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The past perfect tense ( прошедшее совершенное время)

Прошедшее совершенное время (The Past Perfect Tense), или «суперпрошедшее время», употребляется для того, чтобы показать, что событие или действие в прошлом произошло раньше, чем другое.

Прошедшее совершенное время образуется при помощи глагола had + третья форма основного глагола.

Past Perfect употребляется :

  1. когда нужно показать, что одно событие произошло раньше другого;

  2. когда действие заканчивается к какому-то моменту:

He had learned the text by the exam. Он выучил этот текст к экзамену.

I / You / He / She / It / We / They

had (‘D.

Learned / met / visited.

I / You / He / She / It / We / They

had not (hadn’t)

Learned / met / visited.


I / You / He / She / It / We / They

Learned / met / visited?

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using the Past Simple and Past Perfect Tenses.

Task 9. Choose the right sentence.

    1. Yesterday he got up early. Yesterday he has got up early.

    2. Last Sunday they had come to see me. Las Sunday they came to see me.

    3. I didn’t know that my friend hadn’t come yet. I didn’t know that my friend didn’t come.

    4. Lanny said that he got his education in London. Lanny said that he had got his education in London.


Task 10. Choose the right answer to the questions.

  1. Where is Moscow located?

    1. in Siberia B. in the central part of Russia C. in Asia

  1. What happened in 1812?

  1. Napoleonic Army entered Moscow. B. Napoleonic Army retreated. C. Polish invader entered Moscow.

  1. What is the title of Moscow?

A. The largest city of the world. B. The richest city of the world C. Hero City.

4. What is the most famous university in Moscow?

A. Bauman Moscow State University B. Lomonosov Moscow State University C. Moscow Conservatory

Task 11. Complete the sentences.

  1. …. is the capital and the largest city of Russia.

  2. The first Russian reference to Moscow dates from ….

  3. In … the Napoleonic army entered Moscow.

  4. Moscow is awarded the title of the ….

Task12. Define true and false statements.

  1. St. Petersburg is the capital of Russia.

  2. Moscow ranks fourth among the cities of Europe.

  3. Moscow is the largest city in Europe.

  4. Oxford University is the best university in Moscow.

  5. Moscow was founedein1147.

  6. Ivan III was the founder of Moscow.

  7. Moscow is famous for its Metro.

  8. There are a lot of educational institutions in Moscow.

Task 13. A. Match the title with the corresponding passage of the text.

1. Cultural life of Moscow.

2. Geographical position of Moscow.

3. History of Moscow

4. Moscow in general.

5. Education in Moscow.

  1. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order.

1. There are 222 institutions offering higher education in Moscow,

2. It is located on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District, in the European part of Russia.

3. It is the site of the Moscow Kremlin, which serves as the ceremonial residence of the President of Russia.

4. The first Russian reference to Moscow dates from 1147.

5. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of state Muscovy.

6. Moscow is awarded the title of the Hero City.

Task 15. Make up the summary of the text using the tasks 13B. and 14.

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