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Чучкина Инноватион течнологиес 2011

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saying yes or no to a request































OK/All right


Mind! It is polite to give a reason






if you say no





Sorry, but


Yes, sure

I can’t really

Certainly (formal)

I’m afraid…

− 141 −

Unit 6

1. Study the expressions. Make up dialogues and be prepared to act out the dialogue in class.


Asking for directions

Giving directions

Mind!: It is polite to say excuse me, at the beginning of your question, and please at the end. If you use both, you will sound quite formal.

How do I get to…?

Excuse me, how do I get to the post office?

Is there a … near here?

Excuse me, is there a bank near here, please?

Could/ Can you tell me the way to …?

Could you tell me the way to the bus station, please?

Could/ Can you tell me where the … is?

Excuse me, could you tell me where the National Gallery is, please?

Go straight ahead

(also: Go straight on British;

Go straight American)

Turn left

(also Take a left American)

Turn right

(also: Take a right


Take a right at the bank.

Go past …

Go past the church

Keep going until you get to …

Keep going until you get to the park.


Take the first/second turn on your left/right

Mind! Could is more polite than can.

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Conversation 1

A.Excuse me, how do I get to the station?

B.I’m sorry. I don’t know.

Conversation 2

A.Excuse me, how do I get to the station?

B.Yes, sure. Go straight on and keep going until you get to the post office. Then turn left and keep going until you get to the crossroads. Turn right at the

crossroads and the library’s on your left. A. Thanks very much.

Unit 7

1. Study the expressions. Make up dialogues and be prepared to act out the dialogue in class.



Complaining to some-


Writing a letter to com-

Complaining in a shop,



one you know well


plain about something

restaurant, hotel, etc.












I’m writing to complain about




I’m writing to complain about the ser-





vice I received in your restaurant








I’m sick of you (doing sth)

The usual way to complain is just to



I’ve had enough of you (doing sth)

explain what has happened or what is



Use this when you are annoyed at

wrong. For example: The shower in



someone's behaviour.



my room isn’t working. You then ex-



I’ve had enough of you two arguing.

pect that the person you are talking to



will do something to put it right.



Stop it right now!



Only use the following phrases when







you have already done this and you



You are always (doing sth)

are complaining to someone else be-



Use this when someone keeps doing

cause you are still not satisfied.



something that annoys you.





− 143 −

You’re always flirting with other

I’m not satisfied with…

I’m not satisfied with the quality of


You are always trying to control what

repairs that you carried out.

I do.



I’d like to make a complaint about

You never…

Use this when someone keeps forget-

I’d like to make a complaint about the

ting to do something or is unwilling

to do something.

extra charges on my bill.

You never listen, do you?


Unit 8

1. Study the expressions. Make up dialogues and be prepared to act out the dialogue in class.


asking someone if they like to do something

asking friends

Do you want to…?

Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday?

asking anyone

Would you like to…?

Would you like to go out for dinner sometime?

asking someone you do not know very well

I was wondering if you'd like to…

I was wondering if you'd like to join us for a drink?

saying yes or no to an invitation

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Yes. I'd like that

Sorry, (I'm afraid) I can't

That sounds great! (informal)

Sorry, but I'm going to… on


Wednesday/Friday etc.

Yes, OK.

Thanks for asking me, but…

Unit 9

1. Study the expressions. Make up dialogues and be prepared to act out the dialogue in class.


1.giving your opinion

2.saying what other people think

3.asking someone for your opinion

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1. giving your opinion


this is the most common way

I think we should spend

I think (that)…

of giving your opinion

more on education.



I think it’s a waste of time.

I believe (that)…

use this in formal speech or in

I believe that smoking is


writing when you have strong



opinions about something

I believe we have made a



major financial error.

In my opinion…

use this in writing

In my opinion, less money



should be spent on weap-




It seems to me

use this when you are giving

It seems to me that chil-


your opinion based on things

dren have too much free-


that have happened or on

dom these days.


things that you have noticed

It seems to me you don’t



have much choice.

As far as I’m

use this to emphasize that you

As far as I’m concerned,


do not care whether people

everything’s fine the way


agree with you or not

it is.

