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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

the fulfillment of this principle is the consideration of the individual characteristics of students, when they perform communicative tasks, and affording them the opportunity to focus on their needs and interests. Students of technical fields choose the GL as the second FL not only for broadening their outlook and raising their educational level, but also for acquiring specific knowledge and competencies needed in the future. The teacher and the student act in the tandem and set themselves practical tasks related to their professional and scientific activities. Academic mobility, oriented to real needs, shows a high level of conscious motivation to study the second FL.

The teaching of GL as the second FL develops knowledge of the language and creates prerequisites for multilingualism and permanent independent study of the foreign languages in general.

The teaching of the GL as the second FL performs the following multilateral tasks:

affords the opportunities for teaching languages in order to help students in their daily lives to realize their intentions differentially, depending on the situation either verbally or in writing;

deepens and expands communication skills and lays the base for students to learn German after completing their studies at the University, and further they could functionally use them in the profession and improving their qualification;

gives an idea of German reality in German and allows students to compare it with their own reality;

provides students with the tools and strategies for learning the language, for individual and social multilingualism, and also starts up the communication processes;

helps young people in the creation and development of their personality etc. Individual and differentiated assignments (as regards complexity, subject, goals and

tasks, depending on the needs of a particular student) develop the skills of their independent work on the language. Tasks of this type teach students to work with reference literature, to independently arrange the information received, and to develop their thinking and creative abilities [6].

The teaching of the GL as the second FL also makes high demands on the methodological competence of teachers. Therefore, the increase of the methodological competence of the teaching staff is one of the main goals for the activities to improve their qualification. For many years we have been looking for the best methods of teaching the foreign languages. Who closely follows the teaching of the foreign languages in the last few decades cannot but notice the continuous improvement of its methods.

Thus, training the GL after learning the EL in a technical University assumes not only the development of intensive strategies, but also the ways and methods for teaching and studying the FL as a whole. The process of teaching the second FL, in our case German, should be based on the activation of the following cognitive processes: association, comparison, contrast, search, analysis, etc. Therefore, the cognitive principle in teaching the second FL [3, 4] is a necessary factor for the intensification of the educational process in technical Universities (in the conditions of a limited number of hours devoted to the study of the FL).


Summarizing the above, we can say that the cognitive potential of German as the second foreign language (after learning English) is very high.

Students can compare the GL with the previously learned foreign language (the EL), as well as with their native language in the field of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and spelling. In addition, authentic texts should be necessarily used.

Based on the knowledge already available, students become acquainted with foreign culture, that will contribute to the development of their individual skills.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Lifelong teaching and learning also mean that teachers themselves are constantly progressing and continuing to learn languages. Knowledge of the second, third or fourth foreign language should be encouraged. Teachers of the GL do not need to have perfect English to compare the EL with the GL. But it would be more effective to use the knowledge of the previously learned languages (including Russian) for studying the German language, as well as the materials and educational publications used in the process of teaching English.


[1]Chechetka V.I., Arens L.A. O Vserossijskom obrazovatel'nom forume «Mnogojazychie v obrazovanii: nemeckij – pervyj vtoroj inostrannyj», organizovannom GjoteInstitutom pri posol'stve Germanii v Moskve sovmestno s Mezhregional'noj associaciej uchitelej i prepodavatelej nemeckogo jazyka (MAUPN) 19 i 20 nojabrja 2016 goda v g. Moskve /V.I. Chechetka // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie

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[4]Kuznecova S.V., Levina I.E. Shodstva anglijskogo i nemeckogo jazykov // Jazyk, obshhestvo, obrazovanie // Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh statej. Pod obshhej redakciej N. A. Pavlovoj, B. V. Nikolaeva. Penza, 2015. – S. 36-42.

[5]Girenko I.V. Ob osobennostjah obuchenija nemeckomu jazyku kak vtoromu inostrannomu na baze anglijskogo v tehnicheskih vuzah [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://www.rusnauka.com/3._KAND_2007/Philologia/18893.doc.htm (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2017).

