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Eng / Cholera_2023

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Сholera pathogenesis

The A subunit binds to the G protein and activates the enzyme adenylate cyclase, which acts on ADP molecules, resulting in increase in cAMP production.

The cAMP molecule provides the energy needs of the cell. As a result of an increase in the content of cAMP in the cell, all functions of the enterocyte increase. One of the main functions of the enterocyte is the secretion of intestinal juice.The production of intestinal juice increases many times, which leads to the release of water, sodium, potassium and bicarbonate into the lumen of the small intestine and rapid dehydration.

Features of cholera pathogenesis

Cholera is a localized infection

Vibrio cholerae remains in the intestinal lumen, never invades the intestinal wall and does not enter the blood

Cholera toxin (cholerogen) contacts only with the outer membrane of the enterocyte, triggering a cascade of enzymatic reactions, resulting in hyperproduction of fluid and salts by enterocytes.

There are no inflammatory changes in the intestines,

There are no enteritis phenomena,

There is only a hyper enhancement of the enterocytes function

Toxin, as well as vibrio, remains in the intestinal and does not enter the bloodstream,

so there is no intoxication with a rise in temperature and other symptoms of inflammation.

The severity of the condition is associated with loss of fluid and electrolytes

Features of the pathogenesis of cholera

There is a decrease in circulating blood volume (BCC), which is compensated by the flow of tissue fluid, extracellular, and then intracellular fluid

Microcirculation is disturbed due to an increase in blood viscosity

In the distal tubules of the kidneys, the reabsorption of primary urine increases, which leads to oligoand anuria.

Shock mechanisms are triggered, aggravating microcirculation disorders and contributing to hypoxia

Dystrophic disorders develop in parenchymal organs, point cell necrosis

Loss of potassium salts contributes to heart rhythm disturbance, intestinal atony

Loss of calcium salts leads to the development of spasms of striated muscles

Signs and symptoms

Acute onset with profuse diarrhea

Rapidly developing dehydration

Signs of desalination

No intoxication

Body temperature is normal or low

No pain syndrome

Diarrhea precedes vomiting

Stool and vomit in the form of rice water

The rapid development of dehydration shock - cholera algid

Stages of dehydration according to V.I. Pokrovsky

fluid loss:

I degree - no more than 3% of body weight;

II degree - up to 6% of body weight;

III degree - up to 9% of body weight;

IV degree - more than

9-10% of body weight.

I degree (loss of body weight up to 3%)



Dry mouth (in 2/3 of patients)

Liquid watery (rarely mushy) non-bulky stools from 3-4 to 10 times a day

Vomiting 1-2 times a day in about half of patients

II degree (loss of body weight 4-6%)

Marked weakness

Dizziness, fainting

Dry skin, mucous membranes

Cyanosis of the lips in 20-25% of patients (less often acrocyanosis)

Rare muscle spasms

Tachycardia in 50% of patients

lower blood pressure to 90/60 mm Hg. (up to 25% of cases)

III degree (loss of body weight 7-9%)

Severe weakness, adynamia

Dry mucous membranes

Skin turgor is reduced

Facial features are pointed

Eyeballs sunken, a symptom of "dark glasses“

Facial cyanosis


Prolonged painful spasms of the muscles of the extremities

Hoarse weak voice

III degree (loss of body weight 7-9%)

Body temperature 36-36.5 ° C, subnormal in a one third of patients

Blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg and below

Pulse up to 120 per minute, weak filling

Multiple stools like rice water

Profuse vomiting more than 20 times a day

Oliguria (in 75% of patients) or anuria (25% of cases)

IV degree (weight loss of 10% or more)

Sharp weakness

Sometimes prostration, but consciousness is preserved

Sunken eyes, a symptom of "dark glasses“

Facial features are pointed

The skin is cold to the touch, covered with sticky sweat

General cyanosis of the skin

Skin turgor is sharply reduced

Wrinkling of the skin of the trunk and face

Symptom of "washerwoman's hands“

Cramps in the muscles of the limbs and abdomen

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