". He analyzed the words of the Kazakh prohibitions and about 70 examples, focused on their origin, moral significance. Who gives explanations of, that February. Analyze the etymology of Kazakh words "Food with the Lord is sweet" (The meal is valuable), "Аinalayin". А. Divaev also analyzes the value of Kazakh games and toys. Half a century of a life devoted to the collection and study of the Kazakh cultural heritage. On labor A.A. Divaev, M. Dulatov, M. Zhumabaev wrote poems, articles, highly appreciated.

Alikhan Nurmukhamedulү Bukeikhanov, the social-political party of the party "Alash" and its hereditary researcher, is one of the most actual problems of National history. The relevance of the problem lies primarily in the fact that A.N. Bukeikhanov studied all aspects of the life of the Kazakh people, the history of the region, its culture, life, economy and natural wealth. It is also determined by the fact that he was one of the creators of Kazakh national science.

A.N. Bukeikhanov is the first Kazakh, graduated from the Imperial forest Institute in St. Petersburg. He participated in scientific expeditions of the tsarist government to Kazakhstan in the early 20th century, wrote several scientific works, dozens of scientific essays, articles and memoirs. Among them there are monographs devoted to Kazakh sheep and sheep husbandry, cattle. In addition, he has the scientific work "Historical Fates of the Kazakh Territory and


Its Cultural Successes", written in collaboration with A.N. Sidelnikov and S.D. Chadov.

In the summer of 1895 in Omsk arrives Polovtsev expedition to study the condition of the settlers of the steppe region. The team consisted of students, who graduated from the new high school S.P. Shvedsov. In the dictionary implemented the two-way transfer. S.P. Shvedsov Omsk newspaper writes in the article "The Steppe region and the political link". A.N. Bukeikhanov, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Forest Institute, also arrived in Omsk to participate in this expedition of A. Polovtsev. Participation in the expeditions of

A.Polovtsev, as well as the Omsk expedition, became the beginning of the research activity of A.N. Bukeikhanov. Based on the materials collected in the expedition, he wrote a scientific essay "Kirghiz". After 75 years after the publication of this work, in 1985, English scientists showed interest and republished it in the form of a collection "Kazakhs about Russians until 1917" (footnote) demonstrate a high scientific level of work. With the exception of these works

A.N. Bukeikhanov is the author of a number of scientific studies of special scientific value. After participating in the expedition to the steppe region Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich participated in the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian geographical society, opened in 1877.

This society, uniting local cultural forces, occupied a special place in the study region, as well as in the educational region of the province. A.N. Bukeikhanov's Research activity was closely connected with the work of this Department. The main employees and vacationers of the Omsk Department were politically deported, their activities were supported by representatives of the local intelligentsia, carried out certain directions and influenced the scientific life of the local society.

In 1901 A.N. Bukeikhanov was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian geographical society. This was a recognition of the importance of his research activities. Governor-General of the Steppe region Sukhotin gave members of the revolutionary mood in the Department. From the Department goes Alikhan Bukeikhanov, protested against the actions of the Governor-General.


Then Alikhan Bukeikhanov learns from the Semipalatinsk newspaper about the organization of an expedition the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Empire led by F.A. Shcherbina to study the steppe or Kazakh regions. Many specialists in statistics, Economics and agriculture were involved in the work of the expedition. The structure of this expedition as a separate leader also includes A.N. Bukeikhanov. Within the framework of this expedition, Zhusup Satybaldin and M. Shombaluly were assistants to A.N. Bukeikhanov, and Yerezhep Itbayuly – the registrar. In our opinion, the head of this statistical expedition, F.A. Shcherbin, on the advice of A.N. Bukeikhanov, specially selected these specialists. The same applies to the political exiled to Kazakhstan L.K. Chermak, I.V. Gusev, I.D. Tripolsky, who knew the life and life of local Kazakhs well. Because A.N. Bukeikhanov knew some of them before the expedition and worked with them. For example, with L.K. Chermak he worked in the newspaper "Steppe region". They not only worked together, but also were close friends. Friends until 1930, that is, before the Soviet period. At the suggestion of L.P. Chermak in 1934, V.D. BonchBruevich turned to A.N. Bukeikhanov with a proposal to organize the Central Museum of Literature, Criticism and Journalism.

