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I. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations from the text.

Потребитель, потреблять; убеждать; слабость; страх; обидный, оскорбительный;

оскорблять, обижать; гигиена полости рта; воспользоваться; перевешивать; реклама,

рекламировать, рекламист; худеть; потеря веса; предсказание, пророчество;

пророчить; разумный, неразумный; телевизионная реклама; захватывающая жизнь;

красивый мужчина; пристрастие, пагубная привычка; пристраститься к чему-либо;

принуждение; заядлый курильщик; заядлый игрок; торговая марка; маркетолог;

существенный, важный; неудовлетворение чем-либо, быть неудовлетворенным чем-

либо; авантюрист; транспортное средство; занимать много места; обоняние;

проводить исследование; идентичный; иметь власть над чем-либо.

II. Give synonyms:




to use up

5. different

8. the same



6. unpleasant

9. reasonable


very large

7. to convince

10. displeasure

4.to conduct a study

III. Identify the word by its meaning. Make your own sentences with these words.

1.someone who buys goods and services

2.a collection or number of people, things, ideas that are all different from one another

3.to try to persuade people to buy a product or service by announcing on TV, on the Internet, in newspapers etc.

4.the liquid used in the mouth, for making it feel fresh

5.to be more important than

6.some irrational desire that we can’t control

7.impossible to explain reasonably

8.a product or group of products that has its own name and is made by one particular company

9.unable to stop having, taking

10.eager for adventure


IV. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.Advertisements have power … our brain.

2.Advertisers take advantage … our need … a good self-image and try to

3.People have access … a huge variety … products nowadays.

4.This wok took … a lot of time.

5.This is a very big car, it takes … much space.

6.Such life seems exiting … many people.

7.Advertisers persuade us to buy a product by targeting … our dissatisfaction … ourselves.

8.The original model for the advertisements of Marlboro cigarettes was the man addicted … smoking who dies … lung cancer.

9.Our sense of smell actually influences … our opinion of a product and our decision to buy it.

10.The truth is that with their increasing knowledge of what goes on … the human brain marketers might have more power … us than we realize.

V.Fill in the blanks with the suitable words or word combinations from the list below.

1.People can ________ to different things, e.g. alcohol, drugs, certain food or even television. People who have such _________ are compulsive.

2.We want to buy some products because of some _________ – some irrational desire that we can’t control.

3.Business people consider people’s needs in their __________ methods.

4._________ is a situation in which people cause a prediction to come true.

5.Successful _________ use their knowledge of psychology to persuade people to consume more and more.

6.Students are offered a wide ___________ of courses in this department.

7.We have taken all __________ precautions to avoid an accident.

8.This job ___________ in the local paper.

9.The billboards ___________ travelers at the airport.

10.They avoided saying anything that might ___________ the audience.


11.I’m sorry, I meant no _________ .

12.We have an _________ of the USA as a very rich country.

13.This isn't my usual _________ of deodorant.

14.There are ________ about safety of the nuclear plant.

15.A great deal of time was _________ arguing over the details of the contract.

Compulsion, be addicted, image, brand, advertising, fears, target, variety, addiction, self-fulfilling prophecy, to waste, marketers, reasonable, was advertised, offend, offence.

VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Эти духи рекламировались во всех женских журналах.

2.Он работает в рекламной компании.

3.Он, в конце концов, пошел с нами, хотя потребовалось много времени,

чтобы убедить его.

4.В больших городах существует растущая проблема наркотической зависимости.

5.Его страсть к Интернету отнимает много времени.

6.Она вела себя очень разумно в такой сложной ситуации.

7.Мальчики были одеты в одинаковые черные костюмы.

8.Он заядлый курильщик, он курит уже 15 лет.

9.Предсказание, что она однажды будет звездой, стало правдой.

10.Будь разумным – ты не можешь ожидать, что она сделает всю работу сама.

11.Мои дети безнадежно привязаны к телевизору.

12.Правительству придется улучшить свой имидж, если оно хочет выиграть следующие выборы.

13.Он знал, что это опасно, но он не чувствовал страха.

14.Многие старые люди сократили количество мяса, которое они потребляют, из-за очень высоких цен на него.

15.Она дрожала от страха.

16.Мы хотим услышать мнение множества людей.

17.По различным причинам, было невозможно провести это исследование.


18.Она вошла в здание аэропорта, неся два огромных чемодана.

19.Жители города выразили неудовлетворение последними решениями правительства.

20.Я не хотел вас обидеть, извините.

21.Правительство признает нужду в немедленных действиях, чтобы улучшить политическую ситуацию в стране.

