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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию

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«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права»

Н. В. Лобастова, Н. Ю. Павлова Английский язык

Сборник упражнений к учебнику “Mosaic”

Хабаровск 2010


ББК Ш 143.21

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Английский язык. Сборник упражнений к учебнику “Mosaic” / сост. Н. В. Лобастова, Н. Ю. Павлова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2010. – 88 с.

Рецензенты : И. А. Воробьёва, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ДВИМВ, канд. психол. наук; И. Г. Гирина, завкафедрой

переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации ИЛМК ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук.

Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом в качестве учебного пособия

Учебное издание

Н. В. Лобастова, Н. Ю. Павлова

Английский язык

Сборник упражнений к учебнику “Mosaic”

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать офсетная. Усл. п.л.

. Уч.-изд. л.


Тираж 200 экз.

Заказ №

680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ


Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права 2010



Настоящий сборник упражнений представляет собой методические указания для студентов 2 курса специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММа, СО, ММ, ЭУПТ, УАВД.

Сборник составлен на основе учебника «Mosaic», изданного в США.

Цель упражнений, включённых в сборник, - активизировать знание лексического материала и отработать лексические и коммуникативные навыки.

Сборник сохраняет структуру учебника, задания располагаются по главам.

К каждой главе даётся список слов с дефинициями на английском языке с целью обогащения и расширения словарного запаса студентов.

Всборник включены следующие упражнения:

-выбрать правильное значение слова;

-закончить предложение;

-вставить пропущенные предлоги;

-перефразировать предложения, используя активную лексику;

-подобрать синонимы;

-перевести предложения с русского языка на английский и др.

Основная цель сборника упражнений – активизация употребления лексических единиц, встречающихся в текстах для чтения.




Part 1: Living in the USA

Words to remember

to experience (v) – to gain knowledge or skills which come from practice rather than from books; to learn or to feel by an experience

to realize (v) – to understand and believe (a fact); be or become conscious of

impact (n) – strong or powerful influence or effect produced by some idea, event, etc extreme (n) – the furthest possible limit; an extreme degree

to vary (v) – to be different from

occasion (n) – 1. a time when something happens; 2. a special event or ceremony on occasion = occasionally = from time to time

to range (v) – to vary between limits; to reach from one limit to another humid (adj) (of weather and air) – containing a lot of water; damp widespread (adj) – existing, happening in many places or among many people to head (for) (v) – to move towards; to go to

mere (adj) – nothing more than (a); only (a) , eg. a mere O.K brevity (n) – 1. shortness in time eg. the brevity of our life

2. the quality of being concise eg. the brevity of her speech insult (n) – a rude or offensive remark or action

blunt (adj) – speaking roughly and plainly, without trying to be polite or to hide unpleasant facts

stigma (n) – a feeling of shame or dishonour

chore (n) – a regular and necessary (sometimes uninteresting) piece of work or job in a house

menial (adj) – (of work) not interesting or skilled, and done by unimportant people accomplishment (n) – a skill; something in which one is successful

warehouse (n) – a large building for keeping things that are to be sold to cater to / for (v) – to try to satisfy desires or needs

restless (adj) – unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quit, calm, because you are worried or bored


to take pride in something/somebody – to feel very pleased about something or somebody you are closely connected with

privacy (n) – the state of being away from other people, so that they can’t see what one is doing

to assume (v) – to believe to be true; to suppose

to examine (v) – to look at, inquire into, consider a person or thing closely and carefully in order to find out something

closet (n) – a cupboard built into the wall or a small room for private things acceptable (adj) – good enough, satisfactory

heritage (n) – an object, custom or quality which is passed down over many years within a family, social group or nation and is thought of as belonging to all its members

to notice (v) – to pay attention to with the eyes, or mind; to observe extent (n) – a stated degree

awkward (adj) – embarrassed or nervous


1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Трудно осознать; чтобы получить полное представление о; это занимает 48 часов; сравнивать с; климат крайне разнообразен; случайные морозы; температура меняется от / до; влажный климат; кондиционирование воздуха широко распространено; (со)держать при относительно подходящей





возможность; возрастающее


дороги забиты автомобилями; направляться в горы; к американцам

присоединяются миллионы


мы имеем склонность выражаться


простое О.К.;

личное оскорбление;

привыкнуть к формальным

фразам; гастроном; прачечная; грязное бельё; высокая стоимость обслуживания; гордиться своими способностями; делать всё своими руками; посвящать большую часть своего свободного времени проектам по дому; предпочитать независимость и уединённость; удовлетворять (потакать) потребностям; недели проходят; исследовать дом; широкий диапазон того, что приемлемо; общее наследие; чувствовать себя неуютно (неловко); действовать по-своему; быть высоко уважаемым.