In one word F.A. In the composition of the statistical and economic expedition headed by Shcherbina was not just random people. On the contrary, they were representatives of the progressive part of the Russian intelligentsia, which sought to make changes in state construction. They were deported for their political opinions. In addition, these people were familiar with the socio-political situation of the local population of Kazakhstan. All this was reflected in the results of the expedition.

On the activity of A. Bukeikhanov in the expedition of F.A. Shcherbina in January 1928, the Swedes briefly described his characteristics, gave him high praise, elaborated on the work in the expedition and said: A.N. Bukeikhanov is one of the few researchers who studied the life of the people of Kazakhstan at that time". With the work of the expedition A.N. Bukeikhanov conducted the following research and wrote scientific works. Participated in the study of karkarala, Pavlodar (Semipalatinsk region) and Omsk counties (Akmola region), respectively, in volumes 6, 4, 11 of the collection "Materials on Kyrgyz land use", published on the basis of the expedition.


In addition, for Pavlodar County (volume IV) – "history of settlement", "characteristics of the economy of Kyzyltau and Altybai volosts", "forms and order of communal land use", "prevention of grouping groups "on Karkarala County (volume VI)", "generic schemes", alphabetical index of migration tables and Kyrgyz words, characteristics of natural and historical areas, map of land use, "on progress" on the Omsk district of Akmola region (volume XI), on lease, note to the Kyrgyz community graphics, is the author of sections of related-generic schemes.

A.N. Bukeikhanov's essays included in the XI volume of the collection "Materials on the Kyrgyz land use" are of scientific interest. In the section on "herding" gives a full description of the herd (herd), including the conditions of their grazing and life, the state of the shepherds.

In the section "Rent" (XI volume) analyzes the issues of the land lease at that time (the procedure for the lease of various land plots, payment terms, quantitative data). A.N. Bukeikhanov is the author of the data in this volume of generic schemes (indicating the districts of Omsk district and the names of the genera living in it) and notes (in the form of a brief explanation of individual terms and names). One of the important research results Bukeikhanov in the English part of the expedition was a great scientific problem with the designation of natural and historical areas. On the basis of available data, he gave a fully natural and geographical characteristics of 22 districts of Karkaraly County. In addition, the VI volume of the materials of the expedition is the fully generic scheme of the Kazakhs of Karkaraly County, including. This volume, dedicated to Karkarala County, is distinguished by the completeness of the collected materials and in-depth analysis of them. A.N. Bukeikhanov, participating in the research work of the F.A. Shcherbina expedition, at the same time studying the problems of settlement and colonial policy in Kazakhstan, publishes one major article on this issue in the journal "Siberian issues".

Thus, the work of eminent scholar of the leader of Alash intellectuals Alikhan Bukeikhanov, who participated in the special scientific expeditions on studying of the Kazakh steppe early twentieth century, made a great contribution to the development of science in Kazakhstan, has established fundamental research on the nature,


mineral resources, agriculture, history, Ethnography and life of the region, is among the most valuable works aimed at studying the history of our independent country and determine future paths of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Sanzhar Seytzhaparovich Asfendiarov (20.10.1889, Tashkent

– 25.02.1938, Almaty)-a prominent state and public figure, a talented scientist-historian, Professor, teacher.

In addition to the books about medicine left by his father, he was brought up at that time in a modern educated, literate family, additionally read books in the field of history, biology, geography, as well as books about interesting travels of European travelers to the countries of Central Asia. Under the influence of this, he drew attention to the fact that he was not a language, but a person who sought to study its history and improve the Socio-cultural level for the freedom of his people. He wrote articles on the life of the local population in the publication "Turkestan province Vedomosti". The development of his creative activity began during the Soviet era. S.S. Asfendiyarov wrote: textbooks and manuals in the Kazakh language. As a doctor, he deeply studied history, literature, art, linguistics, biology. One of the first studied the history of Kazakhstan, wrote "History of Kazakhstan" (from ancient times to the present day). In 1927 he received the title of Professor of historical science while working in Moscow. It became the first in the history of Kazakhstan news of the Kazakh scientist in the field of historical science.