If you ask me

use this to say what you think

If you ask me, they ought


about a particular problem or

to just fire him.




2. say what other people think

think (that) this is the most common way of saying what other people think

be in favour of

use this in writing before


saying what people think is

be in favor of

right or good



be against

use this in writing before


saying what people think is


wrong or bad


− 146 −

Most students think that getting a job is the most important thing.

Some people think the laws on drinking are two strict.

Most people are in favour of greater political freedom. Only the liberals are in favor of tax reform.

Over 80% of those surveyed are against the use of animals in experiments

3. asking someone for their opinion

To ask for someone's opinion you usually ask a direct question. For example:

Do you think the President should resign? Do you think that Sarah will get the job?

You can also use the following ways of asking:

What do you think

use this to ask for

What do you think about


someone's general

going to Australia this winter?


opinion about some-

What do you think about the



plans to build a new freeway?

What do you think

use this to ask whether

What do you think of Sheila's


they like someone or

new boyfriend?



What do you think of the new




Unit 10

1. Study the expressions. Make up dialogues and be prepared to act out the dialogue in class.




Talking on the phone



















when you are



when you are


making the call



answering the call









Mind! The person who





answers the phone always


In formal or business situations, you



starts conversation


usually give your name, or the name of






your company. At home, you usually just


















Hello, Gail Block, speaking.






Hello, R.W. Motors.


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Asking for the person you want to speak to

Is… there please?

Hello, Is Monica there, please?

Can I speak to …, please?/ May I speak to …., please?

Can I speak to Dr. Chang, please?

Mind! These are more formal than

is … there, please?

Is that…?

use this when you think you are speaking to the right person, but you are not sure.

Hello, is that Guy?

when the right person is there

One moment, please.

Hold on/Hang on. Informal.

I'll (just) get him/her. Informal.


say this when you are the person they have asked for

saying who you are

when the right person is not there

− 148 −

It's …

Hello, is Harry there, please? It's his sister.

This is…

Can I speak to Catherine Hart, please?

This is Grant Davis.


This is … is more formal than it's…

Sorry, he is/ she's…

Sorry, he is out.

Sorry, she is away for the weekend.

Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message?

Simon's out at the moment. Can I take a message?

Do you want to hold?

(= when someone is already on the phone in an office, but you can wait for them to finish the


I'm sorry, her line's busy at the moment. Do you want to hold?

saying goodbye

At the end of the conversation, it sounds rude if you suddenly say Bye or Goodbye, and put the phone down. People usually say something else first.

A.Well, I'd better go. I have to pick up the kids.

B.OK, see you soon, then.

C.Yes, see you on Tuesday. Bye.


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Unit 1

1.reference (n) – связь, отношение, ссылка, упоминание, справка, рекомендация, протекция

to refer (v) – ссылаться на, указывать источник, называться

2.to define (v) – определять, делать четким, характеризовать

3.scale (n) – шкала, уровень развития, масштаб

4.to control (v) – управлять, регулировать, контролировать, проверять

5.approximately – приблизительно (синонимы: about, around, roughly, almost, nearly)

6.to derive from (v) – выводить из

7.to range from… to … – классифицировать, выстраивать в ряд, располагать в порядке

8.to emerge (v) – появляться, выходить, возникать

9.research (uncountable n.) исследование, изыскание, научная работа

10.molecule (n) молекула

molecular (adj.) молекулярный

11.mechanical engineering – машиностроение

12.precise (adj.) – точный, определенный, аккуратный, абсолютный

precision (n) – точность, четкость, аккуратность, определенность

precisely (adv.) точно

13.to predict (v) предсказывать, прогнозировать

14.to foreshadow (v) предвещать, предрекать, предсказывать

15.to introduce (v) вводить, знакомить, представлять

16.consequence (n) последствие, результат, умозаключение,


17.technique (n) техника, технические приемы, метод, методика, способ

18.high-performance – высокоэффективный, высокопроизводительный, с высоким быстродействием

19.fabrication (n) производство

20.influence on – влияние на, воздействие

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