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Eng / Cholera_2023

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IV degree (weight loss of 10% or more)

Hypothermia (body temperature 35°C or below)

Peripheral arterial pressure is sharply reduced until the disappearance

No peripheral pulse

Tachypnea (respiratory rate up to 4060 per minute)


Anuria in all patients

Stools and vomiting copious at first, may stop

Dehydration shock

a variant of hypovolemic shock resulting from severe dehydration of the body that developed over a relatively short period of time due to profuse diarrhea, or indomitable vomiting, accompanied by exsicosis and severe electrolyte disturbances

Dehydration shock

Progressive decrease in blood pressure and an increase in tachycardia against the background of symptoms of dehydration.

Dehydration from II to IV degree

Characterized by anuria (as a result of a drop in blood pressure),

a decrease in body temperature (algid),

tachypnea, in the lungs (due to impaired microcirculation),

excitation, followed by lethargy.

Specific diagnosis of cholera

Bacteriological examination of feces, vomit

Serological diagnostic methods

(RA, RNGA with antigenic and antibody diagnosticums, vibriocidal test, ELISA, RCA, etc.)

Cholera treatment

An untreated person with cholera may produce 10 to 20

litres (3 to 5 US gal) of diarrhea a day.

Severe cholera, without treatment, kills about half of affected individuals

Cholera bed

Need specific equipment for patient care and fluid loss management

WHO hospital cholera tent

Stages of rehydration

Primary rehydration

(first 1-2 hours)

Corrective rehydration

(the entire period of the disease)

Solutions for rehydration

crystalloids, balanced polyionic solutions: Disol, Trisol

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