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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020

ISSN 2587-8093












Poppy Pomfrey









Pansy Parkinson








From the data in the table you can see that 24 analyzed charactonyms participate in the implementation of identifying and genre-forming functions. Twenty of them implement the characterizing function (according to the meaning of the charactonyms, you can guess the appearance (7) and character (11) of the characters and 7 names describe their occupation. Fourteen anthroponyms implement a symbolizing function.


So, during the study of the charactonyms of the analyzed onomastic space in the series of novels about Harry Potter, it was conducted a classification based on gender criteria: firstly, it was distinguished the representatives of the magic school and ordinary people; secondly, we outlined adults and child characters. The charactonyms of the teachers were divided into the founders and leading teachers of Hogwarts school. The charactonyms of magic creatures (ghosts, elves and giants) and animals were considered separately. The charactonyms of positive and negative male and female characters were analyzed. Thus, we studied 24 charactonyms according to 12 gender criteria. According to etymological analysis and interpretation, the meanings of charactonyms of positive and negative characters were revealed, and four functions of using them in the novel were identified:

1)Identifying function - charactonyms analyzed personify each character and are not re-


2)Characterizing function - all the charactonyms of the onomastic space of the novels are used to describe the behaviour, appearance, character or occupation;

3)Symbolizing function - some charactonyms symbolize certain qualities or a person’s character traits;

4)Genre-forming function - the use of charactonyms that have historical, mythological, biblical and culturological implications help to create necessary atmosphere of the fantasy genre.


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[6]Kuznecova M.V. Sovremennye antroponimicheskie konstrukcii i ih funkcii v tekste na primere proizvedenij DZH. Rouling "Garri Potter i Filosofskij kamen'" i "Garri Potter i Tajnaya


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

komnata"//Politematicheskij setevoj elektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta, 2017. № 127. – S. 674-682, URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_29063286_54308907.pdf (vremya obrashcheniya – 21.02.2020).

[7]Sluzhbina A.G. Etimologiya imen i familij v romane "Garri Potter"// Sinergiya Nauk, 2018. № 12 (64). – S. 1330-1333, URL: http://synergy-journal.ru/archive/article1988 (vremya obrashcheniya – 21.02.2020).

[8]Kapkova S.YU. Lingvostilisticheskie sredstva vyrazheniya komicheskogo i ekscentricheskogo v yazyke sovremennoj detskoj anglijskoj literatury i specifika ih perevoda na russkij yazyk (na materiale proizvedenij S. Milligana i Dzh.K. Rouling): dis… kand. filol. nauk.

Voronezh, 2005. – 167 s.

Analyzed sources

[1*] Rowling J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / J.K. Rowling, URL: https://madbook.org/preview?book=101 (vremya obrashcheniya – 11.02.2020).

[2*] Rowling J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / J.K. Rowling, URL: https://madbook.org/preview?book=104 (vremya obrashcheniya – 11.02.2020).

[3*] Muzej Hogvarts. Godrik Griffindor, URL: http://hogwarts. ru/mus/ gp.php ?page= griffindor#top (vremya obrashcheniya – 21.02.2020).

[4*] Rowena, URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowena (vremya obrashcheniya – 13.02.2020).

[5*] Muzej Hogvarts. Hel'ga Hafflpaff, URL: http://hogwarts.ru /mus/gp .php? page =hufflepuff (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.02.2020).

[6*] Totemnoe zhivotnoe barsuk — harakteristika i znachenie, URL: https://o- sebe.com/totemnoe-zhivotnoe-barsuk-harakteristika-i-znachenie/ (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.02.2020).

[7*] History of Hogwarts: The Founders, URL: https://sites.google.com/site/hohthe founders/salazar-slytherin (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.02.2020).

[8*] Brian Boru, URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki /%D0%9A %D0%BE %D1% 80%D0 %BE%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%9C%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%8 0%D0%B0 (vremya obrashcheniya – 21.02.2020).

[9*] Al'bus Dambldor, URL: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/ru/wiki /%D0 %90%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%81_%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B 1%D0%BB%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80 (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.02.2020).

[10*] Pomona Stebl', URL: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/ru/wiki /%D0 %9F% D0 %B E%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BB %D1%8C?file=Travologia.jpg (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.02.2020).

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[12*] Vernon, URL: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Vernon (vremya obrashcheniya – 03.05.2020).

[13*] Magiya Rastenij. Ol'ha, URL: https://ekaterina-demko.livejournal.com/7827.html (vremya obrashcheniya – 03.05.2020).

