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Библиографический список

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S.N. Gurev, N.Y. Iwannikova


Voronezh State Technical University, Dept. of Project Fundamentals and Architectural Graphics, Ph. D. in Architecture, Prof. Gurev S. e-mail: gurudesign@mail.ru

A master student in an urban planning, in program "Architecture and Urban studies and design ecological systems " the population

– environment" N. Iwannikova


Statement of the problem. The authors of this article raise the question: is classical architecture possible today? The answer is quite obvious: of course not, because each historical epoch must leave its own unique trace in the development of world and domestic architecture, in accordance with historical, political, technological conditions and cultural, artistic and aesthetic Outlook. However, the intrigue of the task is, it would seem, a paradoxical answer: classical architecture is possible today, not only does it exist.

The results and conclusions. The brief analytical review of the well-known, textbook facts and the main stages of the development of the classical tradition from its origin in Ancient Greece to "Stalin's classicism" allows to speak about its stable cyclicity. In turn, this fact gives the opportunity to hypothesize that the modern neoclassical movement may well become a new architectural paradigm, appealing to the faceless architecture of Soviet and post-Soviet modernism.

Keywords: classic tradition, classicism, architectural styles.