[6]Barinova S.Je. Innovacionnye tehnologii v obuchenii inostrannym jazykam: principy postroenija fakul'tativnogo kursa «Vtoroj inostrannyj jazyk v shkole i vuze» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://festival.1september.ru/authors/210-482-920/ (data obrashhenija: 21.09.2017).

[7]Ivanova N.K. Rossijskaja jazykovaja politika: problemy i perspektivy // Inostrannyj jazyk v tehnicheskom vuze: problemy i perspektivy prepodavanija: materialy nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii, 4-5 ijunja 2009 g. / sost. N.K. Ivanova; Ivan. gos. him.-tehnol. un-t. Ivanovo, 2009. – 117 c.

[8]Rösler D. Fremdsprachenerlernen in einem deutsch-sprachigen und nicht deutschsprachigen Land // DaF. – 2005. – № 2. – R. 75-80.

[9]Stickel G. Deutsch von außen // DaF. – 2005. – № 3. – P. 115-117.

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[12]Neuner G. Lernerautonomie und Lernstrategien: zu einer weiteren Fernstudieneinheit // Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis des Deutschunterrichts für Aus-länder. 2003. Heft 4. – S. 240-244.

Analysed sources

[1*] López-Barrios M. Deutsch als 2. Fremdsprache nach Schriftenreihe Deutsch als

Fremdsprache II. Tagungsdokumentation 2003 „Internationales Qualitätsnetz Deutsch als


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Fremdsprache“ Tagungsbeiträge und Arbeitsberichte zum Thema: „Mehrsprachigkeit im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache“ 27. – 29. Juni 2003 Universität Kassel. – S. 55 – 62. URL https:// http://www.uni-kassel.de/upress/online/frei/978-3-89958-051-8.volltext.frei.pdf (data obrashhe-nija: 10.05.2018).

Dictionaries used

[1**] Oxford Russian Dictionary. Edited by Marcus Wheeler and Boris Unbegaun. – Oxford, University Press, 2007. – 1344 r.

[2**] Bol'shoj nemecko-russkij slovar': Das Grosse deutsch-russische Wörterbuch: v 3 t. : ok. 180 000 leks. edinic / [avt.- sost. : M.Ja. Cvilling i dr.]; pod ruk. O. I. Moskal'skoj. M. : Rus. jaz. - Media, 2004.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 808.2 (075):378 (65)




N. Ghezaili


Algiers University 2 named after Abu Elkassem Saad Allah,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of Turkish and Russian Languages Department, Teacher of Russian Language, Deputy Dean on Scientific Research of the Faculty of Arabic Philology and the Eastern Languages

N. Ghezaili

e-mail: pawug2007@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. The article analyzes the manuals and textbooks of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language used at the Algerian University. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of manuals and textbooks of these periods are revealed, their effectiveness in the formation of speech skills and abilities among Algerian students is checked.

Results. The article analyzes the following manuals and textbooks: "Le Russe" (Potapova, 1945), "Russian language for all" (1970), "Start-1, 2, 3", (1978), "Temp" (1979), "Horizon-1", (1977), "14 lessons on speech development" (Bitekhtina, 1977), "Manual for extracurricular work with foreign students" (Zinchenko, 1987), "Practical course of Russian language for foreign students. The advanced stage of learning. P. 1 and 2" (Lariohina, 1997)," Russian for foreign students of preparatory faculties" (Moskvin, Silvina, 2004), "Speak Russian without an interpreter: Intensive course on the development of oral language skills " (Kryuchkova, Dunaeva, 2006). The paper determins the methodical orientation of these manuals and textbooks of each period and describes the composition of these manuals and textbooks. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of these manuals and textbooks are identified. The effectiveness of these manuals and textbooks in the formation of speech skills and abilities among Algerian students from the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language by Algerian teachers has been confirmed.