In 1931-1933, he was Deputy Chairman of the Kazakh base of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed the scientific Advisory and propaganda Commission, historical and archaeological Commission, the Kazakh Tien Shan Commission, was the head of the sector of the history of the Kazakh Research Institute for culture. He is the author of many works on the history of Kazakhstan, as well as a capable researcher, philologist and writer. About the life of the Eastern peoples wrote the story "Roof of the world", articles on the culture of the Kazakh nation. The article discusses the origin of the Kazakh clans of senior Zhuz: suryoyo, Dulat, Alban, Suan, ysty, Shaprashty, Oshakty, Sergeli from the point of view of population genetics and data Shezhire.

Professional historians of the early twentieth century. S.S. Asfendiyarov, M. Tynyshbaev, H. Dosmuchanbetov, K. Kemengerov,


T. Shonanovs widely used in their studies the facts of oral history, wrote essays and books of history of Kazakhstan. Among these professional historians for the first time according to the official decision of the government school "programs of history of Kazakhstan" and "essays of history of Kazakhstan", it is professor Result of creative work of S. Asfendiyarov were published.

Alkey Khakanovich Margulan (11.5.1904, Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region – 12.1.1985, Almaty) – literary critic, art historian, orientalist, founder of the National School of archaeology. Full member of the all-Union geographical society (1933), doctor of Philology (1945), academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (1958), Honored scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1961). He edited a 5-volume full academic collection of works by Shokan Ualikhanov. In the field of pedagogy Alkey Margulan is of great importance research on folklore. For the first time legends, fairy tales, verses of the Kazakh people in which one type of national pedagogics are concentrated investigated.

A. Kh. Margulan has more than 300 scientific works in the field of history, archeology, Ethnography, literature, art (applied and architectural art) and metallurgy, labaratory works, more than 100 encyclopedias wrote articles' and prepared several generations of Kazakh ethnographers, archaeologists, historians. A. Margulan, science a number of works have been translated into foreign languages. In 1991, on the basis of the center of archeology and Ethnology of the Institute of history, archeology and ethnology of National Science Academy of Kazakhstan was held a round table on "History of Kazakhstan: history and modernity". The Institute of archaeology was established Margulan.

It "Turkic epics in the heritage of Mashkhur Zhusup", "The Decembrists and Kazakhstan", "Alisher Navoi and the Kazakh culture", "Mohammad Haidar – historian", "Shokan Ualikhanov and history of Central Asia", "Suvorov", "Zhambyl Zhabayev" (1940-1941), etc. b. published in the latest news In the years 1958-1976 Margulan archaeological excavations along the rivers of Syrdarya, Shu, Talas and places of the cities of Otrar, Sauran, Syganak, which published the monograph "the History of cities in the ancient Kazakh land and building art" (1950). K. Akishev, M. Kadyrbaev, M. Orazbaev he wrote a scientific and laboratory work "ancient culture of Central Kazakhstan" (Ancient literature of Central Kazakhstan, 1966), which is the result of archaeological excavations in Central Kazakhstan.


A. Margulan in the work of the "masters of the poetic art of the Kazakh people in ancient times" (1959) focused on the akyns, the skillful performers of Salah, developing the tradition of the epic art of the Kazakh people established their place in the art of words. Scientific concepts in the writings of different depth of knowledge, which from ancient thinkers examines the works of such poets as Janak, Shozhe, Arystanbay, Marabay, Suinbay, Zhambyl, Nurpeis, Isa. In the study of A. Margulan "Tamgaly tas writing" found a large number of literary, historical and cultural sources. He also contributed to the development of research activities on the epic "Manas" of the Kyrgyz people. Sh first introduced in the Kyrgyz epic world. Ch. Valihanov, in the Soviet era, did the initial research, and then this tradition was continued in the monography of A. Margulan "Shokan and Manas". This is the truth of life in the epic, the origin, the era of poetry, the characters and the artistic table and the activities of the man assists in the improvement of the zhyra' in his speech, he expressed great scientific importance.