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

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Dictionaries used

[1**] Slovar'-spravochnik. Elektronnoe izdanie. Sibirskij federal'nyj universitet / Pod redakciej A.P. Skovorodnikova. Krasnoyarsk, 2014. – S.101, URL: http://lib3.sfu- kras.ru/ft/lib2/elib/b81/i-489924.pdf (vremya obrashcheniya – 27.02.20)

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


UDC 811



Е.А. Yukhmina, N.V. Obvintseva, V.K. Tsisar

Chelyabinsk State University Candidate of Philology associate Professor

Department of business foreign languages, Faculty of Linguistics and Translation Elena Alexandrovna Yukhmina

e-mail: alen_vitamin@mail.ru

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin Candidate of Philology, associate Professor

Department of foreign languages of Ural Humanitarian Institute Nadezhda Valerievna Obvintseva

e-mail: n.v.obvintseva@urfu.ru

Chelyabinsk State University Student

Faculty of Linguistics and Translation Viktoria Konstantinovna Tsisar e-mail: czisar.vic@yandex.ru

Problem statement. Today Instagram is a popular virtual social network used not only for communication but also for the unobtrusive promotion of various goods, services through the so-called "friendly" posts. The aim of this research is to analise linguistic characteristic features of hidden advertising posts in the translation aspect at various language levels based on the developed typology.

Results. Main linguistic features of English advertising posts are defined at each language level based on their classification; lexical and lexical-grammatical transformations are distinguished and the most frequently used ones are described: omission, holistic transformation, lexical addition and semantic development. The means used by the authors of the posts are aimed at recognition and memorization. They contain a hidden call for action (most often in the form of a dialogue). All these tools affect readers not only on a linguistic, but also on their emotional level.

Conclusion. After analyzing the data array of 980 hidden advertising posts, we can conclude that the writing style of friendly Instagram posts gives them a special emotionally expressive coloring, influencing the reader both on a linguistic and an emotional level, which requires special attention when delivering a communicative aspect of a hidden advertising post. The translation strategy of such posts should be built taking into account the language means of all levels: phonetic, lexical and syntactic. Transformations are the most appropriate means of implementing such a strategy. In addition to the linguistic tools, Instagram advertising also often employs different paralinguistic tools: emoji, photos and video materials, non-standard graphic design (segmentation of text, numbers, fonts), which vary depending on the nature of a particular advertising post. The combination of linguistic and paralinguistic tools makes it possible to create an artistic and expressive concept of the advertised product or service on Instagram.

Key words: advertising posts, hidden posts, discourse of advertising, translation, English Instagram posts.

For citation: Yukhmina Е.А., Obvintseva N.V., Tsisar V.K. Representation and translation features of hidden advertising posts in English instagram / Е.А. Yukhmina, N.V. Obvintseva, V.K. Tsisar // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 2 (29). – P. 97 - 107.


© Yukhmina Е.А., Obvintseva N.V., Tsisar V.K., 2020


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


Instant messaging (social networks, e-mail, blogs, messangers), practical oriented services (search engines, recommendations and reviews services), virtual entertainment (watching video and streaming media, listening to music and playing computer games) are becoming more and more popular ways of spending our leasure time. This fact allows more effective online communication between PR-specialists and their target audience. Nowadays, the role of advertising in the virtual space cannot be underestimated. Advertising texts (hidden and explicit) are found everywhere. N.M. Shutova noticed: “The strength and role of advertising lies in its ability to influence a person, shape his opinion and induce him to act, i.e. to purchase a product or service” [1]. Advertising quickly embraced new platforms for promoting goods and services, such as social networks, blogs and instant messengers. The social network Instagram is notably popular with advertisers. One of the reasons for this fact is a constant increase in the number of active users of this network, which at the beginning of 2020 reached 1.2 billion [1 *]. Due to the fact that English is the language of international communication, it is most often used by surfers of a social network to write posts in order to reach a large audience and attract new subscribers around the world. Thus, in this work advertising Instagram posts written by native English speakers were chosen for analysis, which guarantees the authenticity of the study. It is important to understand that the linguistic features of advertising posts can cause certain difficulties in their translation, as these texts carry an additional connotation and hidden meanings. Most clearly, these features are found in hidden advertising, since authors employ diverse language tools when creating posts that encourage implicit action but the conveying of these means in the recipient language can be difficult. This fact determines the relevance of this study.

Research methodology.