Conclusion. Textbooks and teaching manuals of 20-50 years were focused on the language learning goal. In them there is a lack of speech orientation, the role and place of regional studies were not always recognized, materials that were insignificant in cognitive and educational terms were included. Nevertheless, in these textbooks and manuals the first attempt was made to determine the features of teaching Russian as a foreign language and taking into account the peculiarities of the native language of students. In the 1960s, textbooks and teaching manuals were focused on the speech purpose of learning. This suggested that students had to possess skills in reading, listening, speaking and writing. Textbooks and teaching manuals of the 70s are focused on the communicative and behavioral nature of training, in which the main place is occupied by oral contact conversation in direct communication. The textbooks of the 80's are too full of information about the Soviet culture. In them, speech situations are mainly based on the culture being studied. This does not always prepare Algerian students for communication in these areas. Textbooks and manuals of the 90-s are focused on communicative training with the account of the linguistic and cultural aspect.

Keywords: teaching, methodology, the Russian language, system, textbook, manual, Algerian student, communicative period, pre-communicative period.

For citation: Ghezaili N. Textbook in the Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language in Algerian University: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow / N. Ghezaili // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Me- thodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. - №2 (21). – P. 77-87.


The method of teaching Russian as a foreign language has come a long way from its in-


© Ghezaili N., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

ception to the present day. In the development of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language "conditionally distinguish three periods: pre-Soviet (from the XII century, before the formation of the Soviet state in 1917), Soviet (from formation in the country of a new form of government-the Russian Soviet Republic, and from January 1918-the RSFSR-and until the end of the Soviet Union in December 1991) and post-Soviet (from formation in 1991 the Russian Federation to the present day), and within each period – several stages reflecting noticeable changes in the theory and practice of language teaching "... " the pre-Soviet period of development of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language includes: the first stage (XII-XVIII centuries), the second phase (XVIII-th century before the formation of the Soviet state in 1917); Soviet period: the first stage (20-40 ies. XXV), the second stage (50ies, after the Second world war), the third stage (60ies.), the fourth stage (70ies.), the fifth stage (80ies.), post-Soviet period: the sixth stage (90ies to the present day)" [1, p. 17-18].

The textbook is an integral part of the educational process, on the basis of which the classroom is organized.

Throughout the history of the development of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language changed the idea of the method of teaching. Historically changing methods have left their mark on the learning process and serving their textbooks.

In this article we analyze the manuals and textbooks of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, used in the Algerian University as " Le Russe "(Potapova, 1945), "Russian language for all" (1970), "Start-1, 2, 3", (1978), "Tempo" (1979), for the foreign school ("Horizon-1", 1977)," 14 lessons on the development of speech " (Bitechtina, 1977), "Manual for extracurricular work with foreign students" (Zinchenko, 1987), "Practical course of Russian language for foreign students. The advanced stage of learning. H. 1 and 2 " (Lariohina, 1997)," Russian for foreign students of preparatory faculties "(Moskvin, Silvina, 2004), "We Speak Russian without an interpreter: Intensive course on the development of oral language skills" (Kryuchkova, Dunaeva, 2006). The advantages and disadvantages of these manuals and textbooks are identified, and their effectiveness in the formation of speech skills and abilities of Algerian students from the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the Algerian University is confirmed.

Research methodology.

In the present article the object of the research is the manuals and textbooks of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The subject of the study is to confirm the effectiveness of these manuals and textbooks in the formation of speech skills and abilities of Algerian students from the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the Algerian University.

The material of the study was the manuals and textbooks of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

In the analysis of manuals and textbooks of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, methods of analysis, observation and comparison were used.

Research results.

The article analyzes the manuals and textbooks of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language used at the Algerian University. Methodical orientation of manuals and textbooks of each period is determined. The composition of each of the above mentioned manuals and textbooks is described, the advantages and disadvantages of these manuals and textbooks are identified, and their effectiveness in the formation of speech skills and abilities of Algerian students in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the Algerian University is confirmed.

