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Учебный год 22-23 / lawofagency.doc
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1. A principal is bound to remunerate his agent, unless it

has been specially agreed between them that the agency

Is to be gratuitous. Mercantile agents are, generally, re-

munerated by a commission, which depends upon the value

of the work done by them.

When the amount of the remuneration has not been

expressly agreed upon, then the agent is entitled to such

remuneration as is reasonable, having regard to all the

circumstances of the particular case.

But an agent is not entitled to any remuneration in

respect of a transaction which is in itself illegal — vide

JosepJts V. Pebrer (1825), 3 B. & C. 639.

Where, however, an agent makes a contract for his prin-

cipal which is not in itself illegal, but only illegal if carried

out in a certain way, he is entitled to his remuneration.

Haines v Busk (1814), 5 Taunt. 521 ; here it was held

that it is no answer to an action by a broker for com-

mission for procuring fi-eight, that the charter-party pro-

cured was such, that if the charterer failed to obtain certain

licences, the voyage would be illegal.

If a contract made by an agent relates to gaming or

wagering, then, though the contract is not illegal, but


merely void, the agent cannot recover any remuneration,

owing to the provisions of 55 Vict. c. 9, s. 1 (Gaming

Act, 1892).

If an agent is guilty of wilful misconduct or negligence

in the course of his employment, whereby his principal

fails to derive any benefit from his services, then he for-

feits his right to any remuneration ; and, moreover, is

liable to his principal for any loss that the latter may

have sustained thereby — vide Hamond v. Holiday (1824),

1 Car. & P. 384, and Feirce v. Corf (1874), L. R. 9 Q. B. 210.

Where no time has been fixed for the completion of the

work which an agent has been employed to do, then, in

order to entitle him to his remuneration, he must execute

it within a reasonable time — vide Houghton v. Orgar

(1884), 1 T. L. R 653.

If a remunerated agent does anything for his principal

which comes within the terms of his agency, then, however

uncompensated it may seem to him personally, he is not

entitled either to charge for it in his account, or to secretly

take any remuneration for it — vide Williamson v. Hine

(1891), 1 Ch. 390.

In order to entitle an agent to his remuneration, he

must prove that the business which he was employed to

effect was in fact really eftected through his introduction

or agency. In other words, the agent must prove that he

was the " causa causans " of the business effected between

his principal and the third party ; that it was brought

about by him directly, and was not merely the indirect or

remote consequence of his agency.

Green v. Bartleit (18G3), 14 C. B. N.S. 681, & 8 L. T.

503; Here the })laintiff, who was an auctioneer, was employed

by defendant to sell for him, Ilerni, one of the Channel

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