2. Match the definitions on the left with the words and word partnerships used in the text on the right.

1. to understand that something is true

a. warehouse

2. to move steadily and smoothly along

b. grocery

3. to be different from

c. laundry

4. existing in many places and among many people

d. chore

5. unwilling or unable to stay still, because of

e. to roll along

anxiety or lack of interest


6. to walk in the country, esp. over rough

f. accomplishment

ground, usually taken for pleasure


7. to pack or gather tightly into a small space

g. blunt

8. a word with one syllable

h. household

9. to go to

i. privacy

10. shortness of speech

j. widespread

11. impolite; rough

k. closet

12. good-bye

l. hike

13. a place or business where clothes are washed

m. to cater to / for

and ironed


14. the shop selling dry and preserved foods, like

n. brevity

flour, rice, coffee, sugar, and other things for the


home, such as matches and soap


15. a routine, not interesting job in a house

o. monosyllable

16. an ability to do smth by yourself successfully

p. to head for

17. a large building to keep things for sale

q. restless

18. a large building to keep things for sale

r. farewell

19. domestic; concerning with managing a house

s. to vary

20. built-in cupboard or small room for keeping

t. to realize

private things


21. to try to satisfy the needs and desires of someone

u. jam

3. Choose the best definitions for the following expressions.

1. to get the full impact of

a) to be aware and fully effected by something


b) to be surprised with


c) to be shocked with



2. to be of great extremes

a) to be very interesting


b) to be very different


c) to be very surprising

3. occasional frosts

a) frosts happening frequently


b) frosts happening on special occasion


c) frosts happening from time to time

4. to do menial chores

a) to work a little


b) to do unskilled and not interesting jobs


c) to do men’s job

5. to follow customs

a) to go in the same direction


b) to pay taxes on goods that enter or leave


the country


c) to act according to established and habitual



6. to feel awkward

a) to feel comfortable


b) to lack skills in moving the body easily


and smoothly; to feel clumsy

c)to feel unpleasant

4.Give synonyms. Make up your own sentences with the following words.





to change


5. Make new words by adding suffixes or prefixes to the italicized words. Translate into Russian.

er / ee / ment / able / un

1.The firm employs about a hundred people.

2.Gardening is a pleasant …. for a Sunday afternoon.

3.Due to the economic crisis, it’s difficult to find a job. The … is growing.


4.The car industry is our biggest … .

5.The … in our company are paid a good salary.

6.I think he perfectly suits our company, he is an … person.

able / ity

1.Thanks to the success of the business, we can afford a new car this year.

2.The top-floor windows could … us a magnificent view of the whole of the city.

3.The payment for accommodation is decreasing, so the rents to students

living on grants are … .

4.The price of goods should be … to consumers, so …. is an important element of marketing.

less / ly / ness / ful

1.I’m tired. Let’s have a rest.

2.Sit down and … your feet.

3.Pale greens and yellows make a … atmosphere in your room.

4.After listening to him for three hours, the audience became … and tired.

5.He is in great need of money, that’s why he is searching a job … . I value such his … .

ible / ty /ly / ir

1.He takes full responsibility for losing the money .

2.The head of a large company has many … .

3.Who is … for this terrible mess?

4.Now that you are 16, you shouldn’t be so … .

5.I’ll trust you to behave …. while I’m out.

able / un / bly/ ed

1.She was wearing a new dress, but he didn’t even notice it.

2.If you look at the … board, you’ll find details of tomorrow’s classes.

3.The damage to my car is hardly … .

4.Crimes have decreased …. .

5.In spite of all his efforts to be seen by her, he remained … .


6. Find words or expressions in the text that mean the following. Translate them into Russian.

1.to learn something new that can effect our minds and feelings (line 5)

2.to be fully influenced by something (line 5)

3.the number of miles existing as a real fact (line 5)

4.a trip lasting for a night (line 5)

5.something generally known (line 10)

6.frosts happening not regular (line 20)

7.average or less than average ( line 20)

8.air containing a lot of water (line 20)

9.a rude or offensive remark or action (line 40)

10.a person speaking roughly and unpleasantly (line 40)

11.a person who is responsible for making and carrying out decisions in business (line 50)

12.to be able to spend money; to buy something (line 50)

13.to have a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure in what one can do or has done ( line 55)

14.a feeling of shame or dishonor (line 50 – 55)

15.abilities to do something by oneself (line 55)

16.help about the house (line 60)

17.to try to satisfy someone’s needs (line 60)

18.to give someone a job (line 60)

19.to lose something not completely (line 60)

20.to enjoy completely (line 65)

21.to consider something carefully in order to find out some information (line 70)

22.to think or believe (line 70)

23.the whole (with nothing left out) house (line 70)

24.a cupboard built into the wall for keeping things (line70)

25.variety; the limits within which something exists or operates (line 75)

26.customs or things that are passed from generation to generation (line 75)

27.to be unable to move easily; to feel clumsy (line 75)

28.something which can be easily noticed (line 75-80)

29.something good enough and satisfactory (line 75-80)

30.to do as someone likes (line 80)

31.to respect someone greatly (line 80)


7. Fill in the blanks with suitable words in a proper form from the list below. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.The anti-smoking campaign had made quite an _________ on young people.

2.My moods seem to go from one ________ to another.

3.His essays are models of clarity and _________.

4.Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social _______ that it used to.

5.It’s fairly ________ work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors.

6.I’ll go shopping when I’ve done my _________.

7._________, she was responsible for the accident.

8.These monuments are a vital part of cultural ________ of South America.

9.I _________ great difficulties in getting a visa to leave the country.

10.The children’s ages ________ from 5 to 15.

11.Being able to play the piano well is one of his many _________ .

12.She refused to __________ his ridiculous demands.

13.There’s not much ________ in these flats because of the large windows and thin walls.

14.This standard of work is not ________; do it again.

15.The audience was becoming _________.

I always feel _________ when I’m with Chris – he’s so difficult to talk to.

Awkward, to range, privacy, restless, acceptable, to cater to, to experience, accomplishment, menial, impact, brevity, chores, stigma, heritage, extreme, to some extent.

8.Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions. Translate the sentences.

1.We are going to travel … train … Chicago … Los Angeles.

2.They are rolling … the road enjoying the trip.

3.I think this person is familiar … me.

4.The temperatures vary greatly in our region … subzero in winter … high 30s in summer.

5.If you want to have this product fresh, you have to keep it … relatively low temperatures.

6.At this hour highways are jammed … cars, and people are crowding … buses and trains.

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