It is known that the beginning of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Soviet Union refers to the 20-th years of the twentieth century. The basis of learning foreign languages was the so-called grammatical-translation method, i.e. knowledge of a foreign language was in


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

the written translation of texts from the target language to the native language. Knowing the dictionary with this method, of course, facilitated and accelerated translation. Words, expressions were memorized by the list and with translation into the native language. The work on the vocabulary consisted only in the definition of syntactic constructions and forms of words for the purpose of their translation. It should be noted that "the grammatical-translation method of teaching foreign languages largely inherited the methods of teaching "dead languages" – Latin and Greek, in the XIX century did not meet the social order of society. He gave more or less satisfactory results in teaching reading, but did not provide skills of oral communication" [1, p. 37].

In the history of methods of Russian language teaching there are three methods: of "linguistic – the beginning of teaching living languages; speech – the I-st reform; communication – II reform" [2, p. 28].

At the origins of the pre-war methods were such famous experts as Wolfius I. G. Danilov, N. Potapova, M. Pulkin, etc.

After the 1st reform of foreign languages there was a restructuring of the goals and content of education: from language learning to speech training. This meant that a student had to be able to make the teaching and actions of speech: to read the text, to make a plan, to formulate questions, to read, to answer questions, to describe a picture, etc. The approach to work on vocabulary has also changed. If in language education it was desirable to know foreign words and expressions and to be able to translate them, in speech training knowledge of words became obligatory, and to understand not only translation, but also designs where these words can be substituted.

It is interesting to note that all manuals in the Russian language of the year "Russkij jazyk v komvuzah" in 4 books (Doodle P. A., 1927– 1929), "Textbook for English speakers" (Smirnitsky, Sveshnikov, 1935) gave students information that went beyond the usual framework of the contents of modern textbooks. Thus, the popular textbook "Russkij jazyk v komvuzah " in 4 books (Dudel PA, 1927– 1929) [3] in addition to phonetic, lexical, grammatical material, texts for reading contained information on how to make a business paper, an abstract, keep a minutes of the meeting, acquainted with the elements of literary creativity.

Despite the restructuring of the objectives and content of education, textbooks of 20-40 years were still focused on the language learning goal, i.e. "to give knowledge of aspectual system of the target language, providing the ability to build and analyze sentences in that language" [2, p. 48]. Therefore, they contain an excessive amount of systemic material and extensive education work on word forms, phrases, sentences, and presentation of material on the line of linguistic complexity, for example, now precedes the past, etc. So, if a student was able to analyze the foreign language sentences according to the rules of grammar and to illustrate his/her knowledge of the system of the given language with examples (translation into the native language), the language goal was considered to be achieved. It should be noted that among Algerian teachers it is considered that the student knows the language when the language competence is formed, i.e. an active dictionary, a set of certain syntactic structures, etc.

We note that most textbooks for the initial stage of education do not contain phraseological units and aphorisms. According to many methodologists, they are not as relevant as, for example, non-equivalent, background and terminological vocabulary. "These units can't be directly translated into the native language of the learners and require special teaching methods of semantization" [4, p. 70]. However, practice at the University of Algiers shows that phraseological units and aphorisms contribute to better language acquisition at any stage of learning. In addition, we must not forget that these units are entirely focused on objects, phenomena, actions and qualities of reality. Therefore, national-cultural semantics should be sought not only from words, but also from phraseological units and aphorisms.

Rethinking the role of different methods in teaching a non-native language was largely influenced by the works of L. V. Shcherba, who in the brochure "How to learn foreign lan-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

guages" (1929) put forward a number of fundamental provisions concerning the study of foreign languages by adults. L. V. Scherba stressed that the study of a foreign language involves a good and conscious knowledge of the native language, knowledge of other foreign languages, which allows to rely on the previously acquired experience, a clear definition of learning objectives (fluency in spoken language, the ability to read literature in the specialty, full knowledge of all forms of writing, etc.) [5, p. 42].