VII. Act out the following situation. Make use of the active vocabulary of the


You are an entrepreneur with some interesting business ideas but no money. Talk to one or more investors about the business you would like to start. Choose an area with great possibilities for the future, for example, genetic engineering, bionics, robotics, or space travel. Give the investor(s) reasons why this would be a good investment. The investor(s) should ask questions about the future business: How much money do you need? How many employees will work in the business? When can investor(s) expect a profit? What are the risks? etc.

VIII. In small groups rephrase the following proverbs, keeping the same meaning. Do similar proverbs exist in your language? If so, give Russian equivalents of these proverbs. Make up a short story or dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs.

1.A penny saved is a penny earned.

2.Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

3.Don’t count your chicken before they hatch.

4.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

5.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

6.Early to be bans early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

7.Money is the root of all evil.

8.Money makes money.

9.Business before pleasure.

10.Business is business.




Part 1: Trendspotting

Words to remember

trend (n.) – a gradual change or development that produces a particular result: trend in

/ follow a trend / set a trend

style (n.) – fashion, especially in clothing: a style consultant

jog (v.) – to run at a slow steady speed, usually for exercise or pleasure gourmet (n.) – someone who knows a lot about good food and wine gourmet (adj.): gourmet food is of a very high quality: a gourmet meal

in-line skating (n.) – the activity of moving on boots called in-line skates that each have a single row of narrow wheels on them

fashion (n.) – a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, makeup, etc.: follow (a) fashion / fashion for / be in / come into fashion / go/be out of fashion fad (n.) – a style, activity or interest which is very popular for a short period of time essence (n.) – the basic or most important idea or quality of something

essential (adj.) - necessary; needed

worldwide (adj.) – happening or existing all over the world

distinguish (v.) – to recognize the differences between things: DIFFERENTIATE distinguish between / distinguish something from something

seek out (v.) – to find someone or something by looking for them in a determined way: trendspotter (n.) – a person who notices and reports on new fashions, ideas or activities that are becoming popular

up-to-date (adj.) – modern, recent, or containing the latest information

out-of-date (adj.) – 1. if clothes, colours, styles, etc. are out-of-date, they are old and not fashionable

2. if information is out-of-date, it is old and not useful or correct:

an out-of-date phone directory

desire (n.) – a strong feeling that you want something: desire for smth / desire to do smth



I. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations from the text.

Образ жизни; заниматься в клубе здоровья; натуральные ткани; гурман;

преходящее увлечение, причуда; избежать влияния моды; входить в моду;

выходить из моды; сущность; булка хлеба; извлекать выгоду (прибыль);

определить тенденцию заранее; определение тенденции заранее; чрезвычайно важное умение; конкурентное преимущество над кем-л.; различить, видеть различие; регистрировать (записывать) в школу; разыскивать кого-л.

II. Explain the following words and phrases.


way of living

6. trend


to spot a trend

7. fad


to be in/out of fashion

8. gourmet


slang words

9. to have an edge

5.to make profit

III. Give synonyms.


way of living

5. to be in style

9. the central quality



6. to try to find

10. a strong wish


most important

7. advantage

11. a craze


to get away from

8. to recognize, discover


IV. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.Long hair is definitely … … style at the moment therefore I’m going to have my hair cut.

2.Nowadays many people want to keep fit and exercise … health clubs.

3.Nothing in modern life can escape … the influence … fashion.

4.Many young girls wear short skirts as they are … fashion.

5.The reason … my absence was that I was ill.

6.The two leaders spoke of their desire … improved relations.


7.It’s difficult sometimes to distinguish … a fad and a trend.

8.You can make a lot of money by investing … antique furniture.

9.Don’t mistake his silence … lack of interest.

10.She decided to enroll … the history course at the local evening school.

11.He sought … his friend in the crowd.

12.I have no interest … politics.

13.She has an edge … the other students because she spent a year in England.

V. Choose the correct word for the definition from the list below. Fill in the blanks

in the sentences following the definitions.


to make profit

to be in fashion


to seek out


to mistake



to enroll

1.style of clothes

2.general tendency

3.strong wish

4.to gain money from business

5.to be fashionable

6.central thing or quality


8.think wrongly

9.to make smb a member of a group

10.to make a search

1.Who started this …… for wearing old army clothes?

2.“Rambo” set the …… for a whole wave of violent action movies.

3.After so many years of war, there was a great …… for peace.

4.They …… when they sold the business.


5.High heels are …… again.

6.The …… of their arguments is that life cannot be explained by science.