The research is based on the works on advertising discourse of Russian and international scolars: O.V. Zinkevich, V.E. Chernyavskaya, N.M. Shutova, E.S. Mikhailovskaya, V.P. Konetskaya, L.P. Kovalchuk, E.A. Yukhmina, N.V. Obvintseva, W.H. Motes, C. B. Hilton, and also on translation theory: L.K. Latyshev, A.D. Schweitzer, V.V. Kozlova et al. The present study uses the comparative method, as well as the discursive and translation analysis method.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the language means in advertising posts on the social network Instagram in terms of their linguistic impact, as well as identify the most appropriate ways of their translation.

Research Objectives:

1)to identify examples of English hidden advertising posts, to perform their adequate translation;

2)to consider hidden advertising posts from the point of view of the general classification of advertising Instagram posts;

3)to describe language means in hidden Instagram advertising;

4)to identify the features of the representation and translation of English hidden advertising posts at various language levels;

5)to analyze translation transformations as the most appropriate means of translating hidden advertising posts.

The object of the study is hidden advertising posts of the English social network Instagram. The subject of the research is lexical and lexical-grammatical translation transformations that occur during the transfer of communicative information from English hidden advertising posts when they are translated into Russian.

The research material was English advertising posts selected by the method of continuous sampling from the social network Instagram in the amount of 980 units.

Research results.

Speaking about typological features of advertising discourse, V.E. Chernyavskaya considers it “as a systematized and specifically ordered use of the language, followed by a special


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

ideologically and socially conditioned mentality” [2]. Advertising discourse is a complex dynamic formation, which should be considered both as a process and as a result of the communicative activity in the combination of extralinguistic, sociocultural, psychological factors, i.e.

“advertising discourse” is a much broader concept than just “advertising text”.

Depending on the research tasks, in one case, a discourse can mean “a separate concrete communicative event”, and in another it can denote a communicative event as “a set of certain communicative acts, the result of which is a content and issue-related community of many texts” [2, p. 78]. In this study, we consider advertising discourse on the example of individual communicative events, which are the hidden advertising posts of the English-speaking Instagram.

E.S. Mikhailovskaya identifies the following specific features of advertising discourse: large-scale audience involvment, group addressee, anonymity, physical detachment, mediated communication [3]. In relation to a social network, these features are presented in the following context:

large-scale audience involvment: the recipient of the information is not a single individual and not a target group of people, but a multitude of users of a social network dispersed and heterogeneous in their interests;

a group addressee: advertising is mainly created as a post from a manufacturer or from an opinion leader for a mass recipient (subscribers, or followers of an opinion leader). A feature of Instagram advertising is that opinion leaders are not only famous people in real life – athletes, pop stars, politicians, but also ordinary network users who have collected more than a thousand active subscribers;

anonymity of the sender of the advertising message: the advertising post is created by an advertising agency or blogger according to the order of the manufacturer, which is perceived by the recipient of the advertisement as the addressee;

physical detachment between the sender and recipient of the advertisement, which complicates the process of sending messages, but enables to check the presence / absence of feedback, which the advertisement is aimed at. Instagram offers advertisers many opportunities, both direct and hidden advertising, to promote and attract new customers;

indirect communication between the author of the post and its readers [3].

C l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f A d v e r t i s i n g P o s t s i n t h e I n s t a g r a m s o c i a l n e t w o r k

In the Instagram network there are a lot of posts, comments and messages. Until recently, the Instagram network was a creative platform but today it has transformed into a business one that contains a huge number of advertising texts and materials that need to be systematized.

In this regard, classical linguistic methods and approaches cannot always solve the stated research problem within the framework of the Instagram discourse. Therefore, we turn to the cognitive-pragmatic approach, which involves the study of the influence of social, cultural and linguistic factors on the mental representations of participants in a communicative act and on the cognitive choice of semantic and lexical-grammatical units for transmitting communicativepragmatic information. Advertising can be found in all types of posts we distinguish: in the advertising posts themselves, in informational ones, as well as in interactive ones [4]. It is only necessary to understand if advertising is hidden or explicit. The adherence of a post to this or that type of advertising depends on the purpose it conveys: advertising, informational or communicative. In this article, we consider advertising and its linguistic features in hidden advertising posts, the main purpose of which is to make users get interested in the advertised product or service and encourage them to buy it.