It can be argued that in the 20 – 40s was formed the basis of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The merit of the methodists of this period was the theoretical justification of the goals, content, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, publication of textbooks and teaching manuals reflecting the social order of the society of that time.

In the mid-50s, there was a "need for restructuring the teaching of a foreign language, which is called the 2nd reform, consisting in teaching practical knowledge of the language" [2, p. 27]. The justification was a conscious way of mastering the language. This provision formed the basis of the concept of consciously-and-deliberately-comparative methods of education, claiming the following: mastery of the language through the understanding of its system, accounting students ' native language, the use of rules in explaining the new material, the study of vocabulary and grammar in the syntax-based concurrent education in different types of speech activity on the basis of the text and exercises.

Among the significant achievements of the methodology of the 50s include the publication of nationally-oriented textbooks of the Russian language, for the British and French "Le Russe" (Potapova, 1945), for the Czechs (Friedman, 1955), for the Bulgarians (Geraskov, 1956), etc.

Let 's consider the textbook "Le Russe" (Potapova, 1945) [1*].

This textbook is designed for French speakers who want to learn Russian.

The purpose of this textbook is to help the student to express themselves correctly in Russian in written or oral form.

This textbook includes an introductory phonetic course, consisting of 10 lessons and the main course, consisting of 70 lessons and applications.

In the main course, the lesson is designed to teach the student to use words, expressions, grammatical structures for the development of speech skills.

The peculiarity of this textbook is that some lessons are supplemented by aphorisms (proverbs, sayings, popular expressions), which are closely related to the lexical and grammatical material.

The theme of the texts reflects the life of the Soviet Union and the Soviet people, some texts are excerpts from the works of Russian writers.

It is important to note that textbooks and teaching manuals of the 50s felt the influence of the translation and grammatical method. In them there is a lack of speech orientation, is not always aware of the role and place of regional studies, included insignificant in the cognitive and educational materials. Nevertheless, in these textbooks and manuals the first attempt was made to determine the features of teaching Russian as a foreign language and taking into account the peculiarities of the native language of students.

In the 60-ies of the linguistic concept of teaching the Russian language proceeded from the principle that "language is a means of communication and understanding of people, therefore there is a need to study the phenomena of language in close interaction with each other" [1, p. 47].

Taking into account the differentiation of language, speech, speech activity, the selection of such linguistic phenomena was made, which together provide mastery of speech communication in the studied language. Thus, the practical orientation of language teaching was emphasized.

In the 60-s the most widely conscious-practical method was grounded by B. V. Belyayev (Belyaev, 1965). The concept of the method focused teachers on conscious language learning


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

by communicating knowledge and the formation of speech skills and abilities on their basis. Language skills were introduced in the form of rules and instructions using sentence models and speech patterns.

This concept is reflected in the Russian language textbook for students of preparatory faculties and in a series of textbooks focused on the native language of students: "Russian language Textbook for foreign students studying at the preparatory faculties of the USSR universities "(Bash, etc., 1965) [6], "Russian language Textbook for French-speaking people" (Vaneeva et al., 1965) [7], "Russian language Textbook for English-speaking people" (Wagner, Ovsienko, 1967) [8], etc.

It can be argued that in the 60-s years the textbooks have been focused on the voice training purpose, i.e. "knowledge of the main types of speech activity" [2, p. 49]. This suggested that students had to possess skills in reading, listening, speaking, writing. The level of proficiency is measured by the number of replicas of dialogue or monologue statements, the speed of perception and understanding when reading and listening, and other important characteristics.

Analyzing the above-mentioned textbooks and manuals of the 60-s, we come to the conclusion that they were set and solved methodical, not real problems. Mastering a foreign language is not just about the ability to produce and understand texts. Therefore, working with speech textbooks, it is necessary to supplement them with communicative tasks, i.e. real tasks of communication, corresponding to the conditions of the educational process, the level of education and interests of students.