7.Training can give you the ……. over your competitors.

8.I …… friendship for love.

9.Isabelle …… her brother in a training programme for engineers.

10.He decided to …… the truth.

VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Его интерес к рисованию только преходящее увлечение.

2.Это увлечение долго не продлится.

3.Доктора пытаются убедить людей вести здоровый образ жизни.

4.Французские сыры знамениты во всем мире.

5.Им удалось убежать из горящего здания, разбив окно.

6.Мужская мода меняется медленнее, чем женская.

7.Что вы можете сказать по существу проблемы?

8.Они приняли Джона за его брата.

9.Многие производители пытаются влиять на пристрастия людей, чтобы получить выгоду.

10.Люди, которые следуют увлечениям, хотят быть частью чего-то нового и творческого.

11.Способность распознать тенденцию на ранней стадии – чрезвычайно важное умение в деловом мире.

12.Он вложил $100 000 в проект, надеясь получить прибыль.

13.Более 200 000 детей ежегодно записываются в школу.

14.Любителям хорошей еды нравится американский журнал «Гурман»,

который предлагает информацию о кухнях разных стран.

15.Эти туфли вышли из моды, но мне они нравятся.

16.Полиция спросила ее о причине ее визита.

17.Инвесторы получили 14% прибыли за три месяца.


Part 2: Fads and Trends at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

Words to remember

simplify (v.) – to make something less complicated or difficult simplicity (n.) – the quality of being simple

complicate (v.) – to make something more difficult to deal with or understand complicated (adj.) – difficult to do, deal with, or understand, especially because of involving a lot of different processes or aspects

complication (n.) – something which makes a situation more difficult, or when it does this voluntary (adj.) – done, made or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it tattoo – a permanent picture that is drawn on a part of your body by putting ink into your skin with a needle

horrify (v.) – to shock someone very greatly horrified (adj.) – very shocked

chic (n.) – an attractive fashionable style that people admire chic (adj.) – stylish and fashionable

aromatherapy (n.) – a health treatment in which oils with a nice smell are rubbed into your skin to make you feel relaxed. Someone who is trained to do aromatherapy is called an aromatherapist. aromatherapy massage/aromatherapy oils

alert (adj.) – quick to see, understand and act in a particular situation

thrill (n.) – a sudden feeling of being very excited and pleased: the thrill of (doing something) / give someone a thrill

thrill-seekers – people who like doing exciting and dangerous things

extreme sport (n.) – a sport or activity that is exciting and dangerous, for example BUNGEE JUMPING, WHITE-WATER RAFTING, or SNOWBOARDING

sky surfing (n.) – a sport that involves jumping from an aircraft with a SURFBOARD and a PARACHUTE and riding on the currents of air

skydiving (n.) – the sport of jumping out of a plane and falling for as long as possible before opening your PARACHUTE.

cut back/down (v.) – to do less of something or use something in smaller amounts


relieved (adj.) – happy and relaxed because something bad has not happened, or because a bad situation has ended: relieved to do something / relieved (that) permanent (adj.) – happening or existing for a long time or for all time in the future temporary (adj.) – existing, done, or used for only a limited period of time

flavour ( n.) – the particular taste that food or drink has: a nutty/spicy/bitter flavour a distinctive/delicate/subtle flavour

floral (adj.) – 1. made of flowers or decorated with pictures of flowers: a pretty floral dress

2. smelling of flowers: a floral scent

challenging (adj.) – difficult to deal with or achieve, but interesting and enjoyable: a challenging and rewarding job

excitement (n.) – the feeling of being excited

survive (v.) – to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening situation


I. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations from the text.

Упрощать; усложнять; добровольный; простота; избегать; посадить сад; ежедневная поездка на работу; ненужный; последовать чьему-л. совету; предпринять различные шаги; кататься на велосипеде; залезть в долги; постоянный; временный; украшать;

чувствовать облегчение; длиться; вызывать беспокойство; модный; праздновать свадьбу; привлекать; привлекательный; тысячелетие; метод рисования; татуировка;

содержать никотин; заметить (сказать); древнее искусство; запах, аромат; духи;

сделать доступным; отражать; воспоминания; опыт (переживание); искатели волнующих, захватывающих приключений; волнение; прыгать с парашютом; быть зависимым; чувствовать страх; водопад; живой; выжить.

II. Identify a word by an explanation or synonym. Make your own sentences with

these words.