The main functions of advertising are “informational (transmission of information), expressive (the ability to express not only semantic, but also evaluative information), pragmatic (the ability to transmit a communication set that makes a certain impact on the recipient)” [3, p. 85]. The advertising text is multifunctional, but its main function is the persuasive one.The au-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

thor of the text, using various methods and linguistic means, affects the reader’s consciousness, their opinion, assessment and encourages certain actions. Instagram sales differ from, for example, specialized advertising platforms. There is no button for a call to action (purchase of goods or services). Content is submitted in the form of photo / video files, accompanied by brief posts, posts. This content should be well-structured and well-presented by an appropriate post, accompanied by a visual series / picture or video.

Analysis of Instagram posts showed that the following types of advertising materials are functioning on this platform: direct sales; stimulating advertising to increase sales; thematic advertising (long-term effect); corporate advertising (company promotion); comparative advertising (compare products of different brands); sweepstakes / promotions; non-profit advertising; event advertising; network advertising (services, goods, companies), etc. The whole variety of advertising posts depending on the form of advertising material, its content and target audience can be divided into two main categories: targeted posts and friendly-like posts for a group of subscribers, containing hidden advertising. Persuasion posts, posts-offers, and posts-appeals are distinguished in targeted posts. Friendly-like posts are presented in the form of communicative posts, information posts and posts-reviews (Fig. 1.).

Figure 1. Classification of Instagram advertising posts.

Source [4]

The analysis confirms that the most popular advertising on Instagram is hidden posts, which are often presented as a friendly post for friends without a pronounced advertising text. With the help of these posts, goods and services for a wide audience are gently promoted. Their authors do not use direct advertising techniques. Posts provide information for subscribers in the form of friendly advice, recommendations, descriptions of their own experience in using the product, they also can be of a demonstrative charactor [4].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Communicative posts are aimed at a discussion and active debates. Such posts are credible, subscribers can find out information they are interested in, such as various tips, life hacks, etc. For example, a post about diet:

«With any meal plan it's important to make sure they contain nutrients your body needs - like fiber. Did you know @KelloggsUS Raisin Bran is high in fiber? Fiber is a super nutrient and most people don't get enough of it. One serving, for breakfast, a snack or any time of day, will help you reach your daily goal, plus it's tasty! Does the meal plan you're using contain enough fiber?» [1*].

In this post, the author indirectly promotes corn flakes of a certain brand, while describing the benefits of this product for potential buyers. This post is indirect (hidden) advertising. It is built as a dialogue with the user. Such posts perform the functions of PR-communication much more effectively than direct targeted advertising.

Posts-reviews are usually very informative, and hidden ads are especially often featured in this type of post. The author of the post emotionally talks about their travel experience, thus advertising a certain place, hotel, tour or attraction:

«Punta Cana with its pristine beaches and dazzling pools. The ultimate tropical escape in wintertime @liketoknow.it. It is the best place I have ever visited. Ideal place for rest! Have you ever been there? Comment below» [1*].

One of the most popular types of hidden advertising is information posts. They contain necessary information for subscribers about an interesting product or service [4]. For example, a post on where to buy a watch:

«You always ask me about my watches and I am going to buy one more. Black Friday is happening now! You don’t need to wait because the quality is great and I can recommend it. @danielwelilington is offering a free accessory with any regular priced watch and don’t forget to use the code for 15% off!» [1*].

In posts containing hidden advertising, authors employ certain linguistic means that must be reflected in the translation. Analysis of relevant translation transformations will help to overcome the difficulties of translation, as well as to avoid mistakes in the transfer of overtones. This will ensure “equivalence of regulatory impact” [5], which is an important component of any advertising text. The pragmatic value of any media text (including advertising) depends on whether certain linguistic means contribute to the achievement of the communicative goal [6].

Table 1 presents the features of the representation of English Instagram posts and the features of their translation into Russian (tab. 1).

Table 1. Features of representation and translation of English advertising posts at different language levels

L a n g u a g e

R e p r e s e n t a t i o n f e a t u r e s


T r a n s l a t i o n


l e v e l








Phonetic level









«If two witches were watching

Если бы две ведьмы смотрели на


two watches, then which witch

двое часов, какая бы ведьма смот-










@danielwellington» [1*].

@danielwellington (Lexical addition).









Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020

ISSN 2587-8093







































«You had a lack of energy in

Вам не хватало энергии в 2019 го-



2019? I have tried this batteries

ду? Я протестировал батарейки



@duracell and I don’t have such

@ Duracell, и

теперь это мне не




N o

b a t t e r y

i s








s t r o n g e r l o n g e r » [1*].








Parellel construction:







(Holistic transformation).






«My new car…A different kind of






Моя новая машина… Уникальный



company. A different kind of car.