The 70-s is a period of intensive development of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The conscious-practical method was improved due to the communicative and practical orientation of education. As a theoretical basis of language teaching, the communicativeactivity (personal-activity) approach to learning, first formulated in the publications of I. A. Zimnaya [9] on the basis of speech activity and psycholinguistics was considered [10]. This involved teaching the language with maximum consideration of the individual characteristics and interests of the students. This approach implemented the main requirements to the educational process: communicative orientation of lessons with exercises, recreating significant for students in the situation of communication, a parallel assimilation of grammatical forms and their functions in speech, the contextuality of the learning process, considered as a way to stimulate speech activity, and as a condition for the development of speech skills. The methodical content of the approach was the ways of organizing educational activities, associated primarily with the widespread use of collective forms of work, with the solution of problems, with cooperation between the teacher and the student. In this regard, the principle of active communication, the provision of the oral basis of learning, mastering the grammatical material on the basis of models of sentences reflecting the content of the statement are promoted. These ideas have been put into practice in a number of Russian language education complexes: for beginners as "Russian for all", 1970; edition 4, 1990) [2*], which was widely distributed in the Algerian University, for preparatory faculties ("Start-1, 2, 3", 1978) [3*], for short courses ("Temp", 1979) [4*], for foreign school ("Horizon-1", 1977) [5*] and others.

Let's consider the manual "14 lessons on the development of speech" (Bitehtina, 1977)


This manual is recommended for students in philology of 2-3 years. The purpose of this manual – the development of oral language skills through the development of speech reactions to certain life situations, as well as the development of skills to exchange views, participate in discussions and discussions on a particular topic. The main way to introduce and consolidate the language material in the manual are teaching and speech and communication exercises, the creation of educational and speech situations in the classroom.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Bold in the texts highlighted phraseological units and structures, which should work on in the process of studying the text.

This manual is of interest, because on the basis of quite interesting and informative texts (fiction and publicistic) can be held generalizing conversations, discussed some topical issues related to life, culture, traditions of the Russian people with the use of phraseological units and aphorisms.

Lexical-phraseological and aphoristic material can also be activated by drawings, which are presented to make monological statements that contribute to the development of creative activity of the students. In addition, the manual contains exercises related to the semantication of aphorisms (to determine the scope of use, to compare Russian aphorisms with aphorisms of the native language of students), which is very rare.

Thus, the "period of the 70-s and early 80-ies, – notes M. N. Vetyutnev, is marked by increasing attention to the human factor, the language was characterized by a sharp increase of interest in the structure of communicative-pragmatic aspects of the language use, to the structure of communicative act, to the revision and expansion of the functions of the communicative units, the question of the adequacy of the speech-communication needs and intention of the speaker" [11, p. 73].

However, there is a significant gap between the postulates of communicative learning and its implementation in the educational process. Learning a foreign language is not limited to teaching students to build words, expressions and fill in their syntactic structures, because the ultimate goal of learning is to turn the language into a real tool of communication. In this respect L. V. Shcherba called to build the education so that it makes "seekers themselves the expression of thought, the orders of desire" [5, p. 93].

The analysis showed that the textbooks and teaching manuals of the 70-s are focused on the communicative and behavioral nature of education, in which the main place is occupied by oral contact conversation in conditions of direct communication. The authors of these books and manuals build a directory of the speech intentions, and then ascribe to each intention in the set of means of expression (words, idioms, aphorisms), dispensing, frequency of use, channels of communication, stylistic and other constraints.

80-s - a period of in-depth consideration of the conceptual provisions of the methodology from the standpoint of the basic theory and practice of teaching linguistics, didactics, psychology, cultural studies. This was reflected in the following textbooks and manuals years "Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students of Philology" (Lobanov, Slesareva, 1981) [12], "Manual on Russian language for foreign students-philologists" (Laskareva et al., 1984) [13], "Manual on teaching the language of social and political cycle for preparatory universities of the USSR" (Vereshchagin et al., 1987) [14], "Manual for extracurricular work with foreign students" (Zinchenko, 1987) [7*] and others.

