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Test 1

Task 1. Put into passive.

        1. I'm glad that all my friends … (accept) by my parents.

        2. My cousin … (offer) a new job last week.

        3. Tom can … (expel) from school now.

        4. The grass in my garden … (cut) at the moment.

        5. My resignation … (hand) in tomorrow.

        6. A new law about smoking in public may … (introduce) soon.

        7. I … (give) a present from Jane before I invited her to my birthday party.

        8. Our project can’t … (finish) this week.

        9. Five letters of application … (send) by my brother so far.

        10. A new road … (build) by next month.

Task 2. Correct the mistakes in these passive voice sentences.

  1. We were meet at the railway station.

  2. We were hold up in the traffic.

  3. This song have been known for years.

  4. They put out all the candles that had been lighted.

  5. The passports must not been lost.

  6. The parcel will be send today.

  7. The bills could be payed.

  8. Some products can hardly be selled.

  9. It are said to be important.

  10. A decision must made today.

Task 3. Change from passive into active.

          1. I was misunderstood by the audience.

          2. The factory has been completely destroyed. 

          3. The concert has been given by a young pianist.

          4. Who was the light bulb invented by? 

          5. The menu wasn't prepared by the cook. 

          6. I will be given a reward tomorrow.

          7. Sam has been rescued by a dog.

          8. An investigation is being carried out by 2 detectives.

          9. Who was this photo of our party taken by?

          10. She wasn’t informed about the meeting.

Task 4. Translate into English.

1. Дітям веліли бути вдома в восьмій годині.

2. Ким була написана ця стаття?

3. Коли принесуть (будуть принесені) листи і газети? - Я думаю, тільки через годину.

4. У вашій школі викладають  французску мову?

5. Коли буде відправлена ​​ця телеграма?

6. Коли тебе повідомили про збори?

7. У перший раз мене повели в театр, коли мені було п'ять років.

8. Після лекції було задано багато питань.

9. Мені сказали виїжджати завтра.

10. Я думаю, що про цю книгу будуть багато говорити.




Утворення і особливості вживання пасивного стану The Passive Voice

to be (у потрібній формі) + Past Participle


Active Voice

Passive Voice


He writes a new play every time the theatre asks for it.

A new play is written by him every time the theatre asks for it.



He wrote a new play last month.

A new play was written by him last month.


He will write a new play some day.

A new play will be written by him some day.


He is writing a new play now.

A new play is being written by

him now.



He was writing a new play when we came to see him.

A new play was being written by

him when we came to see him.


He will be writing a new play on holiday.

He вживається


He has just written a new play.

A new play has just been written by him.



He had written a new play by then.

A new play had been written by

him by then.


He will have written a new play by the end of the year.

A new play will have been written by him by the end of the year.


He has been writing a new

play since last Monday.

He вживається




He had been writing a new play for a month when he fell ill.

He вживається


He will have been writing a new play for 15 years by 2015.

He вживається

Особливості вживання

Підмет пасивного стану може ставати як прямим, так і непрямим додатком.

Serge gave me a pen. —

A pen was given to me by Serge. (прямий додаток).

was given a pen by Serge. (непрямий додаток)

В пасивному стані не вживаються дієслова становища appear, belong, consist, cost, depend, exist, detest, have, lack, fit, owe, matter, doubt і т. п.

The work of the whole group depends on him.

Strange ideas exist in her mind.

He was lacking in common sense.

В пасивному стані не вживаються дієслова з пасивним значенням sell, wash, wear, read, bake, clean, reprint і т. п.

This wine is selling quickly.

These clothes wash well.

Her novel is reprinting already.

Дієслова, які потребують прийменникової конструкції, в пасивному стані прийменник зберігають.

They laughed at him. — He was laughed at.

I can depend on her. — She can be de­pended on.

We'll look into this matter soon. — This matter will be looked into soon.

Key - Unit 1

Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1k, 2h, 3e, 4n, 5a, 6l, 7b, 8o, 9d, 10m, 11i, 12f, 13c, 14g, 15j

Ex.5. Make up verb+noun collocations (there may be several variants).

  1. to determine the behaviour

  2. to determine the market price and quantity

  3. to harm the consumer.

  4. to have an important effect

  5. to have influence

  6. to have market power, or control over the market price.

  7. to have some influence over the market.

  8. to maintain such a relationship

  9. to make decisions

  10. to maximize profit

  11. to predict the behaviour of firms

  12. to restrict output

  13. to sell the output

  14. to share the profits

  15. to take the market price

  16. to understand the behaviour of firms

Ex.6. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to complete the following sentences.

1. market

2. behaviour

3. price

4. relevant

5. picture

6. ineraction

7. restrict, profit

8. competition

9. firms

10. collusion

Ex.7. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.

  1. of, by

  2. of, about, in

  3. from, in

  4. in

  5. of, at

  6. of, on, of

  7. with, upon, of, in

  8. of, over

  9. over, out of, in

  10. in, between, at, at, in

Ex.8. Combine two parts logically to make complete sentences.

1i, 2d, 3a, 4h, 5b, 6c, 7j, 8f, 9e, 10g

Ex.9. Look through the text again and replace the words/phrases in italics with similar ones.

  1. conditions

  2. act

  3. setting

  4. interaction

  5. power

  6. restrict

  7. yield

  8. effect

  9. collectively

  10. failure

Text B: Rivalry

Ex.18. Scan the text below and give headlines to each paragraph.

1E 2H 3D 4A 5J 6I 7B 8G 9C 10F

Ex.20. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

1T 2F (varies) 3F (largest) 4T 5T 6F (low) 7T 8T 9F (similar) 10T

Business correspondence


Ex.5. Put parts A-G of the resume in the correct order (1-7).

1D 2E 3F 4A 5C 6B

Sample Resume - High School - No Work Experience


FirstName LastName 6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA 12333 home: 555.555.5555 cell: 566.486.2222 email: phjones@vacapp.com


Education  Arlington High School, Arlington, Virginia 2002 - 2006


Experience Pet Sitter 2004 - Present • Provide pet sitting services including dog walking, feeding and yard care. Child Care 2002 - Present • Provide child care for several families after school, weekends and during school vacations.



• National Honor Society: 2004, 2005, 2006

• Academic Honor Roll: 2002 - 2006