производитель. Уникальная маши-



@saturncars» [1*].
































linguistic technique).







Lexical level


















«That perfect yellow-warm foun-


















Corroborations and adverbs:


(Substantiation linguistic technique).



«For those who are o b s e s s e d

Тем, кто так же, как и я, одер-



with hair care a s

m u c h

a s I

жим уходом за волосами, я бы по-






d e f i n i t e l y















smoothing treatment by OXO or-



терапию OXO organic (Deletion).



ganic» [1*].












осталось всего несколько















чтобы принять

участие в



«Guys just a few days left to enter



нашем конкурсе в сотрудничестве



o u r

competition in collaboration



с @venicci_uk (Lexical addition).





with @venicci_uk»[1*].







Наши рекомендации для




«O u r

recommendation for fash-













ion ladies» [1*].




























Phrasal verbs:





Не упустите свой шанс получить




m i s s

o u t





незабываемые впечатления на фи-



chance to win the ultimate over-



нале Чемпионата Европы по фут-




experience at

the UEFA












in London.









Book now @bookingcom» [1*].














t e a m e d

u p









Я присоединился





@mpofficial this year in order to



@mpofficial в этом году,




get myself in the best shape of my





в самую




life» [1*].































форму, в которой я когда-либо











был! (Lexical addition).






Syntactic level

Exclamatory sentences:














«What a way to top off the year!»

Какое завершение года! (Deletion)











чтобы побаловать




«Perfect to get yourself or as a

бя или подарить любимому чело-



Christmas gift for a loved one!»

веку на Рождество! (Lexical addi-






















Interrogative sentences:














I like my bed more than I like

Я люблю свою кровать больше,



most people. Trying my @zinus

чем многих людей вместе взятых.



organic mattress in the new

(Лексическое добавление) Сейчас



apartment and loving it! H o w

лежу на своем новом органиче-



i s

t h e

w e a t h e r

w h e r e

ском матрасе в новой квартире и





















Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 2 (29), 2020

ISSN 2587-8093










y o u a r e ? I s

l e a v i n g b e d

балдею @zinus. А

к а к а я п о г о -



h a r d t o

y o u

t o o ? [1*].

д а с е й ч а с



в а с ?

В а м






т а к ж е н е х о ч е т с я в ы л е -






з а т ь и з

п о с т е л и ?




@officialmp – What better time











to start your health and fitness

@officialmp - Что может быть



journey than brand new decade?

лучше, чем начать новое фитнес-






путешествие в новом десятиле-






тии? (Deletion).










Simple elliptical sentences, mostly













in an imperative form::













«Angry Birds has been one of my

Angry Birds была одной из моих



favorite games since I was a kid,

любимых игр с самого детства,



make sure you download it and

проверьте наверняка, что вы ска-



pop some piggies!!». [1*].

чали ее и победили хотя бы пароч-






ку поросят!! (Compensating).






Imperative mood:













«D o n ' t

l e t

anybody rob of

Н е п о з в о л я й т е





your comfort, your creativity or

шать вас комфорта, вашего



your curiosity».


творчества и вашего любопыт-






ства (Antonymic translation).





















«A m a z i n g emotions, a m a z -

П о т р я с а ю щ и е



п о -



i n g experience, a m a z i n g

т р я с а ю щ и й


п о т р я -



trip!». [1*].


с а ю щ а я




















«Life update: still skating










скейте @warrenlots (Substantiation











linguistic technique).








«Hustle in silence.









да не




@fashionnova» [1*].





























At the phonetic level, advertisers use various means, such as alliteration and rhyme, to ensure expressivness. When translating, it is necessary to preserve the form of expression and the form of the content of the post as much as possible, as well as accurately convey its communicative purpose. So, in the post “if two witches were watching two watches, then which witch watch which watch? @danielwellington» [1*], in which discounts on clothes were advertised, the alliteration technique was used. Alliteration is transmitted by repeating the root

“witch, watch”. However, when translating into Russian, it is not possible to save this words and sounds game (Tab. 1).

At the lexical level, in the process of translation transformations, significant changes of the semantics of the original post occur according to the rules of the rephrasing system. There are many adjectives, amplifications and adverbs in advertising posts. They are used to attract the attention of the reader to make the post more emotional and expressive.

«The m o s t e n j o y a b l e a n d

l o v e l y moment is when I use my n e w mascara

@maybelline» [1*]. «С а м ы й

п р и я т н ы й момент – когда я использую н о в у ю

тушь от @maybelline» [authors’ translation].