The linguistic-cultural approach was recognized as an integral part of the methodical system; the leading principle of learning was considered as communicative-activity; the interconnected teaching of types of speech activity, subordination of aspect work to the tasks of teaching to the types of speech activity, taking into account the native language of students and their individual and age features; the orientation of learning to activate independent educational actions [15].

Among the textbooks of the 80-ies was very popular, including at the Algerian University, a textbook of Russian language for Philology students in 4 parts (Lobanova, Voynova, etc., 1981-1984) [12].

We consider useful for our research "Manual for extracurricular work with foreign students" (Zinchenko, 1987) [7*].

The analyzed manual contains materials for conducting circle classes in the Russian language in a foreign audience.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The manual is based on the general didactic principle from simple to complex. First, students expand their knowledge of the Russian language, then they have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Russian multinational Soviet culture – with the works of outstanding Russian and Soviet writers, artists and composers.

The textbook is attractive even for the fact that the script of the lesson and the commentary on it are presented for each topic, which indicates the structure of the lesson, the texts of the presented miniatures, as well as proverbs, sayings, riddles necessary for various competitions are given. Most importantly, the scenario includes work on the interpretation of words and stable expressions, as well as a message on the topic, designed to verify the assimilation of new material, regional information, to develop speech skills.

The analysis showed that the textbooks and manuals of the 80-s are oriented towards a communicative and activity-oriented approach to language learning.

The 90-s are a stage in the development of methodology reflecting the current state of Russian studies and the changes that have occurred (and are occurring) both in the language itself and in the methodology of its teaching under the influence of the political and socioeconomic events associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Changes in the geopolitical situation of the 90-s of the twentieth century in Russia led to the need to revise the country aspect in textbooks and manuals. We must not forget that "crosscultural value of the text is determined by the degree of its modernity" [14, p. 143]. In principle, the textbook is suitable if it reflects the up-to-date culture of the people of the country of the language studied, in addition, textbooks are designed to reflect the typical and progressive features of the way of life of the people, as well as the actual historicism, ie. reflection of historical information well-known and relevant for the modern Russian language speakers. In our opinion, language studies remain the leading academic discipline, the provisions of which are used in the classroom for the practice of language in the interpretation of the facts of culture in a foreign language text.

According to V. G. Kostomarov, the Russian language entered the new century in a changing historical state, and the speech based on it becomes emphasized individualized, rich and expressive [16]. In addition, "according to the parameters of the standard, which was established by the Council of Europe and thanks to this description, the Russian language is officially included in the European international system of education and certification" [17, p. 89].

Changes are observed in the development of methodological thought, in the creation of new generation textbooks, in the development of intensive methods, in the introduction of modern technologies in the educational process.

The manuals of the 90-s are focused on communicative education with account of the linguistic and cultural aspect. Within this direction, the interaction of language and culture, acting in the classroom in indissoluble unity, where the decisive role belongs to culture, has been intensively studied. The statement that the content of education is culture, led E. I. Passov to the conclusion that the term "teaching foreign languages" should be replaced by "foreign language education" and language teacher known as "teacher of the foreign culture" [18, p. 24].

The ideas of communicative linguistics are implemented in a number of educational complexes of communicative orientation, such as "Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students. The advanced stage of learning. PART. 1 and 2 "(Lariohina, 1997) [8*], "Russian language for foreign students of preparatory faculties" (Moskvin, Silvina, 2004) [9*], "Speak Russian without an interpreter: an Intensive course on the development of oral language skills" (Kryuchkova, Dunaeva, 2006) [10*], etc.

For example, let us consider "Practical Russian language course for foreign students. The advanced stage of learning. Part 1 and 2" (Marikina, 1997) [8*].

This practical course is addressed to advanced students. It is built mainly on the content of the socio-cultural sphere of communication with the installation of mastering the general literary language base.