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1. Read the introductory text again and answer these questions:

  • What types can computers be divided into? / На какие типы могут быть разделены компьютеры?

  • Computers can be divided into three main types, depending on their size and power: mainframe, minicomputers and microcomputers.

  • Where are mainframe computers usually found? / Где обычно находятся ЭВМ?

  • They are found in large institutions and government departments.

  • Where do minicomputers find their application? / Где миникомпьютеры находят свое применение?

  • Usually found in banks and offices.

  • What type of computer is most commonly used and why? / Какой тип компьютера, наиболее часто используются и почему?

  • More powerful micros are gradually being produced; therefore they are becoming the most commonly used type of computers.

  • What is understood by ‘a program’? / Что понимается под «программой»?

  • A program is a set of instructions, written in a special computer language, telling the computer what operations and processes have to be carried out and in what order they should be done.

  • What main sections does a standard computer system consist of? / Из каких главных частей состоит стандартная компьютерная система?

  • the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the main memory and the peripherals.

  • How can you characterize the CPU? / Как вы можете характеризовать центральный процессор?

  • Its function is to execute programs and coordinate the activities of all the other units. In a way, it is the ‘brain’ of the computer.

  • What parts does it consist of? / Из каких частей он состоит?

  • The unit consists of three main parts: the Control Unit, the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the registers.

  • What functions does the Control Unit perform? / Какие функции выполняет Блок управления?

  • Examines the instructions in the user’s program, interprets each instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components – disk drives, monitors, etc. –to be activated to execute the functions specified;

  • What is the ALU? / Что такое АЛУ?

  • Performs mathematical calculations and logical operations;

  • Which is the third component of the CPU? / Какой третий компонент процессора?

  • The registers, which are high-speed units of memory used to store and control information.

  • What is RAM? / Что такое ОЗУ?

  • RAM stands for ‘Random-Access Memory’ and is the working area of the computer, that is, the basic location where the microprocessor stores the required information.

  • What is ROM? / Что такое ПЗУ?

  • ROM is the acronym for ‘Read-Only Memory’, which implies that the processor can read and use the information stored in the ROM chip, but cannot put information into it.

  • What term is used to denote all physical units attached to the computer? / Какой термин используется для обозначения всех физических единиц, подключенный к компьютеру?

  • Storage devices

  • Can you name storage and input/output devices? / Вы можете назвать устройства хранения и ввода/вывода?

  • The most common input devices are the mouse and the keyboard. As are used modems, fax machines, optical drives and scanners.

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