1.to make smth easier

2.an amount of money that you owe


3.happening or existing for a long time


5.to create a picture of smth

6.to make smth more difficult

7.a ceremony at which two people get married

8.people who look for excitement and dangers

9.human ability to remember things


III. Give antonyms.


2.to complicate



5.to be relieved

IV. Complete the sentences using the words given below in a proper form.



to complicate





to cut back

to horrify








1.____________ your life by shopping online.

2.Let’s not ___________ matters by introducing any more restrictions.

3.She does ___________ work for the Red Cross two days a week.

4.This news will __________ my parents.

5.Parents should be ___________ to sudden changes in children’s behaviour.

6.Two young ____________ climbed onto the roof of a train.

7.The government announced plans to ___________ on defense spending by 10% next year.

8.She is looking for a ___________ place to stay.

9.The drink has very strong citrus ___________.


10.This has been a ____________ time for us.

11.There was great ___________ amongst the crowd as they waited for the president to arrive.

V. Inset prepositions.

1.The city is famous … its ancient temple built in the 16th century.

2.At last we saw her smiling and laughing … the first time … many years.

3.The new reform is supposed to make education available … everyone.

4.Jumping … … a plane … a parachute is both challenging and dangerous.

5.… short, thrill seekers are addicted … extreme sports, they cannot live … excitement and danger.

6.I avoid borrowing money and getting … debts.

VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Правительство предпринимает различные шаги для того, чтобы упростить жизнь в сельских районах.

2.Ты только что получил права, будь осторожен и старайся избегать дорожных пробок.

3.Перестань тратить деньги на ненужные вещи, мы уже и так в долгах.

4.Когда я сделала первую свою татуировку на левом плече, моя бабушка пришла в ужас и сказала, чтобы я не приходила к ней, пока не смою её.

5.Он устал переезжать с места на место и хочет найти постоянное место работы.

6.– Где они собираются отмечать свадьбу? – Они решили последовать твоему совету и выбрать то кафе возле моря.

7.Шел снег, дети украшали ёлку, родители готовили ужин, как вдруг начался фейерверк.

8.Первый раз за многие годы он почувствовал, что воспоминания о войне больше не мучают его.


9.Когда я был студентом, я мечтал прыгнуть с парашютом. Я записался на подготовительные курсы, но когда подошла моя очередь прыгать, я

почувствовал такой страх, что передумал.

10.Обычно подростки пробуют наркотики из любопытства, а затем появляется зависимость.

11.Аромотерапия влияет на людей различными способами. Некоторые запахи помогают снять усталость, другие же взбадривают.

12.Преимущество этого плана в его простоте.

13.Это только усложнит ситуацию, если мы пригласим его старую подружку.

14.Руководство больницы попросило волонтерские организации помочь найти (добыть) деньги на покупку нового операционного оборудования.

15.Он выглядел шокированным, когда я сказал ему об этом.

16.Родители должны быть бдительными к симптомам болезни.

17.Многие люди занимаются экстремальными видами спорта, им нравится чувствовать возбуждение.

18.Вы ищете временную или постоянную работу?

VII. Discuss the following questions with your partner(s). Make use of the active

vocabulary of the chapter.

1.Have you ever had disagreement with your parents over fashion and style? What was the disagreement? Please explain.

2.Styles and fashions change. Give examples of some styles and fashions that have changed in the last few years.

3.Do you think parents should tell their teenage children how they should wear their hair and what kind of clothing they should wear? Who should make these decisions? At what point should a person make his or her own decisions about these matters?

4.Do you think school administrators have the right to tell students how they should dress at school? Do students have the right to wear whatever they want at school? Do you think students should wear uniform to school? Please explain your answers and give examples.




Part 1: Global Trade

Words to remember

global (adj.) – relating to the whole world: a global catastrophe/problem share (v.) – to use or have something at the same time as someone else

trade (n.) – the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries

competition (n.) – the activities of companies that are trying to be more successful than others: fierce/stiff competition / competition between/among

benefit (n.) – an advantage you get from a situation: benefit for get/gain/receive a benefit / derive a benefit from something

income (n.) – money that someone gets from working or from investing money: income of / on high/low incomes / weekly/monthly/annual income high-/low-/middle-income

source of income (=way of earning money)

nutrient (n.) – a substance in food that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow obstacle (n.) – a difficulty or problem that prevents you from achieving something landlocked (adj.) – enclosed by the land of other countries and having no sea coast subsidy (n.) – money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen edge (n.) – an advantage over other people

infrastructure (n.) – the set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates, for example the telephone and transport systems in a country infrastructure (n.) – the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively

gap (n.) – a large difference between things or groups: gap between require (v.) – to need or make necessary

persuade (v.) – to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them believe it

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