1957-1967 in the group on collecting scientific heritage of Ch. Valikhanov (M. Auezov, S. Baishev, S. Mukanov, K. Satpayev,

A.Nusipbekov) in 1958, a collection of selected (1958) and 5-vo- lume works was published.

1976-1984 worked as a senior researcher of the Department of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. On his initiative and proposal, several archaeological and ethnographic expeditions to the most remote areas of the Kazakh steppe were organized. He proved that the conclusions of Russian scientists, who had studied Kazakhstan before, do not correspond to the reality that the Kazakh steppe was only a place of nomads.

Thanks to scientists, organizational relations of academician

A.Margulan in Kazakhstan was laid a solid Foundation of archaeological and ethnographic research, systematized and unified historical, archaeological, ethnographic Sciences.

Questions to test students' knowledge:

1.General provisions what ethnological methods of research used Abubakir Divaev?

2.Methods of research of spiritual culture in the works of A. Bukeikhanov?

3.S. Asfendiyarov contribution to the study of animal husbandry?

4.What do you know about the work of A. Margulan in 20 volumes?




3.1 Object of field ethnography

The problems facing modern Ethnography cause a number of difficulties in a comprehensive study of the life and culture of peoples. The main form of acquisition of ethnographic materials is the organization of ethnographic expeditions. Unfortunately, ethnographic studies are unanimous of the methods of field works.

Since the 1960s, there has been a trend among the peoples of the world to revive their history, traditions and customs, and material culture. At the same time, as in other countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, this writing is observed in the early civilized peoples. In this regard, special attention is paid to the study of many problems related to the history and culture of the past of the Kazakh ethnic group, one of the largest ethnic groups in Central Asia, occupying a large space of Eurasia. At the same time, as last year, this year, within the framework of the program "business Road map-2020", it is planned to build another kindergarten for 320 children in the region.

Therefore, what changes have undergone ancient culture, worldview, customs, economic traditions of the Kazakh people in the 20th century, the impact on them of world civilization, to what extent our people enter the 21st century, it is important to draw conclusions. In addition, special attention should be paid to the interaction of Kazakhs with other people's inhabiting this land, the interaction of cultures.

The purpose of ethnographic practice: first of all to consolidate the knowledge gained by students in lectures and seminars

Secondly, the student-practitioner, participating in the expedition, instills the skills of labor organization and professional ethnographer in the field.

Thirdly, it sets scientific tasks for students-trainees, who pay attention to the study of Ethnography, forms professional skills,


creates prerequisites for them to go on a scientific path. The beginning of the scientific activity of students begins with participation in student scientific conferences and publications.

The invaluable importance of ethnographic experience in the education of students increases in the process of familiarizing students with the history, culture, customs, unique traditions of the local people.

Ethnographic experience – is lecturing related to communication with people, mastering communication skills, socio-political issues of trainees, all this is the highest pedagogical training.

The most important thing is to collect data on the region where ethnographic research is conducted. Among other areas of the Humanities characteristic Ethnography should have, first of all, fundamental knowledge that determines a specific topic, develop programs and methods of research. It is not necessary to go on field practice without preparation;

2. One of the definitions of ethnographic science is S.P. Tolstov, "Ethnography is a historical science that studies the peculiarities of culture and life of different peoples of the world and historical changes in the development of these features, the origin, location and cultural and historical relations of peoples mainly by direct control".

This Handbook clearly States not only about the form of Ethnography, but also about the method of direct control, the main means of collecting source materials.

The method of direct control is considered as a set of inter related methods of fieldwork, which make up the main sections of educational and methodical literature: individual control, work with an informant, writing the study material, collecting ethnographic collections, working with documentary data.

Thus, the object of field Ethnography is modern ethnic groups. However, despite the study of a particular population by the method of direct control, only a certain territorial unit is considered in the fieldwork. In the field of Ethnography it is impossible to describe the whole culture of one nation-every house, all the clothes, to explore all the folklore in the territory of the ethnic community. Therefore, the form of field Ethnography is limited both in territorial and in space, depending on the chronological possibilities of the direct method of observation. A complete study of the ethnic